Starbound Videos, Speculation, news etc.

Discussion in 'Videos' started by TheMurumasa, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Well, this section looks quite empty so I decided to post here..

    Hey guys & Girls.
    I want to start by saying that I am extremely exited about the release of StarBound and cant wait to play it.

    I have a YouTube channel that used to focus on Terraria, now that the Terraria support is coming to an end, I have decided to move my focus to this game. I already have a playlist dedicated to it and plan to post a lot of StarBound content when it is released, this will include lets plays, tutorials etc.
    I also plan to run a 24 hour dedicated server for it, just as I did (and continue doing) for Terraira.

    It wound be much appreciated if you could check out my channel and subscribe if you like my content and want to see more Starbound content when it is released.

    Much appreciated.

    Okay here we go, these are all my "Starbound Stuff" videos, starting with the most recent.

    Most Recent "Starbound Stuff" Video

    #43 - The Starbound Chronicle!
    #42 - The Glitch!
    #41 - Spaceships oceans and stuff!
    #40 - Create A Character!
    #39 - Lots of Stuff
    #40 - Overview Extra Video
    #38 - Florans and Trees!
    #37 - All races revealed!
    #36 - An hour of gameplay!
    #35 - Building Demo Analysis!
    #34 - Tiys Livestream!
    #33 - Race Wars!
    #32 - Teleportation!
    #31 - Plant people, Plant people.
    #30.5 - Character creation!
    #30 - Dungeons!
    #29 - Run, its Godzilla!
    #28 - Why So Human!
    #27 The APEX!
    #26 Eddie in the Jungle.
    #25.5 Furniture Screenshot.
    #25 Reddit information & Avian House.
    #24 Dungeons!
    #23 Procedurally Generated guns!
    #22 Two Screenshots, 2 Mobs, and Tweets.
    #21 Random mobs, Director Mode.
    #20 Third Gameplay Analysis! (Water Tech Demo)
    #19 Two new screenshots, Dual monitor support and Possible Lava Rain!
    #18 Second fan made trailer, Poor Penguin.
    #17 Twenty Days worth of information that was released while I was internet-less :(
    #16 Quick video related to the Starbound Music.
    #15 Overview of two new screenshot's released by good old Tiy :love:
    #14 First fan made trailer, poor worm.
    #13 Discussion and speculation about the new Avian race.
    #12 Water/beach screenshot speculation.
    #11 Second gameplay analysis (Biome variation)
    #10 Overview of more biome screenshot's and some Gifs.
    #9 Biome Variation Analysis.
    #8 Multiplayer screenshot analysis.

    All videos below this line where uploaded on our old channel.

    #7 First gameplay analysis (Lighting Demo)
    #6 Duel Wielding, random mobs & Blocking.
    #5 General discussion & Speculation.
    #4 Vehicles, screenshots and Animations, release of forums.
    #3 Information released by Tiys Twitter feed.
    #2 Very early screenshots and Info.
    #1 Initial speculation and screenshot's, released when Starbound was still unnamed.

    I have started a new series, "Starbound Suggestions".

    Not sure if this series will continue.

    Most recent "Starbound Suggestion" Video.

    #3 Zombie Survival Mode!
    #2 Lycanthropes
    #1 Glunaughts
  2. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Good video! But i dont think Terraria is "dead". It will live on, and this game will be AWSUM!
  3. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Thanks! I really do think this game will be epic.
  4. Perséphone

    Perséphone Orbital Explorer

    Good Video ;)
  5. ShadowSoul

    ShadowSoul Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh boy! Good call, sir Murumasa! A jolly channel for this young game!
  6. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Thanks for the support guys :)
  7. Perséphone

    Perséphone Orbital Explorer

    Your Welcome.
  8. tastycrumpet

    tastycrumpet Former Staff

    Awesome videos by the way Murumasa. Can't wait for more.
    TheMurumasa likes this.
  9. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Glad you like :)
  10. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Thought that you guys might want to know that I just released a new video.

    CoolYoshifan and Jermex like this.
  11. Jermex

    Jermex The Stampede Forum Moderator

    I love your opening.
    Also, that video was quite long, but I enjoyed it!
    The procedural generation system is this at the core of this game's magic
    Keep it up!
  12. Zolastar

    Zolastar Void-Bound Voyager

    The video is pretty neat. Quite interesting, thanks for making it!
  13. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Yeah, I didn't realise how long it was until it was finished :p
    No, thank you for watching :)
    Jermex and Reborg like this.
  14. Jermex

    Jermex The Stampede Forum Moderator

    Keep them coming pal.

    I think you should make your place alongside Pedguin and Yirmir.
    Together, we can promote the hell outta this game.
    TheMurumasa likes this.
  15. Ollobrains

    Ollobrains Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    good video so large monsters with lots of arms are a start point
  16. Zenuel

    Zenuel Cosmic Narwhal

    Quite informative, nicely done~

    And likewise, there are far older games that still have an incredibly strong community, Terraria is just 'done'.
    bamseper likes this.
  17. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Completely forgot about this thread, I am going to do a massive thread update. :p
    Jesus! This is the first time I have counted all the Starbound videos we have made, better start thinking of an idea for an awesome 20th Starbound video. :p

    Also, I am going to continue updating this thread upon all releases of new content.
  18. friendswhogetexcited

    friendswhogetexcited Industrial Terraformer

    I think I sub to you... :DD
  19. Aetherus

    Aetherus Aquatic Astronaut

    I subbed as well. :up:
  20. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Thanks guys! I will try not to let you down :)
    friendswhogetexcited likes this.

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