What Was Lost

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by WelshPixie, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. WelshPixie

    WelshPixie Former Staff

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments! I do plan on getting back into this, and some of the new art and screenies and stuff released recently have given me a lot of ideas for future instalments of the story ^.^

    Edit - Part 6!


    The hatch above her head split along the middle, each half dropping down and sliding along the ceiling. A gust of dry, hot air whipped across her face and she stepped back, bumping up against the bulkhead frame. Izola shielded her eyes with the back of her hand and peered up into a salmon-pink sky specked with fluffy, pastel-blue clouds that drifted lazily above her head. It looked peaceful.

    “I have run a cursory scan of the atmosphere and it is safe,” Tiny assured her. “A little more oxygen than you’ll be used to, but the difference is so negligible you’re unlikely to notice.”

    Shu rolled her eyes. “Fine time to tell me when I’m standing in it. Though I’m sure if the atmosphere outside wasn’t breathable you’d have told me before I opened the hatch, right?”

    There was a moment’s pause. “Affirmative.”

    “Don’t you have sensors outside the station? Any life-form readings?”

    “Yes and no, respectively. Copious non-sentient plant life, some fungal. Inorganic structures present but at too great a distance to provide any further insight.”

    “Right.” Shu hooked her arm through the strap of the rifle and reached up to the hatch ledge, curling her fingers around the rim and pulling herself up. She found the task easier than she was used to and called back down into the darkness of the hatch; “Gravity, Tiny?”

    “Gravitational Acceleration measured at 8.95m/s2”

    “Fun...” Shu eased herself upright and looked around. The hatch exited at the top of a smooth, low grass-covered hillside. The grass was short, green and dense, and familiar; but the dirt beneath was a weird brownish-mauve. Below the hillside the grass petered out into barren, dry, reddish sand that rose in smooth slopes around the jutting crags of dark blue-black rocks. In one direction, tucked behind miles of rolling dunes and the distant horizon, Shu could make out a small cluster of pyramids. They had rough, stepped edges and were the same colour as Earth’s sandstone.

    In the other direction, towards the sun, grew a sparse forest of small, bushy trees with fat purple leaves and gnarled, twisted, bulbous trunks. Noting Tiny’s comforting confirmation that the plant life nearby was non-sentient, Shu trudged over the grass towards the forest. Drawing closer she noticed splashes of red amongst the grass - mushrooms that reached to her ankles with long, conical caps and creamy yellow polka-dots.

    Izola felt that cold, slithering sensation along her spine of being in somewhere familiar, yet alien. Trees, grass, sand, pyramids, mushrooms - these were all things she understood and could relate to. The salmon sky, however, gave the whole thing the feel of a dreamscape; unreal, intangible, transient. She nudged at one of the mushrooms with her boot. It didn’t grow a mouth and bite her; that was a good start. She prodded one of the thick purple leaves on a nearby tree with the tip of her rifle and that action, too, went largely unnoticed by the resident flora.

    Shu turned back to the hatch. If she was going to be stuck here for a while she may as well collect some samples of the local produce and run some tests; the thought of weeks on protein bars did nothing for her appetite.
    wow_gerald, Daunted, IceKing and 4 others like this.
  2. Kelp

    Kelp Big Damn Hero

    Welcome back and thanks for the new part! I needed something to get my brain active.
  3. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    WelshPixie: I've fallen in love with this Starbound BGM, & it makes me think of Izola Shu... ya might wanna give it a listen, it's epic & inspiring...

  4. WelshPixie

    WelshPixie Former Staff

    There aren't! Would love to see some interpretations of how she looks though ^.^

    Axe - thank you! I'll listen tomorrow ^.^
  5. JH_Jonvandar_Gold1

    JH_Jonvandar_Gold1 Void-Bound Voyager

    Very good job O: I really got lost in the story as i read it, other stories didn't do that to me, I can see the personalities crystal clear to its like you know how to get me into the mind of your characters <3. Hope more comes out, mao~
  6. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Last night, (as of the time of this Post) something occurred to me... from the point of view of the Sector 12 Military, Izola told them not to attempt rescue of the Homeworld because all hope was already lost, then contact between the 2 was lost. Izola's likely to show up missing if any other humans managed to flee the disaster & any of the others get to Sector 12 to report on the events there, including if they might report Izola disappearing into nowhere if noone saw her Ship flee or what direction or anything like that. I can't help but to wonder if Sector 12 Brass will get tempted to decide Izola's Actions are at least suspect, & they might blame Izola for the loss of the Homeworld & all the innocents lost there, & the loss of lives of military personnel... they might even go so far as to wonder if Izola sold them out to the 'unknown enemy'... D: Izola might not get to have any contact with Sector 12, or any other Human Survivors for a long time... but if she does eventually, it might not be a happy reunion for her at all... :(
  7. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    I wish the story would continue. I'm very much like it. Tiny and Izola are great characters. It's to bad it's been a while the tread was updated. Welsh please be safe and or healthy. It's been a while since we've heard from you.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmmmm, Might do some drawings up to my interpretation. This is an amazing story, Love every monent of it ^_^
  9. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    Don't be worried, Tojo. She's fine. Just really busy. You should look her up on twitter to keep updated. :)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    That's relieving to hear. Do you have a link to the twitter, my Internet is kinda of being a butt.
  11. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    You have a far more pessimistic eye than me... Although it is a good suggestion and definetely a possibility, it's not very high.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  12. Kameil

    Kameil 2.7182818284590...

    ...I want a ship that talks to me. :DD Also this story... I love it.
  13. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Mine would be very sarcastic... or .... Marvin ... it would be Marvin.
    Aaaaah the fun that could be had with Marvin as my mobile on board computer.
  14. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    twitter.com/welshpixie is whar she be.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    Awesome thanks Photo. Now it's time to follow her. In a non-creepy way.
  16. MiniCoder

    MiniCoder Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is pretty good. I don't think i could write anything like it, not very good at writing :/
    Axe Garian likes this.

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