Comments on Profile Post by WakeTheShark

  1. Nibolas O Anelbozas
    Nibolas O Anelbozas
    Admin mode?
    Aug 24, 2015
  2. WakeTheShark
    No I've never used console commands, I think at some point I had a mod that added in race related traits but it's long gone now. Yet my character still benefits somehow.
    Aug 24, 2015
  3. haynesy566
    uhhh that would be impossible unless the mod changed the vanilla assets for the character or you're using the same character that was influenced by that mod because essentially if you remove the mod, you remove the mod's assets, rendering the mod content in-game useless
    Aug 24, 2015
  4. WakeTheShark
    I know mods can't change actual game files and code, I just mentioned it because that's the only thing I remember messing with one time back when I made the character. Other than that moment I can't recall anything that messed with o2.
    Aug 24, 2015