The Treelark Alpha.

Discussion in 'The Monster Monster Contest' started by GearSecond, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. GearSecond

    GearSecond Void-Bound Voyager

    Trees Start.jpg

    My submission is as follows.

    These pictures (however crudely rendered) are the species called the Treelark. The have a homeworld (As depicted in the bottom left of the art) that is overgrown that is called "_________". Treelarks are versatile survivalists. They have high durability, and do not starve often, they have the ability to consume small creatures as well as photosynthesize. There are a few main types of Treelark, and they are the ones in my picture as shown. The Treelark prefer to feed on animals as the nutrients derived from them last a lot longer than photosynthesizing. Photosynthesizing is possible but they can not live their whole lives doing it, it's just an emergency sustain ability.

    Top Left: Larkling
    The Larkling are a seperate tribe of the Treelark, they consist of trees that are under 50 years old on average, and are about 1/2 the size of a normal adventurer. They have a tendency to swarm people in mass numbers, as most Treelarks die after the age of 50 to the herbivores on their planet, as well as infections and vines. There are vast numbers of, what the Treelark would consider, young trees on the planet, and are basic in their attacks. Larklings take a straight-forward approach, rushing at most moving objects as it considers them a threat, swinging their arms about un-skillfully. However, Treelarks, even young, have quite a bit of power behind their attacks, Larklings will always knock their target back a good distance (even if there is knockback resistance, Larkling should still move your character a bit, almost like Luigi in Super Smash Brothers Melee)

    Right of Larkling: Psylark

    These Treelarks were once Larklings, although through their lives they have decided that the easiest way to catch it's prey is to make the herbavores kill one another, then feed off of their corpses. As it stands, it waits for a victim to pass in front of itself, when it's roots detect movement, the Psylark will flail about, almost as if it were dancing from left to right, wiggling it's trunk and releasing spores. The spores will inflict confusion and will send the infected animal into a fit of rage, attacking anything around itself. Once there is a victim, the Psylark will stalk up to the dead and feast on it's flesh.

    Right of Psylark: Embark

    These once proud Larklings are victims of a raized area, and during the time of fire, the most intelligent of the Larklings realized that their sap seems to be rather useful in the heat. Noticing that the sap had a tendency to shell up on the outside, and steam up on the inside and explode (much as a popcorn kernel does), they realized the efficiency of this and started luring victims to themselves by standing in the way of the road most traveled. They will knock animals back with a burst of heat if they try to just pass by, and upon being hit, they will cough up their sap and it will explode all over the enemy, coating them in burning tree sap, searing their flesh, allowing for consumption, as the threat has died.

    Right of Embark: Goolark

    These trees were mellow during their upkeep, more interested in escaping death and using it's sap (by excreting fluid in fear) to slow the pursuers. These trees have now realized that, if they act as if they are not able to move, people will pass right by them, and this falls right into their plan. Goolark's slowly drip sap from their leaves, covering the ground below it's canopy in a very sticky goo, and over time, local insects have noticed the excretion of the Goolark and made a symbiotic relationship with the goolark. It will feast on the sap to live, and in return, it will attack those who have stepped in the goo scattered about. These insects are highly poisonous and take advantage of victims being slowed by their new covering of sap. After the victim has died, the rotting corpses nutrients will seep into the soil, the Goolark will then absorb those nutrients for bursts of energy and/or reserve food for the not-so-bright days.

    Below Goolark: Treelark Alpha.

    These Treelark are the most aggressive and adaptive of all the larks of the planet, acquiring the base name of the proud Treelark family. These Larks are adapted to kill, the top of the food chain on the planet. They excel at ambushing it's prey with relentless attacks and uses a portion of all of the adaptive survival tactics of all the Larks. The Treelark Alpha will rush at you from a distance, picking you up with it's pincers, damaging you with it's extreme grip, immediately after it will throw you through it's draped branches and leaves that are drenched in Goolark sap and are shedding Psylark Spores, resulting in many debuffs and you flying through the air. The Treelark Alpha is so aggressive that it will continue this ritual until the victim is no longer showing any signs of life. They love tossing their prey like ragdolls, and consuming the corpse after it's fun is over. They sprint faster than 90% of all known mobile creatures in the universe, and are one of the most feared killers in the universe.

    Not shown: Seigelark.

    Siegelark are the members of the Treelark's family that spawn Treelarks, their canopy is wide and carries many Larklings in it's branches. When feeling threatened, it will drop upwards of 20 Larklings to defend itself as it runs away.

    The planet's seeds are very strong, strong enough to withstand the cold dark universe, equally they are very light, and the seeds have a tendency to be carried up and out of the planet's gravitational pull by extreme updrafts that occur along mountain ridges. Many mountain tops extend to the edge of the gravitational pull, allowing for seeds to be spread into rings and rope structures around the planet. Eventually the orbital pattern of these seeds slowly lose their grasp on it's pull to the main planet and get spread across universes. This planet is ancient and has been spreading seeds for millions of years. The Treelark live plentiful across the galaxy, but Treelark Alphas stay at their home planet, because Treelark Alphas cannot become just that unless it sees every variety of Treelark in one place, which would not happen in random planets seeds havent had thousands of years to spread seeds and evolve.
  2. GearSecond

    GearSecond Void-Bound Voyager

    Well -I- thought it was a good idea! D :<
  3. Giant Door

    Giant Door Space Penguin Leader

    Pretty good idea, and the artwork is very psychedelic lol. The only downside to your design is that there are a lot of tree/plant/fungus monster concepts on here, but really your descriptions flesh these out to be your own.... and don't worry lol, you're lucky to get a single comment per 100 views here unless you are incredibly active and had done multiple drawings and/or animations - I guess that's because it's a competition and not just a art/idea display. Still, it's up to the judges to decide what moves them the most, so good luck

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