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Outdated Ambient Lighting v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA

Darker lights and shadows for those that prefer the night.

  1. Kiari
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Surprised to see this still works on UG, 5/5 mod
  2. snurfli
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Need an update so much, this mod is a must have ! (because light CANNOT go through obstacles, period !)
  3. SSpanzer
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Fantastic job! Makes the game a lot better
  4. Cipherstar
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Dramatically improves the feel of the game.
  5. AlaniserBro
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    This mod should belong in the official game.

    Quick question, is this multiplayer compatible?
  6. Lannahtreeve
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    I like it dark.
  7. SmoothGuy
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Cannot rate lower, this is exact thing i needed in the starbound

  8. greenRAM
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Looks pretty good. I tried it out, but it wasn't really dark enough for me though. Currently, I'm using lowglow from the nexus and shadow-casting lights and that combination seems to be just right for what I like. This seems like a good middle ground though for those that don't like it to be a complete nightmare though. If you ever make a nightmare version of this for masochists like me I'd probably give it the full five stars. XD
  9. Musical_Mayhem
    Version: v1.0c - ENRAGED KOALA
    Perfect mod, works just fine and everything looks cool and nice! Thanks for the mod!
  10. CyborgDragon
    Version: v1.0b - FURIOUS KOALA
    A huge game-changing mod. In my opinion, for the better, aside from the dimmer omnidirectional lights, which can be fixed with a simple edit. It can cause some to lose FPS, however that can be fixed by editing the mod and reducing the number of spreadPasses from 8 to 3 (the vanilla default). All this does is change the shadow smoothing, in my experience, and it reduces the FPS drop.
  11. eharper256
    Version: v1.0b - FURIOUS KOALA
    Super!! Makes night a hell of lot more scary, especially without equipment, much like it was in early-game Terraria and Minecraft.

    Just one thing though; it makes your Matter Manipulation into a really handy prospecting tool since you can use it to 'see through' the tiles with it. Such was kinda useless a function in Vanilla since you could see it anyway, but here its now really handy. Not a complaint though, I really actually like this function, and scanning around with it leaves you quite vulnerable and its still thematic.

    Oh, and it makes Avian Sun Temples hilariously dark in some cases since they weren't designed for it. Ironic.
    1. Sabboth
      Author's Response
      Always find it funny to see the guards in various dungeons chasing me down in pitch black darkness.
  12. Dozer
    Version: v1.0b - FURIOUS KOALA
    Great mod! Had very realistic))
  13. Shadewarp
    Version: v1.0 - ANGRY KOALA
    Well done! Made me have to update the lighting on my ship though ;)

    Does make the game world look more vibrant! :)
  14. FireWinged
    Version: v1.0 - ANGRY KOALA
    So, I downloaded this mod mostly out of obligation, but now that I've taken the time to put a few hours of gameplay on this mod, I have to say I am really impressed. It gives more of the MineCraft feel of "around every corner in every dark cave could await your demise" while exploring caves and adds a really nice ambiance when it comes to buildings. Definitely recommended for anyone who wants a more harrowing experience as, without lining torches on every visible surface, you will certainly have some close calls.

    I also got to explore not one, but two sewers with this mod active, and, well the only just word to describe it would have to be: http://creepybot.net/pix/1511.jpg
  15. Dirty Cephalopod
    Dirty Cephalopod
    Version: v1.0 - ANGRY KOALA
    Really increases the mood (not to mention the challenge) of the game. Dark corners abound, and every nook and cranny must be explored and lit if you're to find ores or chests, or just to keep yourself from walking into some barely concealed pit of doom.
  16. Med
    Version: v1.0 - ANGRY KOALA
    Oh yeah! Thanks for this, the original lighting.config is absolutely cryptic, I'm glad you deciphered it for us and made these beautiful changes (judging by the screenshots)! <3