"Sburb" Mode

Discussion in 'Other' started by The Demon of Borders, Sep 1, 2012.


Do you like this idea?

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  2. No

  3. Meh

  1. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Yeah, I know, it sounds weird, but it could have potential, I guess.

    When the star system is created, each player is assigned a planet of a different type. Forest, desert, ocean (complimentary diving gear), lava, etc. For the players to win, they have to kill their respective boss in under a certain amount of time, by visiting the other planets and reaching gates in the sky. The gates for each planet will have a varying pattern; if there are three players, Lava (red), Ocean (blue) and Desert (yellow), then Lava's first gate will be Red, meaning only Lava can use it. He'll appear on the Ocean planet. Ocean's second gate is also red, and will bring him to the Desert planet. This goes on until the player reaches seven gates, where he or she will return to their home world.

    To reach these gates, the players will have to build their way up, and there could be two ways of doing this. Either the Blue player builds his own way up, or Red builds it for him remotely, while Blue builds for Yellow, etc. Whenever a gate is used on a planet, that planet's threat level goes up by 15, until it reaches 100.

    After reaching the seventh gate and returning to their home planet, they'll be able to enter an area of their planet, where a random boss will be sleeping. They have to slay this boss on their own; the Denizen. If they succeed, it counts as one player have beaten it. After they kill their planet's Denizen, they can go help the other players build to their gates, but cannot contribute to the killing of another player's Denizen. When all the players have killed their planet's Denizens, the game is over and everyone wins.

    If somebody dies, another player can revive them. Every player can only revive another once, so watch out.

    Vehicles of any kind are forbidden, except mounts that cannot fly. This would let players reach gates extremely easily.

    So? What do you think? Any ideas for improvement? If you think it needs work, hold your vote, and tell me why.
  2. Valkon

    Valkon Title Not Found

    I can see you read Homestuck.
  3. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Indeed. That's the entire basis of this suggestion.
  4. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If the Huss would allow it, I'd like to see this added as a mod or some such. :up:
  5. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    I could see this being added as a mod more than an addition to the vanilla version of the game. But I really do like the idea. ^.^
  6. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Good to see people like this.

    It'll keep the modders busy for a bit if they want to do it.

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