Comments on Profile Post by KevinFragger2427

  1. Miss Andry
    Miss Andry
    I actually used to cause a lot of trouble back in the day, so they probably don't want me to be a mod

    I did send a PM to an admin saying HEY IF YOU GUYS WANT ME I COULD GIVE IT A SHOT

    but probably not gonna happen. Oh well.
    Sep 25, 2013
  2. Dzelda
    Making you mod would be the equivalent of giving Hitler the Nobel Peace Prize. XD
    Oct 1, 2013
  3. Miss Andry
    Miss Andry
    wow pls how did I become Hitler
    Oct 1, 2013
  4. Dzelda
    Remember that last dinner party you went to?

    We had to banish half the guests when they turned into mutant killer scorpions and tried to eat the other half, as well as the furniture. We investigated the punch andry.
    Oct 1, 2013
  5. Miss Andry
    Miss Andry
    Ok, but you have to admit it was p cool when the scorpions started fighting each other
    Oct 1, 2013