Comments on Profile Post by H-Alo

  1. Bombzero
    I'm probably about to appear incredible dense but...
    With what?
    Oct 10, 2012
  2. H-Alo
    Uhm, not sure if it's polite to ask, but with requests?
    And OH!
    You have exactly 666 messages!
    Oct 10, 2012
  3. Bombzero
    Ohh, ok yeah. basically the deal there is most of the requests in the request thread are either pixel art, more graphic design-y stuff, or just things I would consider entirely self-degrading to do.

    If people want something drawn in a request thread, it's a much smarter idea to request more generalized 'neat' ideas and less personalized ideas that artists might find absolutely and utterly boring to create.
    Oct 10, 2012
  4. H-Alo
    Yeah, I know. Lots of requests are... uhm...
    Sorta strange. But it's not like I can criticize them. I made a request myself.
    Oct 10, 2012