Comments on Profile Post by Steam Pirate

  1. Gadgetguy
    We are both cyborg/sentient robots. Robo High Five! But if there is a robo race, I'm sure you and I will have much fun building our technology based civilization.
    Jun 2, 2012
  2. Steam Pirate
    Steam Pirate
    Can't really say robo. My arm got blown off during the battle of Maxemillian VI, so that's a bit different.
    The functionality is limited in the mecha implant, so i connected a third arm to my second's nerve system to aid while working. The eyeglass shows me my body's health & needs. Right now my iron and zinc levels are feeling down. but testosterone and protein are high.
    Jun 3, 2012
  3. Gadgetguy
    Would that mean your third arm moves in unison to the mecha arm? That coould make things a bit difficult.. My red robo eye is like a pda, it is like having a computer os running adjacent to my os. It helpful for maintenance of myself, telling what is hostile towards me, (my toaster is at the moment T.T) and playing Final Fantasy 876 in my spare time.
    Jun 3, 2012
  4. Steam Pirate
    Steam Pirate
    Yes, my third arm has two modes, one unison the other independent. I don't need a sensor to define what's hostile and what's not for me, i have a brain. A bit more primitive, yes but it feels good to have something organic inside you for a change.
    Jun 3, 2012
  5. Gadgetguy
    I guess I will have to try being a bit more organic sometime. My hostility sensor does help with innocent looking plants and animals that are really monsters. I have the latest creature database and my robot eye helps point out the ones to watch out for. I only have robo arms so I can easily replace them at any Robos R' Us supplier since robots parts are now more generic to fit any robot arm socket
    Jun 3, 2012
  6. Steam Pirate
    Steam Pirate
    Oh by the way, i fashioned up a little. Now my coat buttons detect movement, further aiding my sensors.
    Jun 8, 2012
  7. Gadgetguy
    Very nice! What port on yourself have you plugged them into?
    I just recently got a spy package upgrade with many new things like a spy cam in my hat to getting some new laser blades. I still like to build, but defending myself against danger is also good.
    Jun 9, 2012