Modding Discussion Would anybody be interested in a mod that adds classes?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Wulf_Oman, Jul 2, 2014.


Do you think this is worth a shot?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Now before you say "this is overdone" or any the like, you're probably correct. But give me a few minutes to explain the concept, classes, and basis.

    How you choose a class
    When you start a new character you will be given a "class token" of some sort, now I'm not sure how to make this available for old characters, as I want the player to only be able to make 1 token per character.
    With this token you go into some sort of crafting interface, which at the moment I'm unsure if it'll be a whole new table or not, and use the token+crafting bench to make a class specific bench. With these benches, as you tier up, your gear will be balanced differently depending on the class bench you chose. Of course, I'll try and make each armor look different. The only issue I find with this, is friends/allies/etc can share gear from different classes. Each class may even receive different class-specific drops depending on what weapon they kill a monster with (Souls from a scythe class, plating from a blade class, etc)

    Now for an example, two classes that are used literally in every MMO is a "tank" (Cyberblade would be the name) and a "healer" (Nanomedic would be the name). If you make a Cyberblade Crafting Table you will get armor with higher defense then usual, and your weapons will most likely have higher damage, but a slower swing speed. If you make a Nanomedic crafting table you will get access to items that can heal allies, and yourself, very quickly...but your weapons will be weaker then other classes (as per the usual)

    Once you reach tier 5 (aegisalt) your class will "Change", if I can work out a class quest system, this may be really neat instead of just a "craft this", which may include custom bosses of some kind. Not sure what the differences will be, so if you're on board for something like this I'd love suggestions

    Now since I got the basic idea out of the way, let me mock up a list of possible classes:

    Armor: +Defense +Attack damage
    • Stronger, slower weapons, most of which will be 2H
    • Armor with higher defense
    • Little to no access to ranged weapons.
    Your average, cliche tank class.
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Mecharipper, which will probably have a larger variety of heavy weapons (axes, hammers, etc)

    Armor: ++Defense +More Health
    • Average, slower weapons, most of which will be 2H
    • Armor with incredibly high defense and health increases
    • Little to no access to ranged weapons
    • Some, but very little, healing
    Your average tank+healer in games
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Sootheprotector (Maybe? suggestions welcome)

    Armor: +Health Regen +Energy Regen
    • Slightly faster, weaker weapons, most of which will be 2H
    • Armor with regen, but weaker defense
    • Access to ranged weapons and a variety of healing methods
    Pretty much a normal healing class in any game
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Nanopractioner (Maybe? suggestions welcome)

    Armor: [Suggestion welcomes]
    • Uses decent damage scythes, with a slow swing speed
    • Average armor
    • No access to ranged weapons, but access to the new staff items (that will be being added), as well as early access to capture pods
    • May have access to life-steal of some kind, not sure
    I'd like to think of this class as a summoner mixed with heavy weaponry and magic of sorts, sort of your overall utility class
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Battlemage, which will have access to a larger variety of weapons

    Armor: [Suggestion welcomes]
    • Faster, weaker weapons, most of which will be 1H [Dual Wield]
    • Weak armor
    • Access to sniper rifles and bows
    • Access to invisibility buffs, which I'll have to figure out how to include
    Your generic "assassin" class
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Shadowstalker

    Armor: +More Energy
    • Uses the upcoming staffs
    • Weapons "imbued" with spirits (custom, animal-textured projectiles)
    • Weak armor
    Your basic mage class, with a slight spin
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Witchdoctor, with access to some healing and access to a variety of summonable+catchable monsters

    Armor: +Warmth
    • Very weak melee weapons
    • Weak armor
    • Access to a large variety of guns and projectiles (grenades, bullets, fire, acid, even missiles)
    Pretty much your average ranger, with a large variety of unstable, experimental, and deadly weaponry
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Grenadier, with access to incredibly powerful, unstable weaponry that could lead to self-inflicted death if not used right

    Armor: +More Energy +Warmth
    • Average damage melee weapons (Toolboxes?)
    • Average armor
    • Powerful but limited mech summons with different uses [see an example in Crystalworks]
    It's a sci-fi game, why not have something with dangerous suits of mobile death?
    Tier 5 upgrade is a Gearsmith


    These are just a bunch of ideas I compiled over that past few days of thinking this up. All suggestions are welcome, and I really want to hear them

    The main problem is, unless i figure out how, any person can give any other players something they normally can't craft, if anyone has an idea to fix this...yes please

    If you guys support this idea and want me to go through with it I'll start development, but it probably wont be released until plenty after the next major progression update.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
  2. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    you could actually pull it up this way!.. ( most other suggestions for a mod like this ended up suuuuper overly complicated and not really thought out)
    however this does! i like the idea of a token to craft a class specific bench for all further progression.

    if you ever get that far that you could actually start doing this, gimme a call, i'll surely try to help with sprites!

    For the token, i'd suggest to make a quest with the token as reward, this way an old character can access said quest and get it aswell.
    The other thing is, the default armor is pretty balanced already, it's hard to add more armor (for classes) which differ from default
    - most people, like you said the "healer" features low dmg weapons, would preferably just take the default weapons then.
    You gotta find a way to negate that, IMO.
  3. korra88

    korra88 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And/or being able to use stadard mech at reduced energy cost (if it isn't possible, give it custom mech that are identical to normal mech, beside energy cost).

    I was thinking about a "set" concept, where you have to wear full armor & weapons belonging to the same set, to have the stat applied (gear itself should have half stat, the others are given with the "set bonus").
    Maybe it's difficult to make it works with only items, so having a "class tech" may be an option (and so you could even swap classes, with some cooldown?).
    Expanding "tech concept":

    - You have to activate "Nanomedic Tech" to gain bonuses from every nanomedic equipment. Tech itself should doesn't cost energy and be like a passive bonus, used to "enable" class feature.

    - Otherwise, you could think at that like a "class boost", where you have to use the tech to gain full power and bonuses, and being effective with class-weapons. Tthis come at higher energy cost, and it should be used as a temporary bonus during fight. While tech isn't active, the equipment have default stat (so trading shouldn't effect anything) and the weapons has limited (or none) effectiveness. The armor then is purely cosmetic, since the stat bonuses comes with the tech.

    edit: typo + "tech thoughts"
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
  4. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    I considered this issue as well, my current idea is making the default anvil non-craftable and making a new one featuring all but weapons and armor craftable

    Another solution would be applying the stats directly to the armor worn, instead of stronger weapons themself just give the beserker armor power boosts, and the "low damage" weapons will be the default damage with no armor boosts. I could also apply a weakness-type debuff to the armor as well
  5. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    (Replying a separate post due to mobile)

    Unfortunately I don't have very in-depth LUA knowledge so I wouldn't be able to do that with techs. If you know anyone with the knowledge to, see if they're up for the challenge! I'm sure someone could pull that off
  6. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Just keep in mind - if you want to do "No access to ranged weapons"
    You have to basically remove al ranged weapon drops + all shops which sell ranged weapons from the entire game.
  7. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    i meant crafting wise.

    But yes there is A LOT more that needs to be thought out in something like this.

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