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Post-Endgame Activities

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Yubs, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Yubs

    Yubs Big Damn Hero

    Well. You think you've finished up the adventure of Starbound?

    The Outpost has stopped offering quests, you've beaten all of S.A.I.L.S. missions, your ship has been completely upgraded, you have all the techs, and you have End-Game Gear.

    What do you do now?!

    You got two choices:

    Play Multiplayer or Get Mods

    But what if you don't want to do either? You go here!

    Welcome to the WIP List of Post-Endgame Activies

    This is a list that I thought I would set up that the forum could collectively make in order to find entertainment in the game after "beating" it.

    Have ideas to add onto the list? Post them on this topic and I'll update the list with them whenever I get the chance!

    The List (WIP):
    Current # of Activities: 236 + 8 Meta-Activities

    1 Build a Village
    2 Build Atlantis
    3 Customize your Space Ship
    4 Repopulate a Dead Planet
    6 Build a Castle
    7 Build a Dungeon (Bonus Points for Getting People to Try it!)
    8 Build a Space Elevator/Stairway to Heaven
    9 Flood an entire planet ( Water, Oil, Acid, Healing Water, Lava, Ship Fuel, Coffee, Coconut Milk )
    13 Build a great library (with copies of all the books in the universe)
    14 Completely Mine out an Entire Planet
    15 Turn the empty planet into a fully operational space-station!
    18 Celebrate the Holidays!
    19 Build an Army of Guards!
    20 Repopulate a USCM Outpost with your own soldiers!
    21 Build an Airship!
    27 Convert an entire planet to a whole city
    28 Use wiring to create technological marvels
    29 Paint your everything (Go loco with your paint tool!)
    30 Create Pixel Art
    35 Throw some Hyotyl into a Fish Tank
    43 Build a Mansion
    46 Build the Ultimate Secret Base ( HI-MAX² )
    47 Create a Puzzle Room (Bonus Points for Getting People to Figure Them Out!) ( HI-MAX² )
    48 Recreate old videogame levels ( M_Sipher )
    50 Rebuild locations from your favorite movies
    59 Build a Stadium for NPCs to watch you play one-man sports or have a concert in
    64 Build a submarine
    65 Flatten a planet
    66 Kill a Lush Planet
    70 Build an army of snowmen
    71 Create an army of statues on a planet
    74 Set a homeworld!
    75 Create a cemetary for the clones that have died in order to get where you are today.
    77 Flood your buildings and ship with coffee ( cooltv27 )
    80 Create a Museum showcasing the cultures of the galaxy!
    89 Build a prison for your captives!
    90 Completely pollute a forest planet!
    91 Build a cornfield
    92 Build a greenhouse
    93 Build a treefarm
    99 Build a ski-slope (Use Skyrails!) ( EvilDylan182 )
    104 Recreate the Erchius Mine! ( EvilDylan182 )
    106 Set up a fireworks show!
    110 Build a volcano
    111 Build Pompeii
    112 Use wires to make the volcano erupt so it burns down Pompeii!
    113 Build a pirate ship in an ocean planet
    114 Build a steam ship in an ocean planet
    115 Build a cruise ship in an ocean planet
    116 Build an iceberg on an ocean planet (After this, see Activity #60 under Imagining)
    122 Build a fighting robot! (Either with wires and turrets, or with glitches. Either works!)
    123 Invent a soft-drink dispenser with wiring & trap doors to dispense all the types of liquids!
    129 Build a hot tub! Fill it with various liquids! Then have a coconut bath! ( SivCorp )
    130 Build a tree house!
    131 Build a tree that is a house!
    132 Build an observatory!
    133 Make a topiary garden!
    137 Build an Ark with animals including every type of head, body, tail... ( TheFloranChef )
    139 Drain an ocean planet ( Highmastet )
    140 Build an Underwater Lab that descends into the depths with an entrance on top of an island. ( Highmastet )
    141 Build your Race's Homeworld (Human builds Earth for example.) ( Hawk Novablast )
    143 Build a Rainbow! ( Owl_Stalker )
    145 Build a house out of throwable blocks! ( Owl_Stalker )
    149 Build a house for a family of Zombie Apex ( Owl_Stalker )
    150 Create a zombie army! ( Find the zombies from an Apex lab or Glitch Prison! )
    152 Build a super-city-scraper stretching from the upper and lower map boundaries. ( Cipherstar )
    154 Build an entire galactic civilization! ( SivCorp )
    157 Build a restaurant that only serves Hyotyls! (As food that is!) ( Bustow )
    158 Start a banana farm! ( Bustow )
    159 Recreate one of the Pre-Built Villages ( Bustow )
    160 Build an underground treehouse! ( Bustow )
    163 Create custom signs!
    164 Label every room!
    165 Create a giant room holding signs with all the co-ordinates to important locations!
    167 Create a Custom Sign Pixel Art Painting!!
    171 Create New York City ( Then perform Other #170 ) !
    172 Create an Engine Fuel Factory!
    173 Celebrate Valentines Day!
    175 Write a message with Custom Signs!
    180 Manipulate some matter!
    183 Build a town inside your space dreadnought!
    189 Create an IKEA and sell furniture from your 3D Printer!
    194 Create a liquid generator!
    195 Create an industrial ship-fuel factory!
    196 Create a coffee-factory!
    197 Create a coconut-milk factory!
    198 Create a galactic coffee-shop franchise!
    199 Create a galactic fast-food chain!
    200 Create a galactic Supermarket Chain!
    211 Make a super-tower the sole remaining thing left on a planet and call it home! (This means you destroy the rest of the planet too! ) ( Anciendraak )
    212 Build a Geothermal Laboratory on a Lava Ocean Planet! ( Anciendraak )
    214 Steal a ton of cats from the Moonbase Mission and create a Cat Sanctuary! ( Bustow )
    231 Turn a whole planet, surface to core, into a base. ( dar601 )
    232 Find an empty, barren planet. Proceed to re-create Zebes from the original Metroid. ( Ryumaru )
    233 Recreate Tallon IV from Metroid Prime. ( Ryumaru )
    234 Build a space-ship inside an asteroid field. ( Chrillzilla )
    235 Build a perfectly round planet. ( Chrillzilla )

    5 Find all the Food Recipes
    10 Sail around your flooded planet
    11 Find all the books in the universe
    12 Read all the books in the universe
    31 Get all the instruments!
    38 Pilot your spaceship into the center of the galaxy (X:0 Y:0)
    39 Attempt to find your Homeworld
    42 Discover all the references in the game
    79 Loot a graveyard!
    81 Pull the sword from the stone
    82 Pull the Legendary Sword from the stone!
    95 Collect every decoration related to your race ( HI-MAX² )
    102 Analyze/Scan Everything! ( EvilDylan182 )
    103 Discover an evil rabbit-like alien (Props for defeating it with an explosive!) ( EvilDylan182 )
    105 Explore the entire outpost! ( EvilDylan182 )
    125 Reach the ceiling of the planet
    126 Reach the core of the planet
    127 Fall from the top of the planet to the core of the planet.
    138 Explore a Limestone Cavern ( 409 )
    142 Find the Golden Egg ( Owl_Stalker )
    148 Find a Fire Sword on a Snow Planet and find a Water Sword on a Magma Planet! ( Owl_Stalker )
    153 Find every type of structure that can be generated in the current build! ( dar601 )
    161 Jump off the Outpost with a boat! ( Bustow )

    24 Create a name of all the creatures you have encountered
    25 Name all the NPCs you meet
    26 Create a backstory for your character
    33 Hold a concert for your NPCs
    45 Attempt to chat with the NPCs
    60 Act out your favorite scenes from movies! (With Costumes and Everything!)
    76 Hold a funeral for every time you witness the death of an NPC.
    83 Join an airship pirate crew ( Make sure you have all the clothes for the job! )
    86 Write a Captain's Log!
    87 Become the King of a Glitch Village! (Bonus points for having Excalibur!)
    100 Recreate the Olympic Games! ( EvilDylan182 )
    108 Write a song in .abc format and upload it to Starbound!
    117 Hold a medieval glitch tournament!
    118 Marry a Glitch Princess!
    119 Get married in-game in general
    120 Attempt to date an NPC!
    121 Break up with an NPC!
    134 Create a conspiracy theory for Starbound! ( Razey )
    124 Invite NPCs to your home and hold a party/feast!
    170 Pretend to be Spiderman with double grappling hooks!
    178 Go on a complete shopping spree! (Must act like complete Valley Girl.)
    179 Create your own loyal "Spaceship Crew" with NPCs and give them all jobs/names!
    184 Wear some fancy clothes and act all fancy!
    185 Start your own book club! (Bonus points if you act all fancy!)
    186 Own a pet and name your pet!
    187 Pretend to time-travel!
    206 Pretend to be a Space-Knight! Be chivalrous to all your enemies!
    207 Attempt to make persuade enemies to not fight you through words before fighting them!
    208 Speak a soliloquy after you have killed all inhabitants of a dungeon!
    209 Build your own nation! ( Anciendraak )
    210 Lead your nation in a war against other nations! ( Anciendraak )
    216 Become the Super Saiyan ( Presios Saiyan )

    16 Fight Penguin Bosses with a Spoon
    17 Try to circumnavigate a planet in record-time! (3000, 4000, 6000)
    22 Attack an NPC Village
    23 Collect ALL the insects
    36 Fight a super fish
    40 Destroy all Civilization on a whole planet
    61 Only use captured creatures to complete a mission
    62 Only use captured creatures to complete a dungeon
    63 Only use captured creatures to defeat a Penguin Boss
    68 Perform the Brave Sir Robin Maneuver! (Dual Wield Shields and Run Away)
    69 Dual wield spoons in combat
    72 Fight a boss naked and with your starter weapons
    73 Attempt to survive on an Extreme Planet with only your starter gear
    78 Loot a dungeon with only your flashlight and shield!
    88 Lead an army of guards to take control of a USCM prison from the prisoners!
    94 Fight a boss with coconuts and snowballs!
    101 Survive inside a poison ocean ( EvilDylan182 )
    109 Dive into a volcano and live!
    135 Declare war on an entire species!
    136 Keep your helper alive in the Floran Party Mission!
    146 Kill the penguin pilot after destroying the Shockhopper mech! ( Owl_Stalker )
    147 Keep your helper alive the whole "Floran Party Mission" ( Owl_Stalker )
    151 Go through the game with only using captured creatures! ( Highmastet )
    156 Find and fight a dragon!
    162 See how many pixels you can get before dying! ( Bustow )
    168 Go on a mega-mission marathon! Try to beat all the missions in one go without dying!
    169 Complete the mega-mission marathon in record time!
    176 Write a whole novel in-game with custom signs
    203 Play the game without any of the equipment from the initial starter chest!
    204 Play the game without armor!
    205 Play the game Floran style! Stabby stabby! (Only use spears!)
    213 Create a giant farm with every food, flood it with lava, and attempt to collect every single piece of food from it without armor! ( Anciendraak )
    217 Survive a meteor shower while wearing Super Saiyan hair. ( Presios Saiyan )
    218 Fight bosses while being the Super Saiyan! ( Presios Saiyan )
    219 Beat all the bosses in under 40 minutes! ( Presios Saiyan )
    220 Beat all the bosses with only rocket launchers! ( Presios Saiyan )
    221 Go through the entire game in one, uninterrupted, hardcore run! ( Presios Saiyan )
    222 Go through the dungeons with only throwable weapons!
    223 Beat all the bosses with only throwable weapons!
    226 Cheese through all the bosses!
    227 Cheese through all the bosses... while eating cheese!

    32 Get more songs for your instruments on the internet!
    34 Fly a boat!
    37 Feed a fish
    41 Take a pet for a walk around a planet
    44 Buy out all the clothes from a merchant
    51 Throw a banana at an Apex
    52 Throw meat chunks at a Floran
    53 Throw some bread at an Avian
    54 Throw a pizza at a Human
    55 Throw a circuit board at a Glitch
    56 Throw some seaweed at Hyotyl
    57 Throw ship fuel at a Novakid
    58 Swim inside a pool of coffee
    84 Try to break the game!
    85 Report the bug which broke the game to Chucklefish!
    95 Get your player killed in an unconventional way ( EvilDylan182 )
    107 Calculate how long one year would be by using math and comparing the size of a planet next to it's star! Then celebrate it!
    128 Attempt to enter the orbit of a planet... with a grappling hook.
    144 Fall from orbit to the planet's surface with the bounce effect active!( Owl_Stalker )
    155 Rebind your keys to increase adventure efficiency!
    174 Eat as much chocolate as possible!
    177 Go shopping at the market!
    181 Print some 3D objects!
    182 Store every piece of furniture in your 3D printer!
    188 Sell stuff to merchants!
    190 Sit it every type of chair!
    191 Sleep in every type of bed!
    192 Open every type of door!
    193 Close every type of door!
    201 Create a suggestion for the game!
    202 Get one of your suggestions in the game!
    224 Explore the Wiki!
    225 Update the Wiki with your discoveries! ( 1nfinitezer0 )
    228 Look up some mods online and try them out! (I know this shouldn't be here, but ah well.)
    229 Make up a mod! ( SoopaDerpcat )
    230 Make friends in multiplayer! ( SoopaDerpcat )
    236 Kill someone in an unconventional way! ( dar601 )

    1000 Take Pictures of You Doing All of these Things!
    999 Do all of this again with permadeath on! ( TheFloranChef )
    998 Do all of this with friends!
    997 Attempt to do all of this with enemies!
    996 Do all of this with only one hand!
    995 Do all of this while also being colorblind!
    994 Complete this list with a character from every race! ( cooltv27 )
    993 Complete the list with a character from every race while also on permadeath! ( dar601 )

    Have ideas to add onto the list? Post them on this topic and I'll update the list with them whenever I get the chance!
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
  2. addfuture

    addfuture Void-Bound Voyager

    Im interested in super fish :) have they actually been added to the game yet?
    Relten likes this.
  3. Yubs

    Yubs Big Damn Hero

    Yup. In the Unstable Version, there are huge Fish in the ocean. This makes oceans absolutely terrifying once you know that there are things bigger than you down there.
    Banerg and SleepySquidd like this.
  4. addfuture

    addfuture Void-Bound Voyager

    oh cool. well im at end game right now and im making an underwater base (like Atlantis only better) its looking pretty good so far :)
    Banerg likes this.
  5. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Super fish?

    Just normal elite fish mobs with the red sparkles?
    HI-MAX² likes this.
  6. Guthrie28

    Guthrie28 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you for this list. I think I'll end up visiting this thread quite often.
  7. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I should add...

    1. Build the ultimate secret base;
    2. Build a complex full of traps and puzzles and throw your beeest friends in there. Let the carnage begin! :iswydt:
  8. Yubs

    Yubs Big Damn Hero

    I just call the big fish super fish. So far, I have not seen any red sparkly ones yet.
  9. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Recreate the old video game level of your choosing.

    Banerg, shannyxvx, The Squid and 20 others like this.
  10. Yubs

    Yubs Big Damn Hero

    That looks amazing! Maybe I'll put a showcase of people completing each of these goals on the main topic when enough people put in pictures!

    Update: I have separated all of the activities into different categories to make it easier for people to find things that interest them the most! I've also added a few more activities!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  11. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff


    1 Build a Village - Yep!
    3 Customize your Space Ship - Not in unstable, but in stable.
    6 Build a Castle - Yep. Unfortunately, this was destroyed by the stable patch in January 2014.
    7 Build a Dungeon (Bonus Points for Getting People to Try it!) - I did start one, but I couldn't finish it.
    8 Build a Space Elevator/Stairway to Heaven - Yep.
    13 Build a great library (with copies of all the books in the universe) - I even did two: one public library (on the right) and one archive.
    18 Celebrate the Holidays! - I did that, but don't have any screens. :(
    20 Repopulate a USCM Outpost with your own soldiers! - Started this, but was to lazy to finish it.
    21 Build an Airship! - Mine was destroyed... don't know when.
    27 Convert an entire planet to a whole city - Have a look at my main thread.
    28 Use wiring to create technological marvels - I started this, but didn't finish it because the "wiring bug" occured and I became frustrated. A LOT.
    29 Paint your everything - May you elaborate?
    30 Create Pixel Art - Uhhhh YES! Here and here. Oh, and don't forget Tiy!
    43 Build a Mansion - What kind of mansion? Venetian mansion? Tuscan mansion? Vineyard? Spanish Finca?
    50 Rebuild locations from your favorite movies - Not movies, but a certain area was heavily influenced by the Kingdom of Zeal from Chrono Trigger. However, this would be also true for the videogame achievement.
    59 Build a Stadium for NPCs to watch you play one-man sports or have a concert in - I did a stadium for duels and an opera for concerts.
    74 Set a homeworld! - You mean something like Avos, Earth etc?
    75 Create a cemetary for the clones that have died in order to get where you are today. - Already done.

    I want more achievements! Be creative! I like this thread!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    TrueEdge, HI-MAX² and TheFloranChef like this.
  12. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    flood ship with coffee
    live in coffee flooded ship
    invite friends to coffee flooded ship
    visit a friends coffee flooded ship

    build a coffee flooded castle
    live in coffee flooded castle
    and so on and so on
  13. addfuture

    addfuture Void-Bound Voyager

    im guessing you like coffee?
    HI-MAX² likes this.
  14. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Weird, I just flooded my Hylotl ship with healing water. I mean, just 1 room so far. :slowpoke:

    What about collect every decoration related to your race? I've been doing this unconsciously...
  15. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    no, coffee is just the most random liquid ive found so far
  16. B17Fortress

    B17Fortress Void-Bound Voyager

    Flood an entire planet with coffee sounds amazing :3
    New planet type : Coffee Ocean
  17. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    How about some... less conventional ones?
    --Kill yourself in the most creative way possible.
    --Build a ski slope (this is more effective with skyrail tech...)
    --Recreate the olympic games.
    --Build inside a poison ocean. Without admin mode.
    --/spawnitem gutterknife.
    --Complete the secret quest under the outpost.
    --Scan everything.
    --Change your forums avatar without gravatar.
    --Slaughter a castle to the tune of "Always look on the bright side of life".
    --Discover a treasure room/dungeon/biome, and recover the Holy Grail from it.
    --Ascend to godhood.

    --Recreate the erchius mine.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
    TheFloranChef and Beatrice like this.
  18. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    As far as I know, the treasure room was removed. The intergalactic archaeologist in me cries.
  19. HI-MAX²

    HI-MAX² Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ho... HOW?! :eek:
  20. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    :confused: Why? It was never found...

    It's not possible. That's why it's crossed out.
    Well, I say not possible, but you could just create a new account and have the old one deleted.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    HI-MAX² likes this.

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