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Vector Squared -- Starbound Community News, Issue #1

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by nababoo, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Vector Squared, Issue #1

    All 6 races confirmed
    As can be observed in the picture, we can observe the presence of all 6 races. They are, in order, humans, Avians, Apex, Florans, a blue race (possibly aquatic), and a robot race. We don’t know the names of the last two races yet. We may expect to get that information soon, as we head towards release.


    Interestingly enough, after the presence of several “Which race would you rather be” threads, both races, robot and underwater, have been included. All the conflict resolved :D
    We interviewed Pentaractagon for some opinions and personal thoughts regarding this.

    Which race do you think is the most original among the six?
    I'd say its a tossup between the Florans and whatever the blue creatures are called. Humans are us, Apex are monkeys, robots are robots. The Avians are a bit better, but still not as original.

    If you were to have a planet filled with one of the races, which one would you choose to inhabit the planet, and why?
    Depends on if I got to choose my own race before going there :p
    If I couldn't, I'd probably just stick with humans. Dealing with a probably massively different culture would be a pain, and more importantly, they'd probably have very different foods to eat there. Hell, maybe I'd be their food o_O
    If I could, probably Florans. IDK, being a plant sounds fun.

    And of course, the question: What is your favorite race?
    *Probably* the Florans so far, though if the blue-creatures turn out to be slime-people I'd have to do a little soul searching to decide. I'm still crossing my figured for a cat-race eventually though. Catgirl FTW :3

    What role would best fit the preceding race, if you were to have a space crew?
    Researcher. Find ways to make exotic toxins from plant extracts that may or may not have come from my own body mwhahahaha!!! But no seriously, if you could do that it'd be awesome.

    Release Date?
    Another big topic recently, popping up quite often in the General Discussions area. The main issues appear to be the balance between teasers and withholding information to make us squirm. To get more information on the community feel, we interviewed fellow forum member MahBucket.

    Which side of the debate do you sympathize with? The "more teasers" side, or the "take your time" side?
    The take your time side. If we had more teasers, the game would take EVEN LONGER. That's my reasoning, anyways.

    What merits do you think belong to the "teasers" and "patience" sides?
    I feel people who want more teasers just want to know more about the game, which is perfectly acceptable. The patient ones (like me ;)) obviously either want the game to be released faster, or want to delve into it and discover everything themselves.

    And why do you think so many threads have popped up regarding this issue?
    It's a touchy topic. I believe there are so many threads on this topic because the search bar at the top of every page is almost invisible, therefore most users don't know of its existence.

    Do you feel that the level of concern is justified in this case?
    I guess. The logical thing to do is make a poll.

    And finally: How do you feel about the progress of the game? How far it's in development, the number of items done, etc.
    From what I've seen, it's very near completion. The amount of items in the game is astonishing. It's as if Terraria chugged a bottle of growth hormones and then entered a clone machine.

    A very interesting interview, to be sure. Hopefully this conflict will be resolved peacefully. The progress of the game appears to be pretty far; they have the engine down in place, and it's down to adding items. Wish them the best of luck!

    There are none this week -- send your feature nominations, via PM, to Nababoo. The feature may include anything, stories, art, threads, corporations, anything worthy of being recognized for its merit.

    Corporation Politics
    Well, the big thing at the moment appears to be the Corporation Politics Meeting, organized by user Galactic Mindswipe, here. The CEO’s of up to 20 corporations will meet and decide the fate of the universe (or at least the nearest parsec) in a conversation. There has been talk of expanding it beyond the conversation, though, and possibly using third-party software. Then they would be able to have more than 20 people attending one meeting at once. But, as of this being written, only ten of the twenty spots have been filled -- plenty of room for others.

    As for other news, “Killer Snowman” of GeneriCorp is fighting with Casimer for spilling coffee on the pants of the former. Perfect Pair Freelance Architecture has put off Adrian, for having a 'suspicious' company (Symnatic) and has asked Galactic Mindswipe to make a blueprint. Also, he has apparently gotten KS to order the exact same thing as he asked from Perfect Pair FA.

    Very colorful news for sure, and introduce more variables and cool factors into the current Corporation world. Feel free to check this section out and join, or start a corporation.

    Science Trivia
    Did you know that there are 36 galaxies in the near vicinity? This cluster of galaxies is known as the Local Group, and it'll remain with the Milky Way for trillions of years to come.

    Seeing as there’s lots of talk about planets, homeworlds, and terraforming, it formed the seed for this question.
    Q: What kind of terraforming tools would you like? How powerful would you prefer them to be?
    A: Post them in this thread!

    Closing Comments
    • Accepting staff -- if you’re dedicated and ready to work consistently, send me a PM and we’ll organize things... ;)
    • We are also considering ideas of what to add and what to take away (sections), as this is but budding. Post and give us feedback on what you would like added to this fledgling news report!
    • More graphics and art would also be nice (very) -- it’s rather bland having only text. If you have anything you would like to donate/give, please send it to the staff via PM. Art for headings, accompanying art, all of the sort.
    Nababoo -- Editor-in-chief
    <Accepting more, in case you haven’t noticed>
    Galactic Mindswipe -- Inside Corporate Informant
    Megaman0816, Jonesy, Aer_ and 9 others like this.
  2. H-Alo

    H-Alo Phantasmal Quasar

    1st post.
    Looking good!
  3. Yeah, issue #1 :D
  4. Admiral CherryTurnover

    Admiral CherryTurnover Cosmic Narwhal

    Great start!
    Shows involvement WITH community members and has a very promising formula.

    • A trusty pickax that is not too overpowered, yet can break through any of the blocks that are supposed to be broken with ease.
    nababoo likes this.
  5. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    YAY! Issue #1
    Nice work Nababoo :up:
    If you need staff I may be available (depends on what you need done)

    For the Q&A I'd probably want some kind of pump or mining machine to move blocks and water cuz I'd probably want to redesign everything and build a castle.
    nababoo likes this.
  6. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    Nice work.
    This helps, especially with the Devs focusing less time on the front page newsfeed and more on finishing the game.

    Q & A: I want a mining laser. Simple use, it either blasts whatever it hits into a salvageable block, or sucks it into your inventory like a vacuum. It has to have lasers though. Lasers, and chrome.

    That is all.
    nababoo likes this.
  7. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    sounds like the mining laser from the mod Industrialcraft on Minecraft..
  8. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    Partially, but I was paying more attention to the fact that most of the terrain of Starbound is comprised of 'tiles', like in Terraria. I call them blocks as well.
  9. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    that makes sense and yes I see your point except you would want to be careful that the laser doesn't go through the whole planet.
  10. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    That's why I was thinking of a handheld rifle-like weapon that mines blocks in a 2-3 block radius perhaps. If it fired a constant beam it would have to mine the blocks in that radius over a certain period of time as opposed to instantly, that would avoid melting the ground too quickly. Alternatively it could fire a laser burst that that destroys blocks, but it wouldn't be fully-automatic. Again, it wouldn't fire so fast that it melts away the ground, but it would have a decent enough fire rate that it was still a practical mining tool.

    Also, I would imagine that because it's a Mining Laser, designed as a utility weapon, that it should probably do little to no damage to monsters or players if they were hit directly with the beam.
  11. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ok fair enough.
    I'd still use it as a weapon cuz it has "laser" in its name. :up:
  12. Thanks for all the feedback! I almost ended up liking all the posts :)

    I seriously need graphics, though. This thing is blander than a piece of blank paper. Any links to art? Google images? CLIPART?
  13. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I guess you could use images of popular corporations that are involved in the article.
    other graphics may just contradict the actual article so unless there is an image related to the article don't use it i guess.
    Also making a symbol to represent the newspaper might help or to represent sections.

    Also I could help if your in need or some assistance.
    caution my grammar is terrible
  14. In my dream world, this would have a banner, symbols, graphics, and pretty pictures.

    But then again -- if it were my dream world, I would enslave several penguins force them to work for me. *hides in hole*
    Zerak_Kyria likes this.
  15. Frag Sandwich

    Frag Sandwich Zero Gravity Genie

    Unfortunately I have little to no artistic talent, and I have too much self-respect to go to some random image site and steal something from them.
    Zerak_Kyria and nababoo like this.
  16. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :rofl: *pulls nababoo out of hole and shows him reality*
    If you do need assistance I'll try my best.
    I could make a design if you want.
  17. Yay! Potential arts coming up, people.

    I'll shoot off a PM to you.
  18. Zerak_Kyria

    Zerak_Kyria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  19. MahBucket

    MahBucket Cosmic Narwhal

    This "MahBucket" fellow seems very interesting. Great first issue! :up::up::up:
    nababoo likes this.
  20. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    a great first issue! if you're concerned about graphics, you could contact Sol, in his art thread. he made my signature, which i love very much.

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