
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by ThatAmazingPerson, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    Just incase I need a warning: It's a bit violent, so yeah.

    Chapter 1 - "Dawn" Total word count: 2414

    Deep in concentration, I raise my RSG v2.4.7 handheld’s ironsights up to my eye, and pull the trigger. Instantly, a red bolt blasts out of the barrel at amazing speeds. The accurate shot hits my target with deadly power, zapping its life force from it.

    I glance around. Thankfully, my pistol is somewhat completely silenced. I only got a few awkward turns towards my location. Although, it’s not like those things can feel awkwardness, or any other emotion for that matter. They’re robots, built by Humans and Florans. They just somehow became self-aware, as they call it, "becoming human". They’ll always be our machines, and do what we want. I turn on my mic.

    “The ground is clear. I’ll advance into the spaceship repair shop. Send others in with me, and send a team out to scout and secure the area.” I whisper into my headset.

    After a few seconds, I get a reply. “Alright Amaz, I’m ready to move into position. I sent Admiral Obvious, Pigrocket, Sensuna, along with WoxandWarf to join you. It wasn’t my idea, but the Shark’s boss demanded Wox to drag along.”

    I thank the voice, known as Dar- I mean, DTB. Since this is a special-mission clan, we normally call each other by our “code names.” I think its silly, but its meant to protect our identity. I return my attention to waiting. I tap my foot on the ground, impatiently wanting the clan members to arrive. After a minute, I can see the outline of the four in the distance. Two humans, an Avian, and a robot. I nod, knowing that those are my clan members. I slip my gun into its holster, and walk towards the group to greet them.

    “Can I hope you know what the mission is?” I ask.

    “We’re to slip into the repair shop, steal the bandit’s mini-nuke, and get out of there without being noticed.” replied Admiral Obvious.

    “Basically, yeah. If you like it nice and simple like me.” I say.

    We head towards the back of the building. Pigrocket spots a door and points us towards it. This is a bit straightforward. Shouldn’t they have guards up? I ask myself. Whatever, a mission is a mission. I shake the thought off, and I try the doorknob, without success. I mutter a curse under my breath. I think to myself for a second, then I reach to my side, where I keep my pistol when I’m not using it. I raise the gun at the knob, and I pull the trigger. The red bolt melts the doorknob completely off, and Sensuna kicks the door open.

    “Yes, kick the door. That is total stealth.” Said WoxandWarf in a matter-of-fact tone. “Whatever. Let’s hope you didn’t alert the amazing robo-bandits.”

    “Well, I’m sorry Mister Perfect, but I like to do things the easier way.” Sensuna replied. “And you robots are not amazing.”

    I begin to make a smart remark, but Admiral Obvious cuts in with: “He’s right, guys. You’ve probably alerted the enemy. Lets just hope DTB can cover us.” Admiral Obvious says as he walks into the darkness of the shop.

    I shake my head. “I guess we have no choice, anyway.”

    I follow Admiral Obvious into the abandoned shop. I can barely make out anything at all. When Sensuna enters the building, I ask him to shut the door. A loud creak fills the air as Sensuna shuts the door behind him. Soon, we’re engulfed in total darkness. Thankfully, my suit emits a small, orange glow, enough for me to see. I hear some clicks, which tells me the others turned on their flashlights. I glance around, searching for the beams of light. I only spot two, so I jog over to the scanning lights. In my glow, I can tell it’s Admiral Obvious and Sensuna.

    “Where in the galaxy is Wox and Pig?” I ask the two.

    “Not sure, Amaz. I’m sure Sensuna just shut the door on them.” Admiral Obvious says.

    “Uhh, no I didn’t. As much as I hate Wox, we have to have him along.” replies Sensuna with a disgusted face. “Kinda wish I did lock him out, though.”

    “Still doesn’t tell me where Pigr-” I am stopped mid-sentence by a roar of an engine. Only seconds later do the lights flicker, and then come on. I’m stunned by the light, so I activate shades for my helmet. When I can finally see, I turn towards my clanmates, staring at them. Two more clicks again. They’re lights are off. I ask the clanmates if they turned off the lights. Of course, both of them deny turning on the lights. They didn’t, and I know it. I sigh, and I decide to take a few seconds to take in my surroundings. The room is somewhat big. I notice paint buckets, broken robots, paintbrushes, and many other repair tools. Typical, as this is a repair shop, after all. I think to myself. There’s a door in other end of the room, I notice. It’s more advance than the other, being password protected.

    “No time like tomorrow to find where they are.” I say as I walk towards the door. I look at the keyboard meant for the code, and I scratch my head. “Anyone know scribble?”

    Admiral Obvious lets out a sigh. “Let me have a look, Amaz.” He stands at the controls for a minute before giving up. “Sensuna?”

    “Oh, you want me now? Hold up.” Sensuna stood up from studying a robot, and walked over to the keyboard. “Ha, this is quite awesome. It even tells you the password. You just need to know the language, which is kind of a smart idea.” The bird laughs at himself. “Its and old Avian language. You wouldn’t know about it.” He types in the password, and the door opens. I instinctively raise my RSG. The doors slide completely open. I take a quick glance around the front of the shop that confirms five robotic humanoids around the nuke. The clan already knew that they were going to be here. Then I notice something that disturbed me. Sensuna noticed my face, and asked what was wrong .I pointed towards the left-side corner. In it sits a still, robotic body. Spray painted on the body is “Outcast.” Wox, I think. WoxandWarf’s face is dim, his features no longer lit. Which obviously means out of power. Which, it the metal world, means one thing for the bionic person: Death.

    I stare at the bot like an idiot, not believing my eyes. Admiral Obvious runs past me with Sensuna, getting behind cover. I want to run with them, but I recover from the sight too slowly. One of the bandits point me out to the others, and within no time I have five plasma cannons pointed at me. My eyes, hidden by my headset, widen. They screech something, and a deafening sound fills the room as five blasts of plasma rushes towards me. I’m sure my clanmates said something, but I can’t hear them. I close my eyes and prepare for the worst. Who knows? I tell myself Maybe my suit can withstand the blasts. I count the milliseconds. Suddenly, I feel someone collide with my side, not even a second later I slam into the ground. On the ground, a great deal of weight falls on my left leg. My leg doesn’t break, thanks to my suit, but its greatly injured. The sound of the cannons dims, and I can hear my two clan mates behind me, cheering and calling Pigrocket’s name over the hissing of the plasma melting the wall. A great deal of pressure is lifted off my leg. Did Pigrocket really just save me? I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. I glance up at the three figures staring down at me.

    “Next time Amaz, don’t gaze at the deadly bolts coming at you.” Says Pigrocket jokingly.

    “Uhh right. Thanks.” I return a laugh at the joke through gritted teeth. Admiral Obvious and Sensuna help me up, and I wince as pain fills up my left leg. A curse slips out of my mouth. “I think you landed on my leg..” I say to Pigrocket. After he says his apologies, a loud, screeching sound blares out.

    “Guys, I think they know now that they didn’t kill Amaz. They’re probably alerting their allies.” Admiral Obvious urgently says. “And the whole world our location.” I add. A soft buzzing is playing in my helmet. Moursi Fanshawe I notice. I answer it, and a nervous voice talks to me.

    “Amaz! Amaz! Alright, you picked up. We’re going to leave instantly. Once Ripin gets here, we’re leaving. It looks like the whole world’s population times two is here. Whatever you did, it was stupid! Shark won’t be happy at all, and DTB is pissed.”

    “It wasn’t us, it was a trap. A group of the mechanical bandits was here the whole time, plus some. We can’t escape until they’re dead.” A tone of anger in my voice. “Why would you think its us, anyway?”

    A shot of plasma hit the floor right beside our group. Admiral Obvious yells at me to hurry up, while him and Sensuna give cover fire.

    “No time for that. We’ll blow a hole in the roof, and drop a transport beam down. You’d better hurry. Until then.” A soft beep sound confirmed the conversation was over.

    I peer from the side of the car we’re talking cover from, and I see that the deadly two have killed all of the robots. A sigh of relief rushes out of my mouth. It takes me a few moments, but I stand up. I stumble out from cover, towards the center. The three follow me, and I tell them what Moursi said. They nod as they walk backwards a bit, making sure they are far away from the center. I follow what they do, and seconds later the engine of a very large and powerful spaceship can be heard. I can also make out the sounds of shouting and feet running from on top of the ceiling. But, there is another, separate sound heard above the rest. A sound of guns firing and people dying. The sound of war.

    The rest is a blur. A rocket blasts a huge hole into the ceiling, like Moursi said. The debris litters the floor. Luckily, none of us is flattened by the fallen roof. A blue, transparent beam shines from the hole. Our clan, I tell myself. We walk into the beam of blue light, which means it is a teleport beam. I can’t even stand in the light for more than a second before we’re instantly inside the clan’s main room within the ship. Friendly faces greet me. Some ask about WoxandWarf, or why I’m limping. I stumble through the crowd, scanning for the leader’s face. I don’t find the one need. I grab the nearest Star Veteran by the shirt, who happens to be PlayerJerry.

    “Where’s Shark?” I demand.

    “Thanks for saying hello, Amaz,” PlayerJerry rolls his eyes. “Anyway, he’s with the captain.”

    I push him out of the way and rush as best as I can towards the main hall, heading towards the captain’s den. I stumble for a few minutes. After what feels like walking in circles for hours, I find the door. The problem was I’ve only been here twice. Once for signing up for the clan. Twice... for a reason I’d rather not say. Coming back to the present, I knock on the door with a series of taps only the clan knows. It’s just three taps, although the strength and length you tap it with is what makes it special. It is only a minute or two, but with the importance of the meeting it feels like forever. I tap my feet on the floor again. It’s a bad habit, but I can’t help it, being how impatient I am. Thankfully, the door slides open, and I finally find the person I’m looking for. Shark, the leader.

    “What was all of that? I thought you said it was just bandits, not the whole population!” I yell at him.

    “So did I. I was just in contact with Tiy. He said the space station, Starbound, was attacked too.” Shark shakes his head in disapproval. “We’re now in a galaxy wide war against the Robots and Hylotls.”


    I don’t truly feel pain, although I can tell I’m losing power at a rapid rate. I glance around the building, and I see my automation friends dead around me. I gather up the rest of my energy, and I call my leader.

    “We’re dead, all of us. I’m not far from it. Demand a full-on war, and blow that damn ship out of the sky.”

    A non-emotional robotic voice replies. “Good. Just as we planned. Your deaths shall not be in vain. We already declared war. We shall destroy them, one ship at a time.”

    At the end of the robotic leader’s sentence, loud beeps could be heard. The beeps of a rocket launcher locking onto a target. Good. I lay my head down, watching the sky. Although, I’m focused on the rocket my comrade shot straight at the Star Veteran’s ship.


    A siren fills the air with a screech. I freak out, not knowing whats the problem. Shark and Ripin are talking, but I can’t hear anything. My ears are ringing from the loud blast of the sirens. I glance around, looking for a way to cut out the sounds. My eyes fall on the pilot's control panel, two simple words flash on all of the screens. They read:


    An explosion shakes the ship. Ripin’s voice can be heard now. Although, its only confirming what I feared. The friendly robot is yelling out “We’re going down!” Screams can be heard from the hall. I even think Shark’s panicking, because I know I am. I look out the pilot window, and the blue grass is so close that I believe I could touch it if time stopped at that very moment. Then the world goes black.

    Chapter 2 part 1 - "Recovery" Total word count: 984

    I can’t feel anything other than pain. Although, most of the pain is coming from my left leg. Again, like before, something has landed on my leg. I can tell its not a person this time. The reason I know is because, I can’t even feel my leg anymore. Nobody could cause that. I would look at why it’s hurting, what landed on it, but something is covering my eyes. I’m not sure what, and I can’t raise my arms to take it off. I could, I guess, but raising them just cause them to feel like they’re on fire. I can hear talking around me, but I can’t pinpoint where. They sound like whispers, so I can make out basically none of it. The chit-chat stops, followed by the sound of twigs snapping, I believe. Suddenly, I can tell that I’m being carried. My leg must be obviously injured, because the person is careful not to bump it into anything. We stop, and the carrier lays me down. My leg is propped up on a cold smooth surface. A rock? The rest of my body is tickled my soft grass. Wait... I can feel the grass... My suit! I force my eyes open and my hands instinctively go up to my head, only to feel my leafy skin. Although my arms hurt immensely, I still power through it. My hands touch nothing but my leafy skin and the closed flowers on my head. I’m shocked, wondering where my headset went. Normally I keep it on at all times, so my flowers haven’t seen the light of a sun in years. Shaking the thoughts off, I turn my attention to the figure above me. It takes a few seconds, but my eyes adjust.

    “Arctic? What happened? Where’s my suit?!” I question the head healer.

    “I’m sorry Amaz, but it’s completely smashed. Just be thankful it was... mostly it other than you.” Arctic Dragon says while attending to my leg. “Anyway, I’m not sure how you’re going to heal. We don’t have many of our advance healing pills left, but I think with your case Shark’ll approve of it. Hopefully. I’ll get Ellie to watch you. Just try to rest.” Finishing his sentence, he walked off towards another medic. Talking to the human figure a bit, he walked off towards a group while the other medic, Ellie I assume, walks towards me. I sigh and lay my head down on the blue grass I, only an hour before, crashed into. Ellie walks over and sits beside me, and checks the bandages. I close my eyes, waiting for the help.


    I shut my eyes. What are we going to do? The spaceship is in no way able to take off. If we can repair it, sure... but we have nothing to repair with. We have only one airbike that survived, but it’s empty of fuel. Simple tools, such as pickaxes, few guns and swords... our medical supply is low... I’m disrupted from my thought.

    “Shark? Shark!” I turn towards my caller, and I notice that it’s Arctic Dragon.

    “What is it?” I say to the head of the medical department.

    “Do you still have the healing pills? Amaz needs them, badly.”

    “Two left.” I sigh, taking in how bad are medical supplies are. “Go ahead, give it to him.”

    Arctic Dragon thanks me, grabs the pill from our pile of supplies, and runs off. I take a glance at our supplies we gathered from the wrecked airship. It angers me, knowing that we’re stranded on our enemies home-world with no way out.


    A gentle breeze blows in the dense forest we crash landed in. It’s kinda funny, if the circumstances weren’t what they were, I can image the Star Veterans have a vacation here. Over the breeze, I hear Shark and Arctic Dragon talking about the pill, which makes me think about my leg. It’s feeling a bit better, after soaking up some sunlight. I’m a Floran, which means I heal slowly but surely in the sunlight. Quite useful, but the downside is that we need sunlight to live. That thought reminds me of my suit, which gave off artificial sunlight enough to live in it. Trying to ignore the thoughts, I hear Ellie stand up, so I imply that Arctic Dragon is standing right besides me. They whisper a bit, right before giving me the pill.

    “Did you know Amazing was a Floran?” asks Ellie.

    “Nobody did.” Arctic Dragon shakes his head “I’m not even sure Shark did. It’s not everyday they just show up in a multiracial group, anyway.” He turns his attention towards me. The medic bends downs and places the pill in my left hand. I open my eyes, and I raise my left hand to my mouth. The pill is rather small, so it’s not a trouble to swallow it.

    “Good. By the time I’m done talking, you should be able to walk.” He’s right. Even after being trapped under a fallen tree, which I noticed when Arctic and I were talking earlier, I feel better. The pain is still there, but a noticeable dim in the pain. He continues: “Anyway, the boss wants the whole clan to meet up soon, so you might want to head that way. We’ll be waiting for you.” With that, he stands up, and also helps me up. I watch him walk away with Ellie. He gathers up the two other medics, Sensuna and Pigrocket, and then he heads to the group huddled by a giant, purple boulder.

    I lean on my right leg, not fully trusting my left. I stumble over to the group, preparing for the worst. Knowing this group, they’ll probably argue and bicker. They always do.

    Chapter 2 part 2 - "Meeting" Total word count: 936

    When I finally stumbled into the group, I stood a fair distance away from the rest. I had some glances and stares, but I just ignore it.

    “Alright, now that everyone is here, I believe we can start now.” Shark was standing on a wooden box, so everyone could see him. He clears his throat. “As I you guys know, our situation isn’t.. pretty.”

    “No kidding? I thought we just accidently crashed into a vacation planet.” said Seb, jokingly.

    “Yes, because obviously a we’d take a break in our enemies home planet.” replied Shark.

    “Our enemy? And who might that be? Bad pilots?” Mr. Braun asked. “‘Cause I wouldn’t mind being enemies with that horrible pilot over there.” He points over towards the group of pilots and navigators. Directly on Ripin.

    “Oh yeah? Why don’t you go fly one? Oh wait, I forgot, you aren’t skilled enough to fly one. Heck, you can’t join a faction.” Ripin shot back.

    I watch as Mr. Braun tries to run over to Ripin and fight him, but Panda and GunmanRex hold him back. Shark clears his throat, and the clan’s attention is back on him.

    “In a way, yes, Braun. He is possibly our enemy.” Whispers start up everywhere. Shark continues. “Yes, it is true. Right before the crash, I had a little talk with Tiy. Starbound was attacked, by none other than the Robotic nation and the Hylotle people.”

    Mr. Braun speaks up again. “Then throw them out! We don’t need traitors to bring us down.” Many people agreed and nodded their heads.

    “But they are our friends, Braun! How could you throw them out?” Happyvader was completely astonished. “Besides, they are loyal to Starbound. Right...?”

    A minute afterward, Panda loses his grip on Mr. Braun. Mr. Braun then punches GunmanRex, and dashes over to Ripin. A full-on fist fight breaks loose. I don’t join it, but instead I walk over besides Shark, who is also watching the event. He shakes his head in disappointment. Every time, even for the littlest thing, the clan is split. He wants over to the pile of supplies, and picks up our only revolver. He also grabs six bullets and loads them. He takes a deep breath, aims the barrel at the sky, and pulls the trigger. The booming sound stops the crowd dead in their fight. None of them speak.

    “Now that I have your attention, listen to my orders very carefully: No more fighting. If I see you doing so, I’ll deal with you personally. Next, Moursi, please take our robot and hylotle clanmates and make sure they don’t try anything.” When Moursi and the others don’t move, Shark adds, “Now. And Moursi, incase you need it...” Sharks tosses the pistol to Moursi. With a nod, Moursi walks off into the the distance, with Ripin, Retrospect, and TheWalrusLivesInMe. The group walks behind a small tree, so they are visible, to a certain amount. Shark continues to snap out orders.

    “Alright. I want the infiltration faction to scout the land. Report everything you see. By the way, since Moursi is busy at the moment, Jornut is in charge. If you feel like you need one, grab a dagger or sword. We got plenty of those.”

    The faction, which includes Captain Mcmanface, Chjon, Chaoseagle, Dunamax, Shasta and Jornut all snatched a weapon and marched off in different directions. Chjon walked off towards Moursi.

    “Alright. Builders. See if you can set up a house. At best, all you would have to do if extended from the airship. There are some axes in the pile I believe. We’ll also need to repair our spaceship, and to do that we’ll need materials. I believe our miner, Amazing, can fill that job.”

    All eyes dart on me. “Yes, I do believe I can.” Another voice also speaks up.

    “I’ll join him. I’m great at sniping and I can give some pretty good back-up.” AuraKnight says.

    “Sure, if Amazing is fine with it.” I shake my head, agreeing that AuraKnight can join me. “Alright then. I also need to ask the Nuclear Weapon Unit a question, if you will.”

    They agree, and Shark and a group walks towards the crashed hunk of metal. AuraKnight and I are picking out our tools when multiple gunshots ring through the air. In defense, I raise my pickaxe. I scan the area, looking for the source, and I see that the others are doing the same. Then I spot it, the smoke rising from where the revolver shot, with the fleeing shadow of a killer and two others. The lifeless body of my clanmate laying on the blood-stained grass.

    “Get back here!” I scream at the distant dot. I dash towards it, my leg now healed as best as it will be. I remember the pickaxe in my hands. So, I cock back my arm, and I throw the pick. It lands to his left, since my aim is off balance due to sprinting. The figure with the gun has stopped now. So do I, as I can tell he is aiming down his sights. I have nothing else on me, so I’m basically a sitting duck waiting for him to pull the trigger. He does. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three shots fly out randomly. Two thudding sounds also can be heard. A shudder runs through my body, because while the shooter took time to shoot at us before running again, I got a glimpse of his face.



    Just incase I need a warning: It's a bit violent, so yeah.
    Other Stuff - Thanks to Shark for creating Star Veterans and the people in the clans for letting me use their names. I think it's obvious to everyone that I am horrible at names. :V Oh and by the way, getting my story from google docs to here was a pain.
    Яetrospekt, Sensuna, Panda and 5 others like this.
  2. Great work. Looking forward to reading the rest.
    Stories are so much more engaging when you're actually in them :mwahaha:
    Oncinders likes this.
  3. playerjerry2

    playerjerry2 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yet everybody loves Raymond. Well saying this again amaz. Good job fellow clan mate. You should become a book author.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  4. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    loved it :DD
    although the story implied me hating you wox I don't

    we're friends :D
  5. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I know some publishers. Perhaps when this is complete... wait this is online so... its free...
  6. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    Chapter two, woo hoo!
    (that rhymed. :p)
  7. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    You called it chapter 4 silly you've been writing to much

    But I liked the chapter :3
  8. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    Oh man, you're right. :cautious:
    Maybe I should just take a break.
  9. Seb

    Seb Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice job on chapter two. This story continues to look promising.
  10. Panda

    Panda Big Damn Hero

    Awesome, hope for the story to take an interesting discussion phase, love those parts with everyone in the clan talking :D
  11. Ripin3

    Ripin3 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You've inspired me to continue my writing on my personal character, Raymen the Irish Flyin Robot.

    I'm loving your story!
  12. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh man that was awesome, brilliant read! :D
  13. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    I went with the whole part of a chapter thing, so yeah. Part 2 of chapter 2 is up. (I probably missed mistakes, its late at night when I was checking it. :zzz:
  14. playerjerry2

    playerjerry2 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea I saw a mistake. When we all went behind the tree. Around there. Well your doing good. And at a fast speed too! Can't wait for more :)
  15. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    Oh yeah, I changed that earlier and forgot to clean it up. :oops:
  16. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

  17. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    So, where did I go? Am I fixing the ship or wut? You are doing a good job, I'm just curious.
  18. playerjerry2

    playerjerry2 Phantasmal Quasar

    He'll mention us soon brotha. And retro's probably just being insane, as usual
  19. Shooting Star

    Shooting Star Existential Complex

    don't worry admiral I wasn't in there either but we will be mentioned later on
  20. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Its all a good story and I understand why its hard to include all 50ish members. I was just getting concerned.:)

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