Comments on Profile Post by Seiga

  1. Seiga
    also feel free to give me any ideas for a slightly more complex one
    Jan 24, 2013
  2. Melissia
    Ideas to add complexity would to include an amber glow to the eyes, so that it is amber in the middle nad flades to grey, sort of like an iris shape (without actually being an iris).

    If you want to add a background, grassland/hills that ends roughly at the top of her suit followed by blue sky above that would work.
    Jan 25, 2013
  3. Seiga
  4. Melissia
    That is simply excellent.
    Jan 25, 2013
  5. Melissia
    Do you have a full size version of it?
    Jan 25, 2013
  6. Seiga