
Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Eldian, May 9, 2012.



  1. I like this

    6 vote(s)
  2. God no

    1 vote(s)
  3. Yes, nut needs work

    1 vote(s)
  1. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    Before anything, I do know that the devs have said no space play is planned, but we can still hope to make them change their minds right? :p

    After considering it, the thought of a massive space level is hard to make, and they would have to divert resources to that, so it would most likely be rejected, but what about a simplistic space level?

    I think of it like this, each coordinate have a space area, where planets are, specially cool if combined with the suggestion of having Coordinates be Solar Systems instead of planets.

    How would this work? Imagine you leave the space station, you would enter the station space area (no idea if the station is supposed to be in orbit or what, or even if movable) if it is not movable, you would drive to the edge and go into hyperspace/subspace/ or whatever FTL we have, the star coord list goes up, you click one, and you appear into this system, where you can chose planets to land on, and search the system for space debris, ships, and anything!
    If the station IS movable, then simply skip the station space area part.

    Now, you will be thinking, that seems hard to make, and sure it is, if one where to make it massive, but I picture it like Star Control 2 view, top down, our ships tiny and we move around in a system (with better graphics of course) that would allow them to be procedurally generated and easy to get in right? (At least compared to the big ideas other have)

    I REALLY hope space gets in, it is not a deal breaker, sure, Starbound looks awesome nevertheless, but it would be even better! :rofl:

    So, what do you think?
    (Also, sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to get the idea through clearly. :p)

    EDIT: I know FTL like battles are planned, I meant this more of like as an alternative for exploring a star system that does not mean watching the 'engage warp' animation ten times.
    Also, if this were to happen, enemies could be shown on the map, like on Star Control 2, and you would be able to chose if outrun them or fight, instead of them being random encounters that can get annoying if you are not up to it at that moment.

    Attached Files:

    Puff likes this.
  2. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    I would like coordinates to stay as the coordinates of a planet, however it would also be cool if some sort of system coordinates could be added, also I HATED star control 2, only played it for awhile but I could never seem to get it down. Anyway, it would be a good idea for the developers to put some sort of space travel/combat into the game, it would add a new level to the game and probably prolong the games life. Maybe after initial release it'll get added in?
    xboy777 likes this.
  3. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    Would it change things that much? Maybe I am not thinking it through, but it seemed to me it would only require a small extra push to the planet, but adds the option of multi planet quests that do not have each in each side of the universe. (Like some ruins of a FTL-less civilization)

    It was not that great for sure, I liked it due to the explore and mine part, but I only mean the system view, nothing else would come with that... Or that's the part you do not like?

    The reason I suggested this idea instead of a more complex space area was that this one would likely be easier to code and make compatible with the procedural generation. But I am assuming here... :S
  4. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    I dunno how well it would go with the procedural generation (you would have to generate the entire star system when finding one planet). I like the idea, I just want to be able to hop directly to a planet sometimes, I think it's a good option to keep in for that sake.
  5. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    They said that Space Battles and those kind of things will probably get added, but after release.

    Currently, the events will be more planet based, like, as they said, something may fall from the sky.
    However, i would really like to have Space Dogfights, so that i could beat space pirates whit my ship!
  6. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    The whole solar system thing is more explained in the topic I linked, I do not claim to get it perfectly. :p

    The delay of launching and changing planet would be tops 1 minute, you would not have to deal with traveling between systems, as they are no physical connection between each.
  7. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    :) cool it's good to know cause it's something I was really hopin for, see you there (I'll be the pirate :D just don't expect to win!)
    I think this is a good idea, I haven't said it's not, I was just putting my opinion on something that may be an addition to it to possibly (hopefully(maybe)) make it better.
  8. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    Of course it was an opinion, and it is just as right as any, do not worry, I did not take it badly. :p
    And sure, this has tons of space to improve on, it could be so much better!

    I am not that much into dogfights, but rather derelict exploration, and if it is in, hopefully we can reclaim them as outposts just like planets! :rofl:
  9. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    To be honest, I like both of these aspects, as well as deep space exploration, stuff like that (I play EVE for the exploration not the combat :p) I agree with claiming old ships or starports as outposts :D
  10. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    I do not mean dogfights suck, mind you, the X games are awesome, but if I had to choose, it would be exploration. :p
    You play EVE? Is it really a learning cliff as everyone says? :p
    Also, heard of this glorious indie game?
  11. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    Completely understandable :p I wouldn't be able to pick though, I love both possible aspects of it :D!
    Are you kidding me, the only way I got up that damn cliff was to have 3 different people teach me how to play... also
    Nope never heard of it, checking it out now :p
    EDIT:: Just checked Infinity out, looks ungodly awesome!
  12. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    Both as a great combo indeed!

    LOL, shame, it looks so pretty! :rofl:

    Yes, Infinity is just the best idea ever, a whole galaxy! Realm size! If those guys go vaporware I am going into depression.
    Hence why I like to act as some sort of ad, showing it to everyone to give them popularity so they don't lose faith. :p
  13. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    Lol let's get off this topic though before the rest of this post becomes a giant advert for them :p but I do hope they stay strong..
  14. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    Point, too accustomed to derail topics now. :rofl:
  15. Syzygy

    Syzygy Big Damn Hero

    EVE is a game about working. If you think doing work and making spreadsheets is fun, EVE is for you.

    As far as a star map goes, why don't they just make it like the galaxy view in SPORE? It wouldn't have to be all fancy, but something that makes the player actually feel like they're travelling between stars instead of going down a shopping list.
  16. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    This would fit pretty nicely with my thread so that there would be a graphical interface for the star map :) I think I would prefer to have the ship just move automatically as you clicked on the planets though, rather than being completely player controlled. That way it would add a bit more depth to the system, but would mean you could still very quickly and easily move to another planet and drop back into the game play. After the 100th time I changed planets I think I'd start to get annoyed if I had to manually move my ship every time.
  17. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    My idea is in fact inspired somewhat from that linked thread, but yours is also pretty similar in concept.
    I considered the autopilot idea, but I liked the Star Control thing where you flew near some planet and you discovered that a station or ship orbits it. which would not be visible from the fully zoomed out view.
    It makes us explore and chart it.
    Imagine you go to some system with this view screen setup, and you decide that you only want gas, so you go to that gas giant planet, and then left since it was the only planet clearly shown there, but there is a certain area of the map with a white dot, that upon approach zooms in, and reveals an ancient warship in orbit around the star!

    Also, it would not be that long, just like in Star Control, planet to planet travel is 20 seconds top and that's if you suck at moving the ships (which is pretty easy). And maybe a later game tech would be a in system teleporter.
    Remember that if you ever played Star Control 2, the real annoyance was star to star hyperspace, which here would be a list of systems and you directly appear there. No travel shown.
  18. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Space is an excellent idea! I think that they should incorporate space into the game some way or another.

    On a more serious note, this would mean assigning coordinates to solar systems, not planets, right? Some may view this as just another layer of things to do between yourself and the action.
  19. Eldian

    Eldian Cosmic Narwhal

    The linked topic, and also the one Alvin linked show how that would work.
    In theory it simply changes the code to make a group of planets rather than one, it would not impact 'action' that much, as my idea is based on Star Control 2 map, which takes a few seconds to get to the planet, even if the player sucks at driving the ship. :p
    And that's the only con I can think of, while it adds many possible scenarios and quests.

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