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Outdated Armor Stand Table Enraged Koala 0.2.2

Craft armor stands with your favorite armors on! Races suported: All Vanilla & Avali

  1. crafttonjus
    Version: Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    Fix avali support download please !
  2. Real_RoundPikachu
    Version: Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    Amazing mod. Love the armor stand look but link for avali extension doesn't work for me! Pls help!
  3. ScorpioHex
    Version: Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    umm, what key should i press to put my armor?
  4. Humbuirotloco
    Version: Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    I love this mod, its a fun way to keep your old armor and see how you've progressed throughout the game. It was nice being able to decorate my house with these armors everywhere. Makes me think of the Skyrim armor stands in your house in Solitude. If I may ask a question, have you thought of giving the armor stands 3 slots? So that players can build the "dummy stand" and then add other armor sets such as clothes that is bought or other mods armor's/clothing? Just a suggestion. I like it a lot and would like to see it in the final release.
  5. Obsidian Cowboy
    Obsidian Cowboy
    Version: Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    Good mod, but I cant get the Avali stands to work.
  6. LiTheSir
    Version: v. Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    the web space has expired :(
  7. darkone253
    Version: v. Furious Koala 0.1.4
    Minor bug at first, but Shadewarp provided an extreme level of support to pinpoint the issue and resolve it super fast. Now, this mod works flawlessly for me and looks great. I'm hoping it gets some recognition and is implemented into the game permanently! Armor stands are handy AND awesome-looking. Great mod and a great dev.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      No, thank you darkone! I would never have caught that error without your help! I'm so happy that you like the mod! :) Thank you for the kind words :)
  8. specktre
    Version: v. Furious Koala 0.1.2
    I love it! Works perfectly too.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      Great! Glad you love it! Spread the word! :)
  9. Snot
    Version: v. Furious Koala 0.1.1
    Perfect for decorating your homes with all the different kinds of armor! Simple and great idea, also perfectly working.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      Thank you kindly :) Feel free to post a screen, in the discussion section, of how you decorate your home with the armor stands! :)
  10. Cepheous
    Version: v. Furious Koala 0.1.1
    Such a great idea for displaying your armor and also makes it easy to find armor that you don't want to keep in your storage!
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      Exactly! Glad you like it! Enjoy!
  11. telles0808
    Version: v. Furious Koala 0.1.1
    Now the link is working, my final score is 4 stars. Thank you for fixing it.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      Thank you - hope the final version can pull off a 5 ;)
  12. cook
    Version: v. Angry Koala 0.0.3
    Best and most useful mod out there. Doesn't change the game mechanics in any way and is the best way to display all the cool armor in the game. Look forward to future additions and updates.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      Thank you sir! Hope to have another update before the next patch, maybe rushing every races tier 1-5 instead of completing a race at a time. Thanks for your support!
  13. Seripa
    Version: v. Angry Koala 0.0.3
    That's really cool.
    1. Shadewarp
      Author's Response
      I thank you miss :) Glad you like it! :)