Comments on Profile Post by KKslida

  1. EGadd
    Maniac is a good lead.. and it wasn't anything to do with the clan. The clan was awesome, it was just me and Jerm and a few other guys wanted to make our own tiny clan :P
    Feb 28, 2012
  2. KKslida
    well...YOU could always come back and have dual-clan~ship. I already mentioned that the clan is allowing members to be in 2 clans at once. EX: ADUCK(what's his name) is also in the slime clan, but he is in our clan too. Soo yeah. If you DO decide to come back though, you might not get the positions you wanted :\
    Feb 28, 2012
  3. EGadd
    It's not just me and Jerm who want to do it it's a bunch of our pals so we can't just leave them hanging.. thanks for the offer though :)
    Feb 28, 2012
  4. KKslida
    oh, ok then. well live long and prosper (I had to) <.<
    Feb 28, 2012
  5. EGadd
    Hahaha, same to you.. good luck with The Origins :D
    Feb 28, 2012