Water and Sewage system

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Havok, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Havok

    Havok Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, at once I sorry about my English, because I'm Polish...
    In my opinion, Starbound devs can introduce Water supply and sewage system.
    There will be a couple ways to gain water:
    • Bucket or (pocket) pressure containers - cheap items to carry small amounts of water (or other liquids)
    • Small pumps - you will be using them to pump water from ground ponds and lakes (they will be filled back during rain etc.), or you must dig a shaft to nearest aquifer
    • Big pumps - they suck water from deepest wells, and deliver the big amount of water to the pipes with high pressure
    *All pumps etc. will require more or less power to work!

    If your pumps are working, it's the time to build water transportion, filtration and pressure-hold system:
    • Pipes - they simply transports water. Can be made of copper, PCW etc. and have different flow rate
    • Valves - used to open or close pipes
    • Water tower - if your pump is far away from base, and there is height difference, you may use the water tower to increase pressure in pipes (you can also put another pump here, the pressure will be higher than using a water tower, but power usage will be increased)
    • Filtering station - if you're pumping polluted water, you need to use filters (for Biological Pollution), or chemical stabilisators (for Chemical Pollution)
    • Water tank - plays the role as reservoir, to provide continous supply of water, in case of water pump fail
    • Desalination station - useful, if you're pumping water from ocean
    Water can be used to:
    • cool your nuclear reactor
    • supply chemistry bench
    • create steam in thermal generators (coal, combustion) to run the turbines
    • irrigate space crops
    • much, much more...

    When objects use water, it changes into sewage. Waste water can be drained to small hole in the ground (slowly soaking down and creating ground pollution), or processed in small treatment unit.
    • Pipe - simillar to water pipe, has many types with different resistance (for chemical sewage, acids etc.) and flow rate
    • Grate - useful for draining flooded areas
    • Sewage tank - plays the role as reservoir, if your treatment machine is overloaded
    • Sewage pump - increases pressure of sewage in pipes, letting them raise to higher areas
    • Sewage sorter - separates the sewage per three types (Chemical, Biological and Radioactive)
    • Treatment machine - converts sewage into clear water and drains it to pipes, or direct to the ground (creating pond or sinking down to nearest aquifer). Treatment machine needs revelant filtration resources to work
    That's all about water and sewage. Time to tell some more about pipes itself.
    They are obviously visible only in "Water Instalation" mode (just like cables)
    There is few types of pipes: copper, stell, rainforced, etc. Each type has its own parameters:
    • Flow rate - it defines, how much liters per hour can flow trough the pipe (for example, copper pipe's maximum flow rate is 150 l/h. So if that amount will be crossed, the pipe has higher chance to break). Increased pressure means higher flow.
    • Resistance - it defines, what is the maximum pollution level water may have to flow trough (for example, alchemical bench output pipe is connected to copper pipe, and flow rate is 20 l/h, so that's correct, but copper pipe's resistance level is 2, and chemical sewage produced by chemical bench has level 4 of pollution. In that case, the toxic sewage will earlier or afterward erode the pipe and break it)
    So, that's all about my suggestion. Please write your opinions below. I hope you enjoyed, and SORRY again about my English... :cry:
  2. Thoren

    Thoren Master Chief

    Very cool idea, I hope this gets implemented :)
    StarScorcher and Havok like this.
  3. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    Definitely some kind of waterworks/plumbing should be introduced with electricity and machines.
    daxxog likes this.
  4. Reko

    Reko Void-Bound Voyager

    My support to this as well. I can't express my approval at this idea, and you've put it together quite well!

    And your English is actually quite good; better than a lot of native English speakers, I'd say!
    Havok and KuroHinotori like this.
  5. plasma face

    plasma face Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    sweet idea! it would be quite useful especially to feed your space cows and crops.
    Havok likes this.
  6. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    cool idea
  7. BoboTheEpic

    BoboTheEpic Big Damn Hero

    Great English actually. Better than many native speakers I know. Also, I love all your points :D
  8. VanMavus

    VanMavus Master Chief

    Sounds like a sweet idea for a mod, wonder if it will make it in the base game though.
  9. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    It's not too far fetched, terraria itself had a basic attempt at a system where you could have plumbing/etc. I don't see something this advanced being in the game by release if they haven't started on it yet. If they haven't then hopefully it'll be post-release. :)
  10. darkrhodes

    darkrhodes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Idea sounds good, I was hoping since they implemented water pressure in the game engine that there would be some kind of water/plumbing system.
    sewer as well wold be cool the more i can do on my planets the better i say.
    VanMavus likes this.
  11. King Leonidas

    King Leonidas Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love this idea, and your English is better than many Internet users.

    What i think would be really cool:
    You're sneaking into an enemy base with all that other stuff that's been suggested that would be great with some sort of secret agent mission(e.g. security systems by Insanitor) but there's no way in. There's the front entrance which is buried in security so much you could only get in there with a few dozen nukes, and the back entrance which was flooded with lava from the volcano a while ago. There's no way in. Fortunately the tech-heads at HQ have come up with another way in: THE SEWERS. It's utterly disgusting (I mean seriously, what do these guys eat???) but it's necessary. Waist-high raw sewage, sewer rats all over the scarce platforms, and you need a hazmat suit (yes I know what hazmat suits are normally used for, but this is some seriously acidic sewage) just to walk along the path. That would be totally awesome in Starbound.
  12. Ethenyl

    Ethenyl Astral Cartographer

    Yup, very good idea, I do hope they'll at least consider it ;)

    I know they worked a lot on the water simulation, with gravity and all the physic systems involved.
  13. SharpShot.gif

    SharpShot.gif Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This would be really useful for making underwater bases you could use it to pump out water in an airlock.
    Ethenyl likes this.
  14. Havok

    Havok Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe not sneaking trough the sewage pipe itself, but "in technical corridor" sounds better.
    Technical corridor I mean a tunnel with electrical cables, water pipes and sewage pipes (leaking acid creating toxical pools on the floor)

    If you agree to my suggestion, please support it by voting:
    King Leonidas likes this.
  15. GoGoMister100

    GoGoMister100 Space Spelunker

    If you could pump water, maybe you could also have lava pipes? Just a thought.
  16. Havok

    Havok Void-Bound Voyager

    Why not. I put water here only as example ;)
  17. FaKRaS

    FaKRaS Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the whole idea. Also the suggestion about the lava. I wanted this from the very beginning, when i started to play this game.
  18. StarScorcher

    StarScorcher Void-Bound Voyager

    I definitely agree. This would be a great feature and it'd be cool to see what players would do with this.
  19. LiquidFox

    LiquidFox Space Spelunker

    Now we just need Aquatic Planets & Monsters, Who's up for riding a giant sea horse? Or fighting off the mur-men of Atlantis?
  20. King Leonidas

    King Leonidas Pangalactic Porcupine

    and then you realize it's just the Hylotl...

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