Space Battles [Turn Based] - Already suggested, however just throwing my bit in.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Luke_H, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Luke_H

    Luke_H Big Damn Hero

    Hello Starbounders!

    Well, today I was thinking about Space Battles, of course it will probably be inevitable since it is a Space based Game.

    So, it's not going to be very long, but I'm just throwing a little bit in.
    Years and years ago on the GameCube I used to play a game called 'Skies Of Arcadia' on the DreamCast also on the GameCube. But where am I getting at? Well, anyone who knows this game will know EXACTLY what I'm getting at. In the game you used to have 'Turn-Based' Ship battles and it was truely amazing, so there is my suggestion for the Game. 'Turn-Based' Ship Battles, I know I will get the 'THAT IS NOT A SANDBOX FEATURE! NOOB' well last time I checked StarBound is trying to be as unique as possible. I'm going to post a video of the Game via Youtube so you can have a look.

    Please let me know what you think of the Idea. Good or Bad, I'll take it all into consideration.

    aiken and Sarzael like this.
  2. Metasight

    Metasight Void-Bound Voyager

    It looks interesting, since you can customize your own ships and probably battle with them~

    Maybe some kind of "plot mini-game" where you have some battle like this? Or on multiplayer servers you can have some "Space Arena Thing" where you battle other people's ship in a turn based battle?
  3. Luke_H

    Luke_H Big Damn Hero


    Yes! However, why not battle NPCs in this way? And yes, you can customize your ship in the game, upgrading it's armour and cannons, also having different crew members effected the way you could do stuff as well.

    I do like your Idea of a Space Arena that could work really well, but I mean to have Space Battles in turn based in the general game. I just honestly think it would suit this game a lot better.
  4. Metasight

    Metasight Void-Bound Voyager

    If you can actually have Space Battles in the general game, then it would be fun to be able to "invite" other players to the battle in case you are playing on a multiplayer server~
  5. Luke_H

    Luke_H Big Damn Hero


    Yes, that would be a good Idea, on the multiplayer server, to have 2v2, say you invite someone and then the other perosn has 5 minutes to invite another person to carry on the battle, if they don't get reinforcements then it just goes back to a normal 1v1. It would be good to have some sort of 'Intercom' so you can negociate with the enemy, like they do in Star Trek ;)
  6. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I like this.
    Hope you like my banner :)
    TeoTheDriller and Luke_H like this.
  7. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    As long as these turn-based battles are optional it would be fine. However, if they weren't optional the main problem I see with this is the time consumption. Rest of the game is live action and a lot would have happened during this battle, especially online. If there is any raids or anything, this would have a major effect on such things.
    JohnnyValentino likes this.
  8. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I hope there to be some kind of ship battles, and some system like this would be nice, even trough im fine whit anything.
  9. Luihu

    Luihu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Personally, I would love to see a simple turn-based 2D combat map if there was going to be space battles. Maybe spice them up so that having just one or two ships would still feel like an epic clash.

    I'd link to a Master of Orion I-video to showcase what kind of space battles I favour, but the internet seems to have taken a leave of its sanity once again and has decided not to post any decent battles on youtube. But hopefully you get my point.

    Maybe Gratuitous Space Battles switched to a more fast-paced and turn-based mode would be most to my liking.

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