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Starbound Ferozium, Violium and Impervium Bar error FIX

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by thekkill, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. thekkill

    thekkill Master Chief

    class101 likes this.
  2. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    12 posts, member since today...
  3. thekkill

    thekkill Master Chief

    I just helped me and now I want to help those who are having the same error
  4. All it really is the player.config file with some formatting fixes, e.g.:
        "level35" : [
       {"item": "Violiumbar"},    { "item" : "tier8chair" },
        "level35" : [
          { "item" : "Violiumbar" },
          { "item" : "tier8chair" },
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
    thekkill and class101 like this.
  5. thekkill

    thekkill Master Chief

    yes, it really was, so stayed the file so that other people do not waste time.
  6. Trankito

    Trankito Lucky Number 13

    still cant make ferozium bars, used the file but nothing
  7. thekkill

    thekkill Master Chief

    you used the upgrade again? if not, use it, or have no effect
  8. Trankito

    Trankito Lucky Number 13

    worked thanks
  9. ajwilco

    ajwilco Orbital Explorer

    This unlocked some items, but I still can't make Impervium Bar or anything I'd craft with it? Thanks!

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