Comments on Profile Post by Corraidhín

  1. Xylia
    It just.... adds a LOT of content to the game. It is rather well-designed (though right now we're going through the transition to 1.0), and it gives me actual goals to work towards in the game. There's a lot of exploration, there's reason to build (I love building a laboratory with all the lab equipment),
    Jul 19, 2016
    Corraidhín likes this.
  2. Xylia
    there's reasons to go to the various planet types more than once (to get materials to make new stuff) and the mission the mod brings gives nice rewards, which makes me want to do it multiple times.
    Jul 19, 2016
  3. Xylia
    There's also Bees! that comes with FU which gives you something to do when you just want to tend to some Fluffalos and your bees for more stuff. Lots and lots of new plants to grow, you can make new plants by doing gene research, etc. There's just..... so.... much..... to do.... that it easily doubles the game's amount of content. Easy.
    Jul 19, 2016
  4. Xylia
    Oh, and... the author included several other races mods' unique building blocks, and there's new furniture too, lol.
    Jul 19, 2016
  5. Corraidhín
    Hmm.. interesting, very interesting... I wonder how it ll behave with my Yggdrasil-inspired house, would you suggest I get it for 1.0 onwards? I would love to have as much content to explore as possible. Good content of course.
    Jul 19, 2016
  6. Xylia
    I would recommend waiting until 1.0 unless you enjoy the beta testing experience, lol. Hopefully by 1.0's release, we'll have it all ready to go.
    Jul 19, 2016
  7. Xylia
    I type this as I'm currently not playing SB because of an exception error that has my character stuck on a crystalline moon because of a bad file path, lol. But hey, it'll get fixed soon because the author updates his mod like 3-4 times a day. He says it is "Almost There". As for your house, don't see why it wouldn't work, unless you had a mod conflict somewhere.
    Jul 19, 2016
  8. Xylia
    c'mon, no BBCode in the profile wall? really? ugh. lol. And I love how I gotta wait 30 seconds between posts on *my own wall*, lol. Ya I'm gonna spam myself... lol.
    Jul 19, 2016
  9. Corraidhín
    Lol yeah, timer is a bit pointless on your own profile but I guess we have to live with it. anyways, I was wondering on if FU will hit stable when Starbound hits 1.0, even if it doesnt I dont think theres that much to worry about, or is there? Have you had any huge issues with that mod due to some bug or such?
    Jul 19, 2016
  10. Xylia
    The worst that happens is an ExceptionError causes a CTD and you're unable to load your character up again until it is fixed (because it will crash immediately upon loading because whatever is causing the ExceptionError is still right next to you). Although... (cont!)
    Jul 19, 2016
  11. Xylia
    If you're going to do Frackin'Universe... *BACK YOUR UNIVERSE/PLAYER FILES UP* in case you ever want to UNinstall it. FU adds new planets and LOTS of new items. Loading them up without the mod will certainly crash the game.
    Jul 19, 2016
  12. Corraidhín
    Hmm yes, I always avoided mods that added things to big scale for that very reason, I suppose ill give it some good thought, I hardly see a reason to Uninstall it if its as good as advertised.
    Jul 19, 2016
  13. Xylia
    *nods* I do routine wipes myself anyways so I don't mind, lol. But yeah, if you back your stuff up... you can always restore the backups NP. I had the same concerns myself, then I tried it and I was like "yeah I don't think I ever wanna do vanilla again" lol.
    Jul 19, 2016
  14. Corraidhín
    so it changes things by adding worlds and items, I assume it has mechanics of its own right? I remember you mentioned some Lab on another thread, is the mods aim in general "production over exploration"?
    Jul 19, 2016
  15. Xylia
    The theme of the mod is SCIENCE! through discovery. You travel to new worlds, find new materials, and you haul these materials back to your lab to see what you can now make with these new materials. You get new lab equipment... (cont)
    Jul 19, 2016
    Corraidhín likes this.
  16. Xylia
    ....some of them are powered so you need to learn how to make power solutions (you start with solar panels and end up with a powerful generator that runs on biofuel and you also have batteries that can store energy), you need different solutions to survive on these planets (sulfuric planets, for example, require acid-immunity)...
    Jul 19, 2016
  17. Corraidhín
    Oooh I see, it reminds me of some playthru I started watching, it made minecraft look interesting, as it does things VERY similar to what you just described. Hm... oh what a thing! to get it or not? that IS the question indeed.
    Jul 19, 2016
  18. Xylia
    Well, up to you lol. I'd recommend either waiting until 1.0, OR, learning how to update through GitHub, lol.
    Jul 19, 2016
  19. Corraidhín
    Oh no no, I am not playing until 1.0 launches, I just did some concept proofing with some buildings and to get a bit re-accostumed to the game when the release date was announced, but I want to keep the experience as fresh as possible!
    Jul 19, 2016
  20. Xylia
    Ahhh, okay. hehe.
    Jul 19, 2016