Your New Home, Post-Wipe

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by SilentMage, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. reezytm

    reezytm Void-Bound Voyager

    Right mouse button when using the matter manipulator or pickaxe. :)
  2. Ripperjk

    Ripperjk Phantasmal Quasar

    The base is expanding - going for that 'hobbled together from salvage and whatever we can get our hands on' look. The grounds littered with all manner of stuff...




  3. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    Finally got around to building my first house post wipe. I think it's comfortable : )


    Just playin' some tunes while I wait on the crops to grow. (I think the little guys off to the left might be dancing)
  4. SoldierMorty

    SoldierMorty Big Damn Hero

    Unlike my other character, this one would rather live a simple life without much fuss from technology.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    bangagong and Eolond like this.
  5. Wystner

    Wystner Astral Cartographer

    Originally wanted to make my home a high-tech underground bunker sort of thing (like those Apex jumping puzzles, except without the electricity!), but decided to build a house on top of the entrance first. Went looking for an Avian village to get the tiles I wanted but ended up finding a Glitch Castle which I dismantled entirely to get all the stone I needed to build this:


    Based it off a Glitch Castle I found on Google Images and just made it smaller and lazier. Going to start putting in servants quarters, bathrooms, and a dungeon underground to the right and then I'll get to start on my secret lab... I might take out the Imperium doors because I know they're way out of place, but I really like that clicky sound the doors make.

    Image might look a bit weird because I had to take a bunch of screen shots, but I tried to piece them together as well as I could.
  6. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    My new own echo Base! The result of a terrible amount of frustration! First I wanted to build it on a Jungle Planet but didn't find one that I liked. THAN I decided to make a moon or Ice-World base and fount a nice one. Dug, build the rooms, went back to my Ship to get the radiators from the USCM Prison on my first world to not freeze to death in my one Base... and noticed I had left them on the first Planet. Then I ragequited for a while. Now, you might ask why I not simply flew back to the first planet? I'm realy realy unlucky with fuel in this particular game. I go out to find coal and get all different ores up to diamonds except coal. Well in the End I went on farming (found nearly four times as much Titanium as coal) and flew back, got this Radiators an finished my Ice-Base. Thank god. I might expand it to the west or downward at some point but not now...
    bangagong, Eolond and Show like this.
  7. Joe Chip

    Joe Chip Astral Cartographer

    Right mouse button.
  8. swordboy98

    swordboy98 Aquatic Astronaut

    The current House.png

    This is what I've got going on so far... I wish chili's would grow faster!!
    bangagong likes this.
  9. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    WOAHH, that'S some crazy stuff right here!
    Simply amazing.
    Slaysem likes this.
  10. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    Here is my house, took me about 2hrs yesterday..i dont have any decorations though..i'm really not lucky in my findings lol
    Hope it works!

    edit: Why the hell is the image stretched upward? its in 4:3 instead of 16:9 the house looks way too high and weird lol
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
    bangagong likes this.
  11. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    I was having a really hard time finding enough fuel as well in the gamma and delta quadrants. Ended up making a foraging trip back to alpha desert worlds, and loaded up on 300-400 coal per world without much work : )

    Just pick a system with 3 or 4 desert worlds, do a quick run around each, and dig down into any sand you find (and keep digging if it leads to earth).

    I know everything is randomly generated, but I've also had more luck lately with snow planets on delta. Not a ton of coal, but usually 100 around what's visible on the surface (which will at least cover the cost to another system)

    P.S. Like the base ; )
  12. Konsai

    Konsai Title Not Found

    Well, it'd be a shame to see this thread die, so here's what I got thus far.

  13. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    @ Konsai: I don't know, what to say. This is an magnificently awesome Tower.

    I have continued my Echo-Base.

    The little Building to the far right is the arrival-point for the teleporter, you land in the turquoise area on the top floor . In the Base itself we have a greenhouse-level, on the lower level left is the Med-Bay and unused space (I'm still locking for and Idea, what to put there), to the right is the living area (with crafting stuff) and on the top of the Base the command-center.
    bangagong and Eolond like this.
  14. Ajear

    Ajear Void-Bound Voyager

    One of my 10 small outposts. Packed dirt.
  15. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams


    Still room for expansion, need to add more buildings separate from this one. <3 Us Hylotls are getting comfy here~
    Ohamajoga and bangagong like this.
  16. Littleman88

    Littleman88 Big Damn Hero

    Seeing these homes makes me sad that I have to raid some poor NPCs lodgings and furnishings just to have 95% of the good stuff.

    Also, makes me jelly. My homes aren't nearly as impressive.
  17. Proxied

    Proxied Aquatic Astronaut

    thats a cool way of using fences to build a bridge support man, definitely inspired me :up:
    LucrativeBob likes this.
  18. Dagrens

    Dagrens Void-Bound Voyager

    Need more leafss.

  19. Spiffe

    Spiffe Tentacle Wrangler

    omg Seriously! I'm impressed. That's totally amazing.
    Diodoron, aldousbrave and Slaysem like this.
  20. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    And beautiful!

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