Comments on Profile Post by Firebird Zoom

  1. Dipdoo
    All it takes is about twenty good runs of trial and error, and then another eighty to hammer down the basics and learn some item/weapon synergies and little tricks. From then it's a toss up of both luck and skill. :P
    Dec 29, 2016
  2. Ren Fox
    Ren Fox
    P i l o t a n d o n l y t h e p i l o t o r t h e r o b o t i g u e s s . T h e r o b o t i s o k a y .
    Dec 29, 2016
  3. Firebird Zoom
    Firebird Zoom
    Oddly, I've had better luck with the Huntress.
    Dec 29, 2016
  4. BlueShard

    And yes, the game is incredibly.
    What doesn't help is being resigned that you going to lose to the boss, and as such pretty much just suicide against it,
    Jan 1, 2017