WHAT? Egg is evolving! It evolved into Psychic Navigator!

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Annoctatio, May 11, 2013.

  1. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    What does my suggestion contain?
    1. A small, semi-easy mini-quest
    2. New small companion/pet hanging out inside your spaceship
    3. A vague idea how he could help you
    4. Concepts for the companion/pet
    The quest?
    It starts with you being on a populated planet. You meet a certain NPC (most preferrably human). He or she explains that on a planet called "Earth" he or she used to eat a meal called "omelette". He or she has grown a tiny homesickness, and wishes to relive his or her memories of the past. He or she instructs that there is a weird nest of unknown creatures somewhere on this planet, where he or she has seen some eggs, but it had been surrounded by lots of different creatures.

    After you've found the nest, retrieved the weird egg and start to head back, there would be a small text-box that informs the player of a small "crack" appearing on the egg. It also would state that it feels like the egg is "moving by itself". When the player would offer the egg to the quest giver, the egg would hatch and it would reveal this slimy, floating, pink blob with brains inside it. The quest giver tells that after seeing the egg hatch into such a thing, he or she no longer has appetite for eggs. However, this is where he or she gives you the creature.


    The companion/pet?
    The creature would seem to be quite friendly and pet-like, possibly thinking about the player being it's mother (or father for that matter). It would follow you around the planet for as long as you remain there, but once you entered your spaceship with this creature, text-box would inform that it seems rather comfy in the ship and will remain there for the rest of your adventures.

    After remaining for a while inside your ship (possibly half an hour, hour?) player could notice it emitting some sort of "radio waves". Upon trying to talk to the creature, player would be notified about a bookmark on the starmap. Bookmark would point the player of one of the random events (a derelict ship, hidden base, village, dungeon etc.) that he hadn't found yet.

    From that point on, the player would have option to "feed" the blob certain amount of stuff (equipment/Pixels/materials?) per certain amount of time. Each time they feed it, there would be a small chance of it revealing a bookmark on another planet player hasn't explored, which has an interesting event on it.

    Concepts of the companion/pet?
    Brainey_idle.gif or possibly Brainey2_idle.gif
    A default pose of the creature while it floats somewhere near the starmap.

    Brainey_roll.gif or possibly Brainey2_roll.gif
    Some idle animation to give it some life.

    Brainey_emit.gif or possibly Brainey2_emit.gif
    This is what it would look like when it is emitting it's "radio waves".

    Brainey_egg.gif or possibly Brainey2_egg.gif
    This is what the egg could look like.

    -Me for the idea
    -My girlfriend for the art and animation of the blob

    Feel free to drop ideas and tell me what you think.

    Edit #1: Added the egg.
    Edit #2: Added the idea by Iroza.
    Edit #3: Added new Starbound-ish pictures. (They're pretty small, though. Will be enlarged later.)
  2. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Man your idea its great, and the sprites are awesome, but try to make the sprites more Starbound style. Good job.
  3. Techno9200

    Techno9200 Void-Bound Voyager

    This is awesome! Maybe you could find them wild but untrainable?
  4. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    What would you suggest to get them look more like Starbound? :3
    I personally suck at art, so I'd like to have some instructions over to my girlfriend.

    Yeah, and they should be really shy. Otherwise it could ruin the point of feeling "unique". But making them spawn randomly somewhere in the Galaxy, it would certainly make the people wonder how does another player find this creature. Also it would save a lot of time for those lazy people who just want to delve into dungeons. :3
    Techno9200 likes this.
  5. The Vanity Pet should work like this.... It makes sense, but I don't see Kitties and Doggies born from Eggs... :B
    Oh well, Pokemon does it... Wait how does pokemons born? o_O
    Techno9200 and Annoctatio like this.
  6. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Man, you just filled my mind with horrible images.

    Hm... I don't know... maybe the outlines...
    Bacon likes this.
  7. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was getting quite worried that these got mixed up. :D

    I was rather thinking about making a fun extra side-quest with a beneficial reward to help the player (especially the lazy ones like me) to find all the interesting stuff in the galaxy, with a price.

    I, frankly, don't know. I'm not even sure I want to know. O_____O

    I'll get some new examples posted here in a while. :3 Maybe they'll look more appealing.

    Edit #1: Added response to Damuranashi.
    Techno9200, Damuranashi and Bacon like this.
  8. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice idea, but if it's pet...wouldn't other pets indeed have same function to make all vanity pets equal ?
    Like cat/dog using walkie-talkie to spot radio waves ha-ha *sighs*
  9. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Like I mentioned, I was quite thinking about him remaining on your ship. :3

    From what I have gathered from the vanity pets, they are going to follow you around the planets you are roaming. This would be just a reward from a side-quest. Vanity pets and this "Brainey" would remain as two separate beings. He could be scripted even as an NPC. :D
    Iroza likes this.
  10. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, something like exclusive Platinum <-> Impervium Tier pet for ship *just kidding*

    It could indeed be a sidequest, yet it's only found at level 70-100 planets so its not discovered instantly and giving early access to special events.
    Annoctatio likes this.
  11. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, thats sounds quite reasonable. Really good suggestion actually. I'll add that to the original post.
    After you've accomplished much with the game, you'd find something that helps you to find all of the cool stuff you haven't yet found!
    Iroza likes this.
  12. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I liked it! :up:
  13. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Do the alternatives (on the right) look more appropriate to the Starbound style? :3

    I'd also like to get peoples' opinions. Don't be afraid to comment guize and gals. :D
    Techno9200 likes this.
  14. Techno9200

    Techno9200 Void-Bound Voyager

    I think I like the second one better, it seems more... gelatin-like. One thing I would change though would be the eyes. It seemed better larger rather than smaller. :up:
    Annoctatio likes this.
  15. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Yes, the second one is better.
  16. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    Cool! I would love to have a treasure-finding blob!
    Annoctatio likes this.
  17. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    I know you put time into making this idea... But Starbound isn't going to be a quest game. There will be one main quest, and then mmorpg style side quests (Example: Go collect 5 feathers). I honestly don't want the developers to add side quests, because it will waste development time for a completely unnecessary and unfitting aspect.

    Maybe the API will support quests, but otherwise I hope the developers don't implement this.
  18. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    I believe I saw Tiy mentioning side quests. So I believe they are going to implement quests into the game.
  19. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    I believe what that means is the mmorpg style quests I mentioned earlier, where they will be procedurally generated so that the player must go find items and return them to the quest giver.

    I may be wrong, and if so, it would be interesting to see your quest idea implemented. :)
    Annoctatio likes this.

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