Sniping idea

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Xegan Hive, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Xegan Hive

    Xegan Hive Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is only an idea I recently had to go with the prone position suggestion I gave a few days ago but a way to snipe while equipped with a rifle.

    The idea was that while prone and while holding the fire button or perhaps a certain key a smaller screen pops up of the distance off screen and would allow you to then aim and fire at off screen targets.

    I would like to hear peoples ideas for this or comments.
    Scye, Baconbeard and Havoc like this.
  2. Ryukiroku

    Ryukiroku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's a cool idea. I was thinking of a way of sniping with it scrolling one or so screens whatever direction you were aiming.
    This seems easier to be able to play with though.
  3. nomotog

    nomotog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can just use the left mouse button. A sniper is a two hand weapon so the left button should be used for the scope. I think you should just move the whole screen even if that means you can no longer see your person because your sopping and are meant to be less aware of the space around you.
    DeadlyLuvdisc, Teih, azarga and 2 others like this.
  4. Ryukiroku

    Ryukiroku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Good way to balance the enhanced range methinks.
  5. JOndra91

    JOndra91 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, I totaly agree with nomotog. One key mouse button for a rifle and second for the scope. While holding scope button, you view will move for limited distance depending on the scope you are using. And maybe, bullets should be affected by gravity.

    Basically, similar system which works great in Soldat game.
  6. Havoc

    Havoc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like the idea, but it could be a bit overpowered for PvE. Any suggestions for mobs that would present a credible danger?
  7. nomotog

    nomotog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Flying mobs, Diging mobs, Mobs that are close to you like when your under ground. Mobs with some kind of shield.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  8. Baconbeard

    Baconbeard Intergalactic Tourist

    (this totatally isn't a shameless bump)
    This looks like a good idea.
  9. melodyburst

    melodyburst Big Damn Hero

    I just thought of this idea and was about to post it, then I saw this post. I love the idea. I'd love it if there was like, a little round scope with a reticle, and blackness around it, and you could only see the area around the scope. So your visibility would be limited, but still be able to look around farther and aim farther.
  10. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I believe Tiy has confirmed that the screen will pan, that way you can take out enemies ahead of you but you're also at risk of being attacked from behind. It's realistic and balances it out so you can't just sit up and snipe everything for miles in front of you.
  11. Confused2

    Confused2 Astral Cartographer

    well it would also addon to this idea to have a laser sight with zeroing to make your aim more accurate, and so that you can see weather you can hit what you are aiming at, so that you don't accidentally try to shoot an enemy though a hill. you would have to set the zeroing yourself (until you got an attachment that did it for you later) to make it a bit more difficult. and also an ammo cap (?) so that you couldn't just sit there and shoot enemies endlessly. but that you would only use it on tougher enemies because of the limited ammo you could carry.

    and i really like the panning idea, it reminds me of an older side scroller that was probably a knockoff of (not Halo) another game, but it was called Halo Revolution based off of combat evolved. and when you had the sniper rifle (or any other gun with a scope) and you right clicked it activated the scope, and your vision followed your scope away from your character up to a certain distance based on where your mouse was on the screen.
  12. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can hold CTRL while sniper rifle equiped and your screen will pan with your cursor as far, as good your weapon, I believe.
  13. FrozenFlame

    FrozenFlame Giant Laser Beams

    Actually I find this incorrect. Sine a Sniper is a two-handed weapon, it will by default put zoom in the traditional right click.
  14. Azninvasn

    Azninvasn Master Chief

    I think panning would be the easiest way to implement this. A small screen on the side is a nice idea, but I think a lot of players would be bothered by a smaller screen popping up every time they aim their sniper rifle. The panning just seems more natural.
  15. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

  16. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Skip to 17:21 I really like this kind of sniping for a 2D game.

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