Comments on Profile Post by Maxps2

  1. TTCBuilder
    *Sets bushes on fire* You gotta come out some time...
    Nov 1, 2013
  2. Maxps2
    This is where any sane man would jump into the nearby river. hmmmmm.

    *Charges TTC with flaming fists of painful fury*
    Nov 1, 2013
  3. TTCBuilder
    Why are you punching my armor? I just want to talk to you... look see you dropped your umbrella... oh oops it's more of a metal hook now... Here you go.
    Nov 1, 2013
  4. F-ranko
    *Watches from the sidelines*
    Nov 1, 2013
  5. Maxps2
    I shall let my fists do the talking! Also where did you get this armor? it's nice
    Nov 1, 2013
  6. Maxps2
    *Charges frank to get his chocolate covered bacon*

    Yup, still on fire
    Nov 1, 2013
  7. TTCBuilder
    It's standard confederate issue. I'm a convict who went into the military to shorten his time. After I got through I reenlisted because I had so much fun. I was convicted for mass-arsony.
    And you are starting to scratch it. :\

    Hey who's that over there! Let's follow him!
    Nov 1, 2013
  8. Maxps2
    Wait, that means you, you are THE TTBBuilder. At first I thought it was just a common name, but you were my father's murderer!

    also can someone put me out, the fire is starting to burn
    Nov 1, 2013
  9. TTCBuilder
    I have the solution!
    *Burns into the air enough that all oxygen is consumed*
    *Fire in the area goes out from lack of oxygen*
    There *cough cough* I put you out, with fire. I probably didn't kill your dad... Was he one of those rebel guys? Look I'm just doing my job... you try protecting an empire!
    Nov 1, 2013
  10. Maxps2
    Eh, I'm thankful, he was kind of a jerk. No sense of fashion either.
    Nov 1, 2013
  11. TTCBuilder
    Sorry about getting all fired up, you have no idea how much people grill me on this kind of thing. (intentional puns).
    Nov 1, 2013