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Platinum & Diamonds!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by guardiandex, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. guardiandex

    guardiandex Orbital Explorer

    Has anyone found these yet? I have.

    No, Im not here to brag, Just here to pass on knowledge to those that dont already have it.

    you will need the following:
    1 unlocked the last starmap (obtained from 3rd boss)
    2 travel to the location: "x: 124869, y:-80191295" (lvl 40 desert)

    Note: Theres no need to get alot of platnium, just get enough to unlock durasteel (titanium + coal) which is more common, and better than platinum.
  2. Fritos

    Fritos Orbital Explorer

    Seriously, how do you kill the 3rd boss legitimately with out ability to get platinum to begin with... just use the wall method?
  3. Saiyer

    Saiyer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Platinum can be found rarely in chests, and some items can easily slay the 3rd boss. My friend killed it without boxing it in 8 hits. It takes plenty of luck to get the right weapon and enough platinum for this boss.
  4. Nearo

    Nearo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Am I the only one who found platinum prior to the 3rd boss, prior to the 2nd too in fact? I was digging around deeeep underground and /did/ find both platinum and 2 diamond ores prior to either of those bosses.
  5. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    Aside from skipping straight from durasteel to impervium thanks to a mining spree on a couple desert planets, I don't even have any use for all the hundreds of bars of metal I've found. Settling down on some quiet little planet to farm doesn't exactly seem like a retirement plan until next patch.

    After buying some decent guns at a lvl 40 air ship on Gamma Kappa Lup 950 VII, the outermost planet @ x59877546 y-70634379, there isn't much that can stand in my way, aside from my own carelessness.
    Edit: make that two airships on the same planet, plus a glitch stimpac vendor.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
    guardiandex and Nearo like this.
  6. Edelirium

    Edelirium Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I mostly just kited it around with a 30 penetration sniper rifle, using targeted blink to dodge the fireballs, while weaving in and out of a building I had found.

    (This building, in fact http://i.imgur.com/tNBTqeo.jpg)
    Nearo likes this.
  7. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Bah, all you guys running around with your Laser Cannons and Titanium Armor, making me jealous with my little Iron Bow and Silver Armor :p
  8. Nearo

    Nearo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Fly too close to the sun and your wings will melt.. aka my big ol' OP red armor guy becoming inaccessible to a bug, and the imminent wipes ahead.
    Haha, not like there's any hurry though, yeah. Though.. it was a pain to use a bow for killing, damage so mediocre compared to higher end stuff, even with highest bow tier.
    Terashi and Model QT-377665 like this.
  9. Berrypenguin

    Berrypenguin Seal Broken

    I am just wondering about you guys sharing coordinations. Is the game identical for everyone? Isn't there anything random in NPC's and ores? o-O
  10. Nearo

    Nearo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not sure how exaaactly it works, but at the very least if you have the same coordinates between worlds, planets have identical names, and buildings and other crud are the same. I wouldn't doubt ores being more randomized though, perhaps. Seems like before release all worlds were randomly generated, then following that all were made as the original generating went. Contents of chests and stuff are definitely randomized, and the chances of getting the same planet as someone else is pretty low, but.. past that.
  11. guardiandex

    guardiandex Orbital Explorer

    The way the game scales, and the way the ore distribution currently works;
    the best armor you can roughly get is "rank 13 total" (the shield number in stats.)
    rank 13 armor against a lvl 30 monster? thats a 1hit ko, so GL fighting him early without the "wall exploit"

  12. HellFireSoul

    HellFireSoul Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, the problem is that before tier 4, platinum is just WAY too rare to realistically get armor better than a 15 rating. Tiy did say that ores were being rebalanced in the next patch though, so maybe this will be fixed.
  13. linukboy

    linukboy Orbital Explorer

    Why do people give there cords like they mean anything to anyone other than themselves. the cords are not like a seed in minecraft if you go that planet you not will find the same stuff.
  14. guardiandex

    guardiandex Orbital Explorer

    idk, just figured it may help.
    I did say it was a level 40 desert, so people arent misslead.
  15. HellFireSoul

    HellFireSoul Big Damn Hero

    Actually, they are exactly like a seed in minecraft.
  16. Relleke

    Relleke Seal Broken

    The planets have like 95% the same stuff. The only real difference is what is contained in random chests, and that's about it.
    Fritos likes this.
  17. Berrypenguin

    Berrypenguin Seal Broken

    Ah boo... Then internet will be soon full of "Enter this coordinants to get super awsome mega weapon in this planet." etc.. :(
  18. cpmartins

    cpmartins Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes. You can, however, use a sure-fire way I found out about and avoid it completely. Here's what you should do: don't use them. Problem solved!
  19. Dsurion

    Dsurion Big Damn Hero

    I only started finding platinium on the tier 4 planets, but the third boss was pretty easy.
    I built a big "cage" with platforms, so just dodge the fireballs (stand on the top and drop down 1 "level"), then jump back up and start whacking him with a weapon till he attacks again.
    He was still one-shotting me, but its attack where pretty easy to avoid (since platform doesnt catch on fire).
  20. The13thclam

    The13thclam Big Damn Hero

    The trick of course being to actually survive to get that super awesome mega weapon, although I expect once they implement the ability to drop a teleportation beacon to change the insertion point it'll be less difficult. Stock up on a bunch of stuff for refining, throw it in the refineries to run, beam down to planet, go as far as possible, drop beacon, die. Rinse, repeat until vendor is found. Retrieve pixels from refinery, buy 1337 gear.
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