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Unrealistic bioms

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Byte, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Or destroy it with your uber death star(™) :)

    But I agree: If you don't like it, don't use it. ^^
    Pingeh and tassina like this.

  2. Yeah it may be a little loud, I meant it as "omg eyeball trees and gloomy backgrounds, this might be a pretty dangerous planet" uneasy feeling.
  3. double post.
  4. PikaRK

    PikaRK Seal Broken

    If you don't like those kind of biomes, then ignore them, its the nice thing about having a big sandbox game, you go anywhere and do anything you wan't.
    In my opinion, those biomes are awesome, it would be quite boring to always be looking at forests and deserts so why not make something totally different and bizarre.
    Shippo likes this.
  5. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    I suspect that planets like that are actually unique and done for quest purposes rather than something that occurs naturally.
  6. Wolfedg

    Wolfedg Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree that the biomes are "gross", but I also agree with the solution many have presented, don't settle there. I won't be settling any of those bizarre planets myself, and intend to keep enough fuel on hand that I don't end up stuck on one.
  7. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    1) You will be able to disable any biome with a config file, straight from the developers.
    2) You have billions of planets to choose from, if you don't like one don't visit it.

    I like them because.. honestly.. who are you to say they are unrealistic. Have you visited every place in the universe? Do you have proof that some planets don't have trees with eyeballs? The universe is vast (possibly infinite in a way humans can't comprehend) almost everything you can imagine could be out there.
  8. rewjeo

    rewjeo Big Damn Hero

    I would say that they are unrealistic because, based on what I've seen, trees with eyeballs don't do anything differently from trees without eyeballs. Apparently they evolved the ability to sense their environment for... what, exactly? I mean, it follows that if the trees have eyes that they then have some brain-type thing, and that's a lot of energy to put into accomplishing nothing. I don't even know what to say about giant brains dotting the landscape since the ground is not an organism. IIRC the brains all looked pretty much identical, too, rather than being rocks with peculiarly brain-like appearances.

    Mind you, I'm not upset with these being in the game. I can ignore them or even disable them just fine. But to say that not liking them is somehow ridiculous bothers me.
    Zomgmeister, Colton and Skarn like this.
  9. NFossil

    NFossil Phantasmal Quasar

    Maybe they are just fruits or other stuff that happen to look like eyeballs?
  10. Lemonader

    Lemonader Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Tentacles are part of the lore, sorry. :p

    I wouldn't want to stay on a brains planet with eye-trees, but you can just go somewhere else, no biggie.
  11. The game is already way too realistic. For me a bit too much.
    I also would like a bit of the Terraria fantasy style that did conquer me first time i played it. :cry:
  12. Riskay

    Riskay Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Then how come every thing we've been able to fully study in space is made of stuff that's also here on earth
    Space can't be that special
    Zomgmeister likes this.
  13. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Stuff like eyes and brains? :p

    I'll be fine with it, as long as there's a better explanation for it than because random. Like I was saying though, I suspect these are quest or sidequest planets rather than just procedurally generated ones.
  14. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    I didn't know we were going to be given a biome config. That is awesome! I'll have to make sure I avoid peeking at it so I don't spoil anything. :)

    Ok so, people are having a hard-time wrapping their heads around why something would evolve into looking like a tree with brains on it, or a tree with eyeballs on it? Use your imagination to come up with a believeable backstory then! Why do the trees have eyes? They aren't real eyes by any means, they serve no purpose, and don't look around, they are just shaped like an eyeball because long ago in the distant past, on a distant planet, in a distant galaxy. This particular planet was on the verge of being a dead rock, because there were to many animals eating the leaves and the trees, except for small plants whose leaves and fruit was shaped like eyeballs, the trees began to take that form as well. Why? Who knows! Come up with something for yourself that lets you keep your suspension of disbelief!

    As for brain trees? [​IMG]

    Maybe they are just oranges? Yes, that's what that green brain-like thing in the above picture is, an orange! Yaaaaay Earth, being crazy and stuff, with their plants that have eye-shaped things, and their oranges that look like brains....gosh, this planet is so unrealistic. Why does it grow like that? Cause it does, common people don't question things as soon as they see them exsist in earth, which I don't get. So it is ont his planet, that makes it acceptable and you no longer mind? Seems silly. So there you are, we've found a plant that has eye-like fruits and baubles ont he end, and a tree that produces fruit that carries a close resemblance to brains. Do you still mind the planets? I'd imagine so, even though we have things similliar to them on earth, why? Cause you just find them damn creepy. Hey that's your choice, avoid it if ya hate it right? Beautiful thing about Starbound.
    Sir Ginger Ale, Danner16 and azarga like this.
  15. WolfMimir

    WolfMimir Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really dont see how a SPACE game can have unrealistic biomes.
    Have you been in space and checked if these biomes dont exist?
    Didnt think so.
  16. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    wait till candy biome :up:
    Autzome likes this.
  17. Danner16

    Danner16 Big Damn Hero

    I hope there are a few really dark and creepy biomes put in the game.
  18. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Oh, but good sir, I do suppose that would be, how you say....

  19. Coramnis

    Coramnis Industrial Terraformer

    Here's a link to the real life eyeball plant. Turns out it's fruit. Now you know.
    Shippo likes this.
  20. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    No Matter how strange fiction gets. The facts will always be stranger.

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