Comments on Profile Post by Andre Kent

  1. blind sniper
    blind sniper
    Hey, this is Starbound community! We were MADE for waiting! ;3
    Seriously, I hope you'll get it back soon. You're AMAZING.
    d(-_- )
    Feb 6, 2013
  2. TenaciousTinkerer
    oh dear D: BUT WE SHALL WAIT as we do not wish to rush the artist with his requests, the artist has to deal with his own things first.
    Feb 7, 2013
  3. Kirby64
    I hope you get it back soon. We shall wait like the patient Starbounders we are! =) You are an amazing artist.
    Feb 11, 2013
  4. Yaxlat
    true sniper :P too true.
    Feb 20, 2013
  5. Tarpet Mixxak
    Tarpet Mixxak
    sorry to hear that.
    Mar 4, 2013