Digital qbicfeet's grid-based minimalistic fanart

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by qbicfeet, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. qbicfeet

    qbicfeet Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello there!

    Today I've been playing around in Adobe Flash, trying to do something productive (for once!). After a few hours of toying around, this is the result:


    I'm reasonably content with the finished work and thought it'd make a nice minimalistic desktop wallpaper for anyone who happens to be interested.

    Download links (right-click + save target as):
    1920x1080 (full wallpaper)
    Large (> 1280x720, requires manual adjustment)
    Small (< 1280x720, requires manual adjustment)

    Hexagonal, clean (1920x1080) [NEW!]
    Hexagonal, silhouette (1920x1080) [NEW!]

    Manual adjustment instructions (assuming Win 7):
    Right click on desktop > Personalize > Desktop Background > Set Picture Position to Centered > Scroll down and set Background Color to pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255).


    With that said and done, I'd love to hear what you think! Any criticism is welcome!
    Although I have a history of procrastination, I *might* be able to take requests if you want a personalized avatar or something... Just don't expect too much ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    (Also, obligatory shoutout to the Ridiculous Fishing guys, whose art style I was inspired by!)
  2. That looks nice! /Bacon Likes/
    qbicfeet likes this.
  3. ZephyrSpark

    ZephyrSpark Big Damn Hero

    This is some excellent artwork.
    Breather and qbicfeet like this.
  4. Silly

    Silly Sandwich Man

    Already set as my new background. Nice job! ;)
    qbicfeet likes this.
  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Fantastic stuff qbic, nice to see it without the annoying watermark.
    qbicfeet likes this.
  6. Warmth

    Warmth Void-Bound Voyager

    I liked the art, but I'm not a fan of pure white background space. So I did this to it. Some might consider it too busy for a wallpaper, but it's right up my alley.
    qbicfeet and Zailiner like this.
  7. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    On a scale of one to ten, that is fairly close to 9000. Awesome work, love it. :up:
    qbicfeet likes this.
  8. Evilsx

    Evilsx Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice, keep up the work :D
    qbicfeet likes this.
  9. qbicfeet

    qbicfeet Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I considered doing something like that, but just like you say I think it's too cluttery for a wallpaper. I like to keep it simple and ordered.

    Glad that you like it and edited it to suit your preferences, though! ;)
    Starbiscuit and Warmth like this.
  10. Warmth

    Warmth Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks! I actually continued to tinker and eventually settled on this. (changed this link to the fixed one)

    I could probably get it to be better by remaking it and planning ahead, but I'm too lazy.

    edit: ugh just noticed imgur jpg'd it and artifacted it up. It's not like that on my desktop. Fixed it:
    AstroBlast and Zailiner like this.
  11. qbicfeet

    qbicfeet Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Neat. I did a little revision myself that covers the entire desktop without being *too* cluttery and thought you might enjoy it. The results are here and here.
    Warmth and Zailiner like this.
  12. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    That's great !
  13. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    That actually Really Awesome. You have my Upvote Sir! :p

    edit: I think I'll have to steal your artwork muahahaha. I need a nice new Starbound Wallpaper. Sadly i need it for a 4480x900 Setup, and I'm not a fan of JUST black background.

    editedit: I also get a headache from so many colors all over the place, I could have like, the Hexes on the left screen and a planet on the horizon and like, a warp scene on the center screen then a star or another planet on the right with the logo.

    editedit...edit: What Program did you use? If at all possible (if you used Photoshop or Illustrator) Can you PM me a link to the original editable HEX file? I'll repost what i make here with full credit to you!
  14. qbicfeet

    qbicfeet Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I used Adobe Flash CS5.
    I'd rather not upload the source files, but if you tell me the specifics of your setup (I'm assuming 3 monitors? If so, post the individual resolution of each one) I might be able to work something out just for you :)
  15. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Oh qbicfeet, I remember you from the Terraria days. :D This art is amazing, I never actually liked the style before, but you've gotten me to change my mind.
    qbicfeet likes this.
  16. qbicfeet

    qbicfeet Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haha, that's great! I assume quite a lot of the old Terrarians have migrated here, so I hope to see some familiar faces when the game is out and I start getting more involved with the community :)
  17. Starbiscuit

    Starbiscuit Space Spelunker

    Here is a biscuit, you deserve it! :blank:
    qbicfeet likes this.
  18. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    1440x900 (left) 21in
    1600x900 (mid) 23in
    1440x900 (right) 21in

    Total: 4480x900 Resolution

  19. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    really like this :D looks amazing! i literally just put it as my wallpaper :up:
    qbicfeet likes this.
  20. WackyWocky

    WackyWocky Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is an amazingly bright and crisp wallpaper, with a unique style. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    And congratz on being this weeks Art Feature in Vector Squared!
    qbicfeet likes this.

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