Comments on Profile Post by GuardianofHarmony

  1. Chandrak
    There should be a few posts about it in either the main resource discussion thread as well as in the mod forum thread.

    But I can tell you what you likely did - you've got it nested one folder too deep. The filepath should be Starbound/mods/PonexVersion/allthevariousfiles.
    Jan 7, 2014
  2. GuardianofHarmony
    Thats where it is actually, the first time I downloaded it I extracted it all to assets and had to backup all my other mods and saves, THEN I put it in the mods folder. I actually just tried using Kawa's xbawks character menu and I saw all my races there... only now I can't connect to the singleplayer server with any of them. I'm going to delete that now and see if it works.
    Jan 7, 2014
  3. GuardianofHarmony
    Nope. Is there a crash log I can look at? If so where is it in my directory? (Standard steam directory)
    Jan 7, 2014
  4. Chandrak
    If you're using Kawa's mod, then you have multiple races installed. Did you change the button position like mentioned in the readme?
    Jan 7, 2014
  5. Chandrak
    Also, it sounds like you messed up your installation if you just unzipped it into assets. You'll have to go through and delete all the ones from my mod and do a verify game files, because now youve got some core files that were really important that now have no contents beyond a merge command.
    Jan 7, 2014
  6. GuardianofHarmony
    I reinstalled the game actually to fix that. And.... no I did not, but I'll go see about it.
    Jan 7, 2014
  7. GuardianofHarmony
    How should I change the position numbers?
    Jan 7, 2014
  8. Chandrak
    Basically, you just need to move the icon. The ponex icon is normally the 4th icon on the top row of races. Depending on what you've got installed, you'll need to move it over and/or down. For each 'space' left you need to move it, increase the first number by 25. For each 'space' down you need to move it, decrease the second number by 26. (which means itll be negative)
    Jan 7, 2014
  9. Chandrak
    Er correction, should read 'for each space right', not left. Left would be decreasing the first number, though.
    Jan 7, 2014
  10. GuardianofHarmony
    In that case, the space is already there but the images are not, so I assume it must be another one of my race mods, possibly the pony race mod. Also, I'm still getting the "Client server connection no longer valid" error.
    Jan 7, 2014
  11. Chandrak
    Yeah thats because you overwrote something important. Youll probably have to reinstall, unfortunately. My mod uses the NEW installation stuff, so you dont need to overwrite anything in the assets folder, and in fact if you do it breaks the game entirely.
    Jan 7, 2014
  12. GuardianofHarmony
    Reinstalled, still didn't work.
    Jan 7, 2014
  13. GuardianofHarmony
    Let me be more descriptive, I can use default races but not custom ones.
    Jan 7, 2014
  14. Chandrak
    I have no idea what you're doing wrong then. It should work as just drag/drop. Its either a mod conflict with your other mods, or you havent put it into the right place. You might try sending Kawa a conversation to ask him; he follows the Ponex mod, though I havent specifically done anything to make my mod compatibile with his (though if I understand his mod, it shouldnt need it).
    Jan 8, 2014