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Starbound's Lore (Tiy's Tweet)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Keeper, Feb 25, 2013.


Would you like one of the lore documents to be available to the public? (Spoilers may come along)

  1. Yes

    183 vote(s)
  2. No

    28 vote(s)
  3. Mixed Feelings

    95 vote(s)
  1. To those of you who haven't seen it yet, this is the most recent of Tiy's tweets:

    " Tempted to show you guys one of the lore reference docs so you can see how deep the lore goes, but spoilers! What to do "

    Speaking for myself, I'm quite glad to know that Starbound's lore seems to be quite deep, as I take great interest in stories surrounding a universe I enjoy, be it in games, books, series or films. It just adds a lot to the depth and allows me to have an enhanced gaming experience.

    So, basically, what are your thoughts on this? And would you like such document to be made publicly available at the expense of spoilers?

    Edit2: Juicy Avian Lore. ^^ http://playstarbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/avianlore_pdf.pdf
    Noc, Urist McDwarf, Thanel and 3 others like this.
  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    ...nah. Lores are best when you discover them yourselves. And besides, if no one knows about the lore, they may interpret the story differently, and make their own fanfics about their own version of the lores. There's no need for Tiy to give up a written-in-stone lore; I'm sure, if the lore was kept secret, that the community might make up an even better one.
    Noc, backstabbeth, MrHiggle and 2 others like this.
  3. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    it's official, guys!
  4. What can you tell us about it that doesn't contain spoilers? :p
  5. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Let's see, um....

    There's going to be a lore, and Tiy is possible involved in making it.

    The End.

    Now where's my Emmy?
  6. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    Avians have feathers.

    edit: brb getting fired
  7. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    ... and now no lore-writer can write their starbound lores without mentioning about Avian's feathers. You have restricted the freedom of expression of small town America! That's a violation of the first Amendment! Stop trying to take away my firearms!

    (I was joking btw)
  8. shardival

    shardival Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think that would be nice to know something about Starbound lore. Some of you don't want to know anything - that's cool. Just don't read it.

    I don't want any spoilers in it, just lore - isn't race description is also lore? :unsure:
    That would be cool to know that Avians don't like Apex, because in year 129484.4874.87 there was incident, where Apex commando tried to ride one of biggest Avian temple - where they believe, was some kick-ass device. No spoilers? No. Just some history :)
    xboy777, nababoo and Keeper like this.
  9. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    In all seriousness - I don't actually know how much lore we'll be releasing before the game releases, though I wouldn't be surprised to see a little bit in each of the Starbound Chronicle issues. I'd prefer to release as little as possible to keep you guys hungry :D, but releases are entirely up to Tiy's discretion.

    also, spike is worst pony
    Zailiner and nababoo like this.
  10. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    I sense a nuclear meltdown is about to take place.
  11. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    I sense that Spike sucks.
    nababoo and shardival like this.
  12. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    It's true!!!!

    I'm tempted to post Spike-related GIFs here, but I really shouldn't post ponies outside of the BBTS.

    I think they meant lore as a collective something. It's probably not going to be something mundane such as "Every race met so far actually descended from the human race, and their actions mimic our past lives"or something to that effect; the lore is probably going to incorporate everything that we know about starbound, and it'll probably be pretty neat.
    nababoo, WoxandWarf and demanrisu like this.
  13. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    Examples of lore:
    - Avian mining mission log
    - Glitch history book
    - Apex censored documents
  14. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Avians can dig with their skinny little bird arms?!

    Glitch are actually literate enough to have history books?!

    Apex actually keep their censored dirt around to screw themselves over?!!?

    This is juicy stuff!
  15. Malus

    Malus Star Wrangler

    Wait wait wait...

    *goes back to the sex thread*

    By the night, his crazy trolling idea is canon! THERE IS THAT IN THIS GAME NOW


    Since your asking for some spike gifs, i'll provide one better.

    I threw this mop at my new space pirate captain, so I found a use for his bucket.

    On a side note... I did actually throw the mop at my captain so he could clean up his drool. I might be the newest pirate on the crew, but I ain't his janitor . Plus, Buckets were OP in terraria.
  16. Snolo12

    Snolo12 Void-Bound Voyager

    I got to agree. I would also like some lore about the different races. And I know there were in meeting the glitch and the Avian about a mysterious race that created/helped them respectivly.. And there could be something about the other races (probably not human and Apex) that this unknown race somehow interacted with.. But yeah I would totally love some lore.
    Keeper likes this.
  17. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    I may or may not be planning on writing The Lusty Avian Maid at some point.
  18. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    ..... So, wheres Magdolar's ship?
  19. shardival

    shardival Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ow! My bad :p

    Still I think that would be cool to know some "lore stuff" :p
  20. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    That should be made into an accessory at some point.

    Charisma +1.

    Well, technically this is lore, since it will almost definitely reveal somethign about the avian, or other races of beings.
    nababoo and shardival like this.

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