
Discussion in 'The Monster Monster Contest' started by Razmos, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Razmos

    Razmos Void-Bound Voyager

    Bear in mind that i have no artistic talent whatsoever, what i do have though, is ideas! (clever ones)
    Basically my idea for the Startrap is that it incorperates a few different ideas from various 'alien' like creatures found on our own planet.
    We have the Starfish, with it's uncanny ability to heal from major injuries, which is incorporated into the monsters design, the 'Star' part of the enemy is invincible, it is too tough and heals too fast to be destroyed.
    The mouth of the Startrap is the part you see in the middle with the 2 rows of teeth, this is the monsters only weak point, fire a ranged weapon into that and it's dead, but to get to the mouth, you have to kill the 'tongue'.
    The appearance of the 'Tongue' is based on this bad boy:

    It's called the Dragonfish and is very similar to an Angler fish in that it produces light to draw in prey and so in terms of gameplay, is the only way you will see where the Startrap is unless you have a light source yourself (since i expect that this monster would spawn deep in the oceans of a marine planet). The 'Tongue' attacks when you get near, and can be killed separately, leaving the star defenseless, if you don't kill the star in time, it grows another tongue, so you need to be quick (if you have no light, the death of the tongue would put you in darkness too).

    I was thinking that the enemy would be motionless, and stuck to the back wall, but i don't even know if that is possible.

    When thinking of the idea i thought of how life might evolve in unexpected ways on other planets, and on the mysteries of the ocean on our own planet, so while i might not have drawn it particularly well, i think the thought I've put into it is worth a lot more!

  2. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Interesting idea, but your first picture is broken and the second is quite fuzzy (are they fuzzy?).
  3. Razmos

    Razmos Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, i've replaced the picture with a link now, maybe that would be better

    And the second picture is fuzzy because i took it on my phone unfortunately, but you can see everything that's important, so it doesn't really matter i guess :D
  4. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    ha, you replaced a broken picture with a broken link. Still a good concept.

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