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Starbound Vs. Terraria

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by KalKrex, Aug 14, 2013.


Starbound is better

  1. True

    16 vote(s)
  2. True

    13 vote(s)
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  1. KalKrex

    KalKrex Orbital Explorer

    Starbound Vs. Terraria
    The title says it all. I stand on team Starbound. This essay is to all you hardcore Terraria fans and just normal gamers.

    Reason #1 why Starbound is better:

    Starbound covers so many different annoying problems Terraria has. Like in Terraria you would be running and all of the sudden a block comes in your way. You can't walk over 1 block heights. While in Starbound you simply walk over those blocks. It makes travel so much easier. And also when you are breaking a block that's just out of reach, and you have to keep jumping to break it, and then you end up breaking the background wall. Starbound has really far reach compared to Terraria. Terraria can only reach about 4-5 blocks away, while Starbound can reach about 10 blocks away. And also in Terraria you have to stick a torch on a front block, whereas in Starbound you can place a torch on the background blocks.

    Reason #2 why Starbound is better:

    In Terraria you have 3 choices for world generation. Small, medium, and large. And the world can have about 8 different biomes. Forest biome, Desert biome, Corrupted biome, the Hollow biome, Dungeon biome, Meteor biome, Ocean biome, and a Floating Island biome. yet you get used to your world and get tired of it because everything gets easy and your world gets boring. In Starbound the developers have created an engine that creates a completely randomly generated universe. This means that no two worlds in a universe will ever be the same. We have no idea how many biomes there will be because the game developers have been relatively quiet. But based off of what I've seen and heard there are a whole lot of biomes. Forest, desert, ocean, lava, tentacle, snow, blizzard, eyeball, etc. The list goes on and on and on. And you will never get tired of the game. When you get tired of your world you can just go to another one and start a new home there. And the planets have difficulties, which means you will always have trouble with the best gear on the hardest planets. So you will never be without a challenge.
    And to top that off they have created a creature generator. Which makes completely randomly generated enemies. It takes parts and puts them randomly together to create a new enemy. So no two worlds will ever have the same enemies on it. Which opens up to the creature log they are including in the game that logs every creature. You will be able to record every enemy you find.

    Reason #3 why Starbound is better:

    Terraria has no storyline. You mine, get good weapons and armor, and then fight a boss to unlock new ores to mine and get better stuff, then you're done. That's the storyline. Pretty simple eh? In Starbound there is going to be a storyline. I have no idea what it is but I know it will be good. And I know that the NPC's in the game will give you quests to further you in your storyline or to get you good gear or whatever. And these quests lead to the hardest planets. And again, these planets stay hard. And also, even after you beat the storyline there is the complete randomness of the universe to explore and build upon. And let me tell you, some of the worlds are really beautiful despite it all being pixilated. They have completely random worlds and the background and the foreground somehow always fit together color wise.

    Reason #4 why Starbound is better:

    In Terraria- well I've pretty much summed it up already, but its sold about 1.5 million copies. Starbound hasn't even started beta testing and its already been preordered by 72,803 people. And they have made $1,678,900 off of preorders alone. And seven of those people actually donated $2000 dollars! That's how great this game is. Also the developers have been really active in making the game and interacting with the community. The developers have Livestreams on Twitch.tv so people can watch while they code the game and they answer questions. They have forums where they answer questions and so the fans can talk about the game with each other. Also they have a suggestions page which allows the community to suggest things to add to the game. They also hang out in the IRC chat at talk to fans. And at the end of each day they put up a Daily Update on their website to keep the fans updated. They created a "Roadmap" that shows the percentage of how done each part of the game is to keep fans updated and to get an idea of when it will be ready for release.

    What a Terraria player may think is better:

    I don't know to tell you the truth. Maybe, "Terraria has more weapons and dungeons." Terraria does have a lot of weapons. But they only have maybe two dungeons. Starbound has a whole lot of gun mods which can turn into thousands of mod combinations. Not to mention that they have a ton of melee weapons too. And also an awesome thing is that there is one dungeon per world. and remember what I said about universe generation? Exactly, in each universe there is an infinite amount of planets to go to. So therefore there are an infinite number of dungeons.

    Anything that Terraria has that's better than Starbound?
    I don't know. Based off of what I have learned about Starbound and what I've learned about Terraria by playing it, I believe Starbound is way better. A person that's on team Terraria may say that the character creation is better because you can change the colors to be what you want instead of a preset color. Starbound has 7 different species to for you to become. You can be an Apex (monkey person), Avian ( bird person), Floran (plant person), Hylotl (fish person), Glitch (robots that glitched into being medieval), and a Novakid (plasma people). For now it has preset colors to choose from but they have a ton of different customizations for each of those species. And each species can craft different things giving each race an advantage over the other.


    Starbound is infinitely better than Terraria.​
  2. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Yes yes yes we all know that already, thank you, thank you!

    No, really, think that wall of text was massively unnecessary. Games are not cars or houses that you have to pick carefully and have only one unless incredibly rich! Why compare when we have two entertaining, fun games that offer us a lot of adventurous fun? Don't tell me they're too similar. Geesh, it's like comparing Mona Lisa to some other famous Renaissance portrait nobody cares about... is it really necessary?

    Also, note we already played Terraria, but we can't objectively claim Starbound since we haven't tried it yet. Announced info it not enough. Also, preorders are not a criteria to say a certain game is better. If it would be so, Tiy and every other single gamedev should suicide or submit to Star Citizen for being only game we'll ever need. Also, stosrylines are debatable things too, many games may benefit from no storyline and just some lore or absolutely no story, depending on their genre.
    Sarzael, warcore, Nougat and 5 others like this.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

  4. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    terraria is cool
    starbound is cool

    case closed
  5. KalKrex

    KalKrex Orbital Explorer

    I know it was unnecessary. I had to write a 6 paragraph persuasive essay for school. It was about Starbound so I thought I'd put it up. And also those are just my feeling about the game.
  6. Goldstar

    Goldstar Big Damn Hero

    dude... theyre two different games =\

    Terraria may be older but it is it's own game, it doesnt necessarily have to be worse for starbound to thrive.
    Autzome likes this.
  7. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    did you really had to do this..?
    meh, poor lil' terraria.
    yay for 1.2 coming soon : D
  8. azarga

    azarga Big Damn Hero

    Can't agree more.
    warcore and Serenity like this.
  9. BastianHawk

    BastianHawk Aquatic Astronaut

    Abandon the hopeless thread.
  10. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Pangalactic Porcupine

    Almost forgot how it's utterly impossible to like two games with relatively similar gameplay concepts at the same time.
  11. Johan

    Johan Phantasmal Quasar

    Terraria isn't dead
  12. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

  13. Suhr

    Suhr Astral Cartographer

    Yeah kind of a messed up thread. I am EXTREMELY excited for the new Terraria update just like I'm excited for the Starbound Beta. No reason to compare.
  14. Greatblackshark

    Greatblackshark Cosmic Narwhal

    It didn't really need to be said, but not much else to do around here anyway, so well said I say.
    KalKrex likes this.
  15. Insignia

    Insignia Zero Gravity Genie

    I can't wait for it to come out. The date keeps getting pushed forward though. which is not necessarily a bad thing.
  16. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    i can feel this being flame bait to anyone who loves terraria equally /more than starbound.
  17. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    I enjoy both games, or at least I will by 2014 ;) this essay was well written, thoughtful, and also provacative. There didn't seem to be much wiggle room for a genuine conversation about the merits and equal comparisons. I love terraria, and I haven't played starbound though I follow every stream and update.

    Next time offer some room for opposing discussion
    KalKrex likes this.
  18. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    I'm sick of these threads.
    Stahp it.
    Stahp it now.
  19. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Wow I missed these threads.
    Serenity likes this.
  20. ...again?
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