Will there be an NDA on the Beta?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Rikabu, May 1, 2013.

  1. Rikabu

    Rikabu Master Chief

    For those who doesn't know what NDA is, Non-Disclosure Agreement. Basically, you can't talk/show stuff to other people who do not own the game.

    And that's pretty much my question, will there be an NDA when Beta starts?
    Duke likes this.
  2. Tottertot

    Tottertot Orbital Explorer

    I would also like to know. So if anyone knows. Please do tell, haha
  3. Solokeh Krontos

    Solokeh Krontos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I believe it was confirmed that there is not; however, I am not the authority on this matter.
  4. Tristoph

    Tristoph Master Chief

    I kind of doubt it. If there were, you'd probably have signed it when you bought the pre-order, and there was nothing like that on it. Besides, this is more like an open beta than closed.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  5. Rikabu

    Rikabu Master Chief

    Well then! Thank you for answering!
    Tottertot likes this.
  6. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    No, there will not be an NDA on the beta, to my knowledge. We would hardly be able to enforce one anyway, because I'm sure that more than a few minors have signed up, and there's money involved and we haven't said anything about it.
  7. drcheesington

    drcheesington Void-Bound Voyager

    Given over $1,000,000 worth of pre-orders, I cannot imagine that there would be. Additionally, it would be inconsistent with the attitude that Chucklefish have demonstrated so far. So no, I highly doubt there will be. If I'm wrong, I vow to attach rockets to pigs.
    Edit: Ninja'd by the Dev. What he said.
  8. Rikabu

    Rikabu Master Chief

    Thanks so much for the answers!
    Glad I'll be able to play in public.
  9. Qader

    Qader Void-Bound Voyager

    They have stated you are allowed to show absolutely anything from the Beta to others.
  10. Kevio

    Kevio Star Wrangler

    I'll be streaming for the whole wide world to see!!! MWHAHAH (and I won't be breaking the rules.)
  11. I doubt there will be a NDA, since you can get access to beta simply by throwing in fifteen dollars.
  12. Jedesis

    Jedesis Ketchup Robot

    Or $20! :rofl:
  13. Well, yeah, fifteen is only the minimum :p
    Jedesis likes this.
  14. Geraldo_Ray

    Geraldo_Ray Space Spelunker

    My gut says no. After all there's going to be a lot of people signing up for the beta (which could be more than what the developers and mods can handle). But again, not known at this time and could change in the future.
  15. Ethenyl

    Ethenyl Astral Cartographer

    And even if there was a NDA, it won't block someone to post pictures and video-caps...

    But anyway, I'm glad there won't be one :D So I can shove some StarBound goodies into my friends faces ! :devil:
  16. Arkax

    Arkax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    >Chillin in my place
    >Showing starbound to my friends(if i had any)
    >Even with starbound NDA
    >Feels good to be a gangsta
    Ethenyl likes this.
  17. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    they could always have a eula or something like it when you download the client or whatever
  18. Zoolot

    Zoolot Existential Complex

    One does not simply throw fifteen dollars, unless you roll it up that is. But who does that?

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