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Pixel PokeDémons!

Discussion in 'Art' started by blind sniper, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. In the wake of Weekly Pixel-Off
    (yes, I liked the idea :alien:)

    The world has changed forever after the Gates of the Underworld were opened. Hundreds thousands of horrific creatures, spawns of darkness and madness, poured into the human world. There is no more such a thing as civilization, economy, industry, as well as kindness, trust or humanism.​
    But people survived. Driven into a dead corners, afraid of their own shadows, they languish under the feet of the new masters of this world.​
    Few, have the most black souls and perverted mind, were chosen and empowered over their brethren in exchange for their faithful service.​
    However, there were those who resisted. Reviving long forgotten and forbidden Dark Arts, some of them could, paying a terrible price, to bind their souls with the soul of a demon through the bloody ritual. This gave them a ghostly chance to win and banish the devilish hordes ... But to do this, they have a long way to go.​
    Are you a boy? Or a girl?:devil:

    There's 13 Spheres of Evil, each represents some specific aspect of the destructive force. Each daemonic being belongs to certain Sphere. It is rumored that there's some creatures having more than one Sphere. Each Sphere has its Sovereign, a mighty entity of pure Evil, which rules one of 13 Kingdoms of Terror.​
    This is the weakest, but also the most abundant genus of PokeDémons. They do not have any specific abilities and the only desire that drives them - to hurt everyone around.​
    Sovereign: Cerberus, the Three-Headed Hound.​
    Kingdom: Tartaros. This place is an boundless torture chamber filled with various instruments of excruciation and terrifying creatures and resounded by continuing cries of victims.​
    The creatures of fiery nature, hot-tempered and furious in wrath. They attack their prey mostly with fire blasts and blazing explosions.​
    Sovereign: Lucifer the Fallen One.​
    Kingdom: Gehenna, a shoreless sea of hellish fire.​
    Blood freezes in the veins of mortals at the mere sight of these spawns of cold and gloom. These wicked beings enjoy turning their victims into frozen statues.​
    Sovereign: Aphoom-Zhah, the Cold Flame.​
    Kingdom: Niflheimr, the vast field of never-melting black ice. Any warm-blooded creature having got here freezes to the state of icicle in seconds.​
    In the lightless depths of oceans, lakes and grimy swamps they lay silently. They sleep. They await. Covered with slime and scales, possessing fins, spikes and tentacles, having countless glowing eyes or totally eyeless, they are willing to wake up at the slightest sign of the warm living body has got into the water.​
    Sovereign: Dagon, Prince of the Depths.​
    Kingdom: Y'ha-nthlei, colossal sunken city at the bottom of dark surfaceless ocean; its dilapidated cyclopic buildings inhabited by terrible leviathan creatures.​
    If you think plants are nice and harmless, so your leg has never been bitten off by a humongous carnivorous flower.​
    Sovereign: Humbaba, Guardian of the Forest.​
    Kingdom: Mirkwood. It's impenetrably dark forest, stretched infinitely in all directions and full of thorny bushes, poisonous vines and predatory plants. Soil and forest litter here are replaced by the thick layer of human bones.​
    These unclean critters bear death to all living things, and grass ever grows up wherever have passed their menacing swarms.​
    Sovereign: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.​
    Kingdom: Sheol.This place really is a decaying corpse of a gargantuan monster, swarming with maggots, worms, and other scavengers. The air here is filled with inexpressible stench coupled with deafening buzz, that can drive mad any creature with nostrils and ears.​
    Poison may kill instantly, but these fiends prefer to weaken their prey and enjoy the spectacle of their slow and painful agony.​
    Sovereign: Apophis the Great Serpent.​
    Kingdom: Styx - an endless underground river flowing with amber venom. The river is teeming with poisonous creatures of all shapes and sizes.​

    Horrible bleeding sores, leaking eyeballs and rotting limbs are the least of what awaits unhappy one who closed to any of these monsters. Only one of them can devastate a populous city in a couple of days.​
    Sovereign: Nergal, the Reaper.
    Kingdom: Irkalla. This is a monstrous and grim palace, built entirely from living human bodies, fused with each other. They all relive an incomparable suffering and constantly screaming in pain and terror.

    The target of their attacks is the victim's mind. Destroying the very basis of the human personality, they are slowly sink him deeper and deeper into the abyss of desperation and madness.
    Sovereign: Cthulhu, Ruler of the Nightmares.
    Kingdom: R'lyeh.The ancient city, built by a forgotten race in prehistoric times. All buildings have a strange and unnatural architecture, looking at which a person begins to lose touch with reality. Rumored that it's possible to get into this place only in a dream, but no one had seen that dream wakes up ever.

    Most horrifying of all creations of night, these beings embody the very essence of evil. Forever living in the shadow, they hate light and aim to destroy any source of it.​
    Sovereign: Azathoth, the Blind Mindless God.​
    Kingdom: Erebus, an immeasurable labyrinth of rock tunnels, which never gets a single ray of light. Horrible eyeless monsters inhabit the eternal darkness, gnawing new tunnels in solid rock.​
    These unpredictable beings adore cruel jokes, but for some reason no one laughs at them. It is hard to laugh when your head is bitten off.​
    Sovereign: Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos.​
    Kingdom: Limbo. This is ever-changing place, and no one can say how it will appear at the next moment, but it's safe to say that you definitely do not want to spend here your vacation. Nor even your funeral.​
    All that they know to do is carving, cutting, piercing, eviscerating and tearing apart. And they enjoy it.
    Sovereign: Itzpapalotl, the Razor-Winged Butterfly.
    Kingdom: Mictlan - the highest mountain towering in the middle of the bloody lake. Its steep slopes are covered with myriads of sharpest obsidian blades. Occasionally found here trees and shrubs have metal stems and razor-acute leaves.

    This is the most powerful and also the most mysterious branch of otherworldly entities. They exist outside of space and time and rarely condescend to pay attention on the miserable mortals. However, their single glance is enough to turn your body into ashes and suck your very soul out.
    Sovereign: Yog-Sothoth the Beyond-One.​
    Kingdom: Kadath. Grand onyx castle, floating among the zero-cold vacuum. This is the only place that connects the mortal world with the Endless Void, where dwell the Great Old Ones.​

    There are several ways to create a PokeDémon. Let's see...

    1.Take a certain Pokémon and try to "demonize" it. Examples:
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]Rex Spinosus aka SpiKing
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Terror from the Deep

    2. Take a certain Demon and try to " pokémonize" it (you may use existing Pokémon sprites). Examples:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]Lalartu

    3. Make whole thing from scratch, trying to copy Pokémon-ish style.
    Think of something bad. Something ugly. Something dangerous. Something that scares you.
    Darkness and shadows. Spiders and maggots. Death and decay. Acid and poison. Fire and flames. Razors and needles. Fangs and claws.
    Try to not overthink it, however. Let it be 'themed' to the best look.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Maggot Prince

    Those methods are arranged from easiest to hardest (for me, at least).
    NOW SHOW ME YOUR WORST!!!:devil:

    P.S. Also, here's some reference sprite lists:


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Feel free to post your PokeDémons here! You may or may not give them names and descriptions. They even may be non-pixel art! (Although I hope they will be mostly pixel.)
    Gotta seal them all!:devil:
    Balmut, Miuub, Jeisas and 10 others like this.
  2. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero


    Crademon (Lame name... I know...)
    blind sniper, WoxandWarf and LukØs like this.
  3. vjoculin.png


  4. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    I bet 5 cookies that you just mashed your keyboard for a name (just like I did...)
  5. vjollcë (purple, Albanian) oculis (eye, latin) sine (without, latin)
    sinistrum (left, latin) oculis (eye, latin) sine (without, latin)
    gjak (blood, Albanian), zemer (heart, Albanian)

    I want my cookies
    Miuub, blind sniper and WoxandWarf like this.
  6. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Here you go... =,=
  7. LukØs

    LukØs Subatomic Cosmonaut

    At least I tried... :badpokerface:

    Isn't he/she/it/Eklunaut beautiful? :lolwut:
  8. I guess I'll post my Pixel-Off entry here as well:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Evil Spirit Pokemon. It is a Basic Pokemon (first evolution); Darkness type.
    Its name being "death" backwards (sort of), no pokemon stands in its way.
    Weak-hearted souls who gaze upon it tremble and faint in an instant.
    blind sniper likes this.
  9. I am a casual Pokemon fan, so I may give this a try. Either way, awesome thread :)
    blind sniper likes this.
  10. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Here's a tip for the people doing this: In Pokémon, each successive shade is slightly bluer than the previous.
    blind sniper likes this.
  11. Solum, Seajun_, WoxandWarf and 2 others like this.
  12. Here's one I made today. I experimented with dithering this time, so I hope it turned out alright:

    (Resized for viewing purposes)
    Loz, blind sniper and pigrocket like this.
  13. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    The legs are mishappen and keep in mind Pokemon have "dotted" shading.
  14. Wut? :V
    Please elaborate!
  15. Not exactly pixel art, but...:

    This was going to be my original entry for the PokeDemon contest before I decided to make something completely new up. xD
  16. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    The problem that sticks out the most is shading.
    First of all I can't tell where the light source is coming from. Sense you're doing this from a Pokemon perspective, just imagine that the sun is somewhere around the opponent HP box.

    Second, I looked up the shading technique they used to find the proper name, it's called dithering.
    For a good example look at this

    Red and blue are the only colors used but, as the red and blue squares are made smaller, the patch appears violet.
    Doing this allows you to artificially add shades to your sprite without adding more colors to the palette.

    Now about the misshapen legs, the only thing I could thin to compair it to was a buffalo.

    It's forelegs look screwed up.
    Loz, Zailiner and blind sniper like this.
  17. 1. The light source is coming from the opponent hp box (assuming Fulmeen is the opponent pokemon)
    2. I did attempt to use dithering, although I probably failed as it was my first try (as I mentioned in my post)
    3. Who said I was trying to make it realistic? [​IMG]

    Although I would appreciate any tips on how to improve! [​IMG]
  18. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    1. ... I couldn't tell, which just means it needs more work. One whole half of it is the same color.

    2. I don't like to use that technique either, it's really weird, but if you insist on making Pokemon sprites you should get comfortable with it, I like JUS which doesn't use it often.

    3. It's not about making it look realistic, it's about making it look proportionally correct, no animal should have it's front legs looking like that. Even if you're not shooting for realism you should try and always use a reference picture.
    AstroBlast likes this.
  19. Alright, if I have time tomorrow I'll attempt to fix it! [​IMG]

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