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What is this? [Haven't played for 3 months]

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by manwith3boobs, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. manwith3boobs

    manwith3boobs Astral Cartographer

    What is that little teleporter thing? Do they finally have a way to get back to the surface?
    Also, can someone fill me in on all the little things like this that they added?
  2. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    Would be better with more context. Seems like a regular teleporter recolored green.
    Serenity likes this.
  3. manwith3boobs

    manwith3boobs Astral Cartographer

    What exactly is a teleporter? Does it take you back up to the surface?

    Also: Can ships be upgraded now? Or is that sill being worked on?
  4. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Can't say I have ever seen that before, looks more like somebody dug down past the magma line.

    There has been a few bug fixes and changes here and there, can be found if you look back over the news posts.

    Not yet
  5. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    That's the bottom of the map, right under a relatively thin layer of lava.

    There's a teleporter in every ship, it's your spawn point on the ship. I assume you haven't played starbound?
    And no. Ship upgrades will come at a later time. It's being worked on.
    Serenity likes this.
  6. manwith3boobs

    manwith3boobs Astral Cartographer

    No i have played starbound: 80 hours actually.
    I thought by teleporter you meant an actual item that you can craft, as an alternative to get up to the surface when you mine instead of committing suicide.
  7. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    That's a part of Razorbase, Razorcase's home base. He did dig down past the magma line, the green teleporter is part of a mod called Planetside Teleporters, you can place those teleporters wherever you like on the planet and load them with custom coordinates. You can expand your ship using a mod called Fully Customizable Ship (FCS), which is also around here somewhere.
  8. manwith3boobs

    manwith3boobs Astral Cartographer

    Oh ok they are mods, thanks for replying :D
  9. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    You should look into the FCS mod if you are interested in customizable ships, since it's 100% compatible with multiplayer.
  10. blazblu

    blazblu Orbital Explorer

    You don't need to commit suicide to get back to your ship. Just Save and Quit and when you return, you are back in your ship. No pixels lost, either.
  11. Razercase

    Razercase Void-Bound Voyager

    OH Dunto you silly goose.

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