Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Current build of the old Starbound homestead. No mods on my game, this is all latest-stable-build stuff.

    The treehouse is MOSTLY done (I have dim ideas for another micro-wing, but unsure just WHAT I’d put in). I’m particularly fond of the Slumberdome, having remembered you CAN grow trees “indoors” provided there’s enough horizontal space for their branches. Also, got my barbecue/bird-shooting porch.

    Storage has been reworked, with weapons storage to the right now, better split into groups. (I have a looooooot of weapons.) Above you can see my MST3K tunnel to the hidden fridge of Evil Things. I only have those lights in there for map purposes; normally it’s an unlit tunnel behind secret walls with the doors wired to proximity plates so they open as I get close. Building material storage has been expanded greatly, a few more split up among other lockers, with the most commonly-used material types up top. Starting to re-work the “things” storage; top floor will be more furniture/utilities, the bottom half… more… well, stuff. Unusual stuff I don’t use so much in building.

    The trophy rooms haven’t changed much lately. I got the USMC base one done, but with no Hyotl or Novakid installations yet, must wait to build those. Not sure what I’ll do for the ninth block… though I guess I’ll see what other dangerous areas the “final” game throws at me.

    The greenhouse is functionally the same, but man I like the way it looks a lot better now. Lotta pipes went into that, putting showerheads in for the look of the thing… it all looks a lot more open and greenhousy. I still gotta do something about that big block of treasure chests though. Those are all saplings I’ve picked up from various worlds, back before I realized that every planet’s trees are different as far as inventorying goes. Probably gonna do a run of test-planting then seeing which ones looks nice… then a lotta throwing away.

    Finally, the “apartments”. Not much new here yet either, again mostly due to lack of Human/Novakid/Hyotl villages to emulate. Honestly, some of those middle spots are likely to get moved around. I might put restrooms where the Stim Shop is now, move the Stim Shop to where the Library is, and move the Library to the next building west. That used to be the showers of the prison, leaving a long empty space now that’d be pretty perfect. The ground floor empty may just be a common area, couches and fireplace and stuff. Dunno about the very top-level areas.Maybe similar.
  2. JasonSplendortheThird

    JasonSplendortheThird Orbital Explorer

    My home is a castle I built, and I'm working on a futurisitc bunker area. I have turrets hooked up to hand scanners as to not waste their power so I dont have to repair them as much.
  3. Xeryen

    Xeryen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    Before I rebuild it again on the now-with-caves Nightly, I thought I should post my latest redesign of my BIGGAH BIGGAH BASE. So, BEHOLD!!

    New Epic Base 3.JPG

    And now you all must be wondering: ''Why build something like that on a highly unstable and wipe-prone Nightly?'', and the answer is simple. 'CUZ IMMA BUILDAHOLIC! And I love trying out all that new Nightly stuff.....

    Oh and btw, there's also a Skyrail there, but since its platforms don't render for some odd reason, you can't see it. It goes from the Main Entrance (West) to the Guard Tower (east) and crosses over the Workshops, the Greenhouse and the Floating Dance Club.
  5. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    Wow, that is so the home of a powergamer. :D When I saw your pic of the slumberdome in the other thread I had no idea there was so much more to it.
  6. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    THIS biznitch is part of why I feel I've more than gotten my 15 bones' worth out of this game. I mean... here's where all this started...

    At that point, there was very, very little else to the domicile. But I just kept building and building and adding new things as I explored new biomes and picked up stuff that looked neat... rooms and structures got repurposed...
  7. Xeryen

    Xeryen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How u liked my house ? Its a bit above
  8. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    It's cool! :3
    Xeryen likes this.
  9. Xeryen

    Xeryen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank You TheKlu
    TheKlu likes this.
  10. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Uzkniso likes this.
  11. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    I see all these beautiful homes, and meanwhile, here I am with my wooden squares and stolen bunkers.
    Breakout likes this.
  12. sonic ass blast

    sonic ass blast Aquatic Astronaut

    My house, built from scratch next to a glitch village. Had to make it fit in since my guy is a glitch
  13. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

  14. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    Using stuff from Quilavabom's Kineptic mod.

    Quite like the aesthetic.

  15. Cerioth

    Cerioth Astral Cartographer

    Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 11.57.36 AM.png this is my house its not much just panted throwing blocks it was hard to build because thay have no targeting sistom[DOUBLEPOST=1412631954][/DOUBLEPOST]oh and that house is not all here this is the rest Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 5.13.22 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 5.14.10 PM.png Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 5.15.01 PM.png [DOUBLEPOST=1412632068][/DOUBLEPOST]there is more farm there it just didn't show up for some resin

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    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  16. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I've done a lotta minor tweaking to a lotta parts of the house since last posting. Mostly cosmetic stuff. redecorating, a primary task being removing the bland crafted Cobblestone Bricks from most of the build and replacing with more interesting materials. Packed dirt in the main underground, temple bricks in the trophy area.

    (I've come to really not like the look of the crafted Cobblestone Bricks. I think it's the high contrast of the lines. It's so busy. It's okay when it's covered with a lotta stuff, like it is in the workshop, but undecorated? That you can't paint it REALLY doesn't help.)

    Speaking of the trophy rooms, saving a spot for the Treasure Microdungeon should I ever find one. Moved a few rooms to accommodate. Also for looks' sake, I made the empty lots much more... constructiony. Might toss in some hanging lamps just for the look of it.

    Added a spiral staircase to the Big Tree, and built up the skybridge a bit.

    And tossed in a cap of my ship. Tore out the walls (I was unaware there was a unique block type in there!) and replaced it with Floran plant-blocks, and put in a ton of lockers to accommodate my extensive-collecting adventures. (Tossing items together by type in the ship after a planet crawl makes putting it all away back on the homeworld much faster.)

    EDIT: Added some close-ups. Also, forgot to note the addition of a full set of Sandstone Statues!

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    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  17. 31jarey

    31jarey Star Wrangler

    2014-04-18_00007.jpg Beta Sector Base above, Gamma below
    2014-06-27_00006.jpg 2014-09-04_00004.jpg 2014-06-28_00007.jpg
  18. markortiz

    markortiz Space Hobo

    Great house. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1412939024][/DOUBLEPOST]Is this your real house.. :lickitung:
    Huninn likes this.
  19. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    Very inspiring creations. Can't wait to make mine someday and post here as well.
  20. Bakubakuba

    Bakubakuba Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My House is pretty simple.
    It started as a tent with fire next to spawn location, then a hut.
    The only thing that got bigger with time was the basement.
    Few chests, upgraded doors and beds and a big badass Florian on top.


    I like this house. It serve it's function well.
    There is a farm to the right, and a field of giant flowers for endless bandages.
    But the thing I'm most proud of is my museum on the left side.
    I know it will be destroyed with future patches and wipes so I had to do screenshots.

    Ground Floor with a balcony.
    First floor - Avian Temple
    Second floor - High tech Apex Lab [without blocks]


    Third floor - Florian prison [unfinished]
    Frouth floor - Glitch space [unfinished]
    Fifth floor - Florian spave [without blocks]


    Sixth floor - Severs [unfinished]
    Seventh floor - Statues that don't belong anywhere
    Eight floor - Pirats better seen on the next picture


    Ninth floor - Human prison [unfinished]
    Tenth floor - Mushrooms [all my blueprints]
    Eleventh floor - Cell [all my blueprints]


    Twelveth floor - Heck


    Museum is still work in progress and new floors are added daily.
    A lot of the floors are still pretty empty due to lazyness or lack of resources.
    Planed floors:
    - Avian town
    - Human lab
    And whater new I will find.

    I Will recreate it in the live game for sure.
    I hope you enjoy this.
    Uzkniso likes this.

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