Space Mechanics: Outside the atmosphere

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Techno9200, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Techno9200

    Techno9200 Void-Bound Voyager

    When I saw the daily update, I was extremely excited that the crew was able to pull this off! For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm refering to the video clip showing the character falling into orbit of a planet (including asteroids and background planets). I had some great ideas I'd think would go well with the feature of going out of the atmosphere.

    1) Gravity shortage
    -As everyone must know, when you go far enough away from a planet, gravity isn't as strong. I'm sure that the devs are planning to add this, but there is also another idea I had in mind related to this. Instead of having a barrier like in terraria, maybe if you go high enough you start to get a alert that tells you to get back in orbit. If you keep getting farther and farther away, then you fly upward and off the screen (and maybe if there's drops, your items will hover down after a few seconds). After spiraling off into distant space, you spawn back in your ship.

    2) Velocity
    -In space, there actually isn't supposed to be a high terminal velocity. For the people who don't know what that means, it refers to the top speed you can fall at. Why isn't there a normal terminal velocity in space? Well on earth the only thing creating a terminal velocity is the air. In space, there is a tiny amount of anything. You know what that means? The terminal velocity is extremely higher! To add onto my idea, maybe as you fall down into the atmosphere with these high velocities, you start to crash through any blocks in your way in a whirling ball of fire. Finally, when you hit the ground, you create a crater for your sad little grave.

    3) No air to breathe
    -I'm pretty sure this has been added, but just in case I'd like to say that you need a space suit to survive. (Unless you naturally survive in space I guess)

    Thankyou for giving your time to read this! If I missed anything I didn't overlook, feel free to advise me. Thanks!
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