"The extrusive gun"

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Nikkey, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Nikkey

    Nikkey Master Chief

    I apologize in advance for my English. :confused:
    To make it clear, "extrusive" - "eject", "driving out" means

    I've looked at different ideas about teleports and that's what happened. The idea of ​​teleporting in itself is awesome! But just think - what if the game is weapon that can teleport your enemies? This can be implemented in small and large extent ( Teleport an enemy to the specified location, or in random. Within the limits of the planet, or outside)

    Just think how funny it would be possible to get rid of the enemy ( be it AI or a live player).

    What do you think? (if you do not like something, please be kind enough to write.)

    P.S. If I wrote something wrong, I accept any constructive criticism. (It's about grammar)
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  3. TokamakuYokuu

    TokamakuYokuu Sandwich Man

    You just made every other weapon useless.
  4. nikey9

    nikey9 Void-Bound Voyager

    interesting idea. But I think it should'nt teleport them too far away, maybe around 5-10 Blocks (in a random direction of course >:D)
    Nikkey likes this.
  5. Nikkey

    Nikkey Master Chief

    I do not think so. One would limit the power of these weapons. To make this it is not cheating. For example, to introduce the high cost of ammunition, (due to the complexity of its preparation) or limit its radius, as I wrote above.
    nikey9 likes this.

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