Raccoons and Pandas- Origins

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by vitorsly, Mar 26, 2012.


Do you support:

  1. Red pandas

  2. Raccoons

  3. Penguins

    0 vote(s)
  4. That sandvich is a spah!

  1. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    In a planet, far but not that far away, There was on big continent populated mostly by huge bears that blend in with the red colored tree leaves- the pandas.

    They lived in tribal societies and ruled the world only being sometimes killed by Rycnids (some sort of space wolves that were weak but travelled in packs and weren't fooled by the panda's color) and the Orthos (like a huge reptile that devastated everything in his path but didn't have that good sight).

    Due to the tectonic plates the continent divided into 2 different ones. Rycnids travelled to the colder east continent and Orthos lived in the hotter west continent. After several million years the pandas were divided into 2 species. The red pandas wich were much smaller but retained their misleading colors to escape the Orthos and the giant pandas that started losing their colors and turned into a black and white texture since no matter how well they blend in, the Rycnids could see them.
    The 2 pandas types kept living away but the continents rejoined and the pandas found themselves struggling to survive the predators of the other half of the world. The red pandas then mixed the adn of both kinds of pandas to recreate the original, strong and smart pandas of before. They failed.

    The result was a small creature, like a red panda, but had a more geryish scheme of colors.
    They wren't vulnerable to 1 predator but to BOTH. The red pandas banned the raccons into the planet's desolate moon so they don't attract the attention of the predators and the raccons have strugled to survive in their new home.

    Thousands of years later both species truned into galactic empires and they soon found eachother. The raccons ( that are now called raccoons with an extra O for their desire to OBLITERATE red pandas) and have since fought 98 galactic wars (currently 99)

    Today both species are fighting eachother in 62 solar systems including their homeworld.
    It is up to one great hero to decide for the banishing monsters or the vengeace obssesed beasts.
    Chickenman likes this.
  2. Sam_

    Sam_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    It's correct, but the term Raccoon refers to the earthbound (not to be confused with the game lol) Raccons trying to get back to our homeplanet, Raccons are the space dwelling super beings that we worship.

    As of the fatal crash to Earth, we know nothing more of the Raccons and their war with the hideous Pandas, and they know nothing of us, for we lost all communication.
    Chickenman likes this.
  3. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  4. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

  5. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  6. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  7. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    Are you saying you are a red panda?
  8. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    im niether
  9. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    Why were you only posting that smiley then?
  10. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  11. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    You know that "yes" is not an answer to that question, right?
  12. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  13. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    Good to know.
    At this point I am sure you are a Troll and I am only replying because I have nothing else to do.
    I dont suppose you will answer that question I did, are you?
  14. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    1. im not a troll, im just really bored
    2. that answer is, i just bored as always
  15. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    Well Ok then.
    Is it raining where you live?
  16. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    was. it was.
  17. vitorsly

    vitorsly Phantasmal Quasar

    People are launching firecrackers in here.
    BTW is this considered spam?
  18. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    i dont know

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