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Small Linux launch improvement

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Teh Freek, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Teh Freek

    Teh Freek Void-Bound Voyager

    I just modified my Linux scripts to bypass the launcher and start the game directly from Steam. Here's what I did (not holding your hand for this one though, so if you don't know what you're doing then don't try it):

    Open up <Steam>/steamapps/common/Starbound/linux{32,64}/launch_launcher.sh. It should read as follows:

    #!/bin/sh -e
    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./launcher
    Edit it to read like so:

    #!/bin/sh -e
    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    if [ "$1" = "--nolauncher" ]
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./launcher
    and then save and exit.

    Right-click on Starbound in your library and open its properties. Click on "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS...". Enter "--nolauncher" without the quotes and click "OK". Click "CLOSE" to close the properties box. Start Starbound normally and watch it go right into the game.
  2. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    My thanks to you. I never liked the launcher when I had to deal with it while I still used Windows XP, as it was bigger than my screen. Not only did it have to come back here to Linux, but it also just prevented me from launching the game.

    Also, less buggy than launching Starbound.exe directly from the folder.

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