OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Ysbry

    Ysbry Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ulrich Duerr








    A cool-headed scout beginning to somewhat feel his age. Duerr has endured over the years; he doesn't complain much anymore when the day deals him a bad hand. Nor does he tolerate whining from others, especially his subordinates. His rough nature aside, though, Duerr is more or less a kind person. He does what he can to help out those who really need it -- probably out of empathy.




    Duerr has faced more than his fair share of danger in the past sixteen years. He left his home around his seventeenth birthday -- he'd never gotten very well along with his family, for various reasons -- to find and choose a vocation. Nothing too spectacular, of course; just a means of getting by. It only took some three-hundred miles and about a week to find himself a hunter's job in some lord's settlement somewhere. It was a pretty nice place. But, as was so common, nice didn't last. The Lord goes to war, and all his able bodies come with him. Duerr's first war. It was during the following battles that Ulrich impressed his Lord with his navigational and exploration abilities.

    [more to come]
  2. I should probably make it known that I'm not a fan or anime pictures being used as appearances, because a lot of the time the faces all look the same.

    However, if the picture in question gives a decent amount of unique detail over other faces, I'll consider it.
  3. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    I'll be in, but I want to wait a bit longer so I can have more of an idea of how to make a character that can actually fit into the world.
  4. That sounds fair. If you have any questions, just ask me.

    spam me with trivial questions gooooo
  5. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Well, really, I just need more of a feel of the world to make a character that makes sense and not one that will feel like he/she (probably she) is just thrown in there.
  6. I plan to add in more cohesive lore as I go along.
  7. I tried to
  8. Ysbry

    Ysbry Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm prepared to change it. I was lazy, so I more or less rehashed another of my characters' profiles, picture and all.
  9. That's good.
  10. im just using mine till I can get another :p in the way I want it
  11. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    I have my CS! (Totally not edited in!)

    Name: Kyran (Kyrzet) Alstone
    Age: 29
    Appearance: Kyran isn't particularly tall at 5'8", and has a light skin tone only slightly diminished by his extensive time spent outdoors. He has dark brown hair cut in an outdated (current in real life) military fashion. His eyes are a dark, emotionless green, with seemingly no depth beyond their physical surface.

    He is never seen without two things. His ornate black leather belt, and his trusty sword attached to said belt. He usually wears nicer clothes of varying (though usually "cool") colors, and refuses to wear the rags that peasants seem fine adorning themselves with. He often wears a dark grey cloak, with a hood that only covers the upper half of his empty eyes when pulled down.

    Personality: Kyrzet is a tad sadistic, and quite a bit arrogant, although he has the wisdom to know when that's best kept to himself. He has a thirst for power, yet knows better than to grab for it all at once. He is willing and able to subdue himself in order to achieve a greater goal, but won't hesitate to abandon ship, and possibly set off some metaphorical explosives, if he doesn't feel like things are going to work out. However, such restraint builds up stress in him, although his plans usually break down before it becomes a major problem, due to his constant overestimation of his own abilities.

    History: Kyrzet grew up with a would-be inventor of a father and an overly cheerful mother, which only made his already troublesome puberty more sour. He hated the name "Kyran", thinking it to be too "girly" and instead invented himself a new name. "Kyrzet". He had never shared any of his father's passion for do-dads and thingamajigs, and always took the relative conveniences for granted. Spoiled as a child, he had always felt better than the other children who didn't have water tanks in their house, and instead of unplugging a hole had to drag a bucket to the well. He never filled the water tank, either. Instead he whiled away the hours practicing with the sword he was "gifted" by a "friend" who had just received an apprenticeship to a local knight.

    As a teen, Kyrzet began to "befriend" the smart kids his age, getting them to tell him whatever he needed for his latest little scheme. Unfortunately, one day, the local authorities decided that his parents had been far too kind for far too long, and attempted to bring him before the (relatively responsible) ruler of his home city-state. The sentence was to be banishment, but Kyrzet didn't know that, and when he broke a run for it from the guards and out the city gates, he thought he had once more outsmarted the fools.

    From there he lived life as a wanderer. Taking a minor hand in a crime here, a secret society there, and the occasional plot to overthrow a monarch, though needless to say none of them ended well. But Kyrzet kept on surviving, learning to always jump ship well before the storm hit.

    Kyrzet's latest scheme involves sulking through the infamous nation of Ohlis, in an irrational attempt to find some of the fractured kingdom's rumored magics.
  12. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Oh man, so awesome.
    Character Sheet
    Name: Jack Blaze​
    Age: 22​
    (Picture and/or Description: Pictures in a spoiler, please.)​
    Personality: Jack is a man who trusts no one, and should not be trusted by anyone. He is deceitful, ruthless, untrustworthy, bloodthirsty, all the signs of a thief and an assassin. He is a master of stealth and sowing discord. However, he only fights if it is the only option, and if there are too many he will flee. He has his limits. He rarely is ever seen out in the day, and if he does, he wears any kind of normal clothing. He never reveals histrue name, using either a fake one, or his first name.​
    History: Born to a thief of the streets and a concubine, who died shortly later, he was brought up to trust no one, and to backstab whenever he could. Unfortunately for his father, this teachings only ended in Jack selling off his father to the city guard. He then left the city, now a rather rich man. He travelled a lot, never sticking to one township more than a few days. He learnt the art of perfect thievery, and he used it well. But oddly, he never killed anyone. But on one occasion, as he robbed a wealthy merchant, he was surrounded by guards from almost every town he had gone to. And it seemed that the end approached for him. But as the main guard approached with a blade, he knew he had to kill. And he did. He killed several of the guards and escaped. It dawned on him, that there was another source of income for him. And so he became an assassin as well. But soon, his name was now spreading, so he left the kingdom he had been in, and headed north. ((And in that direction, OHIO))​
  13. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    It seems we're accumulating quite a few villains here. I'm gonna have to come up with something a tad more creative for mine! :rofl:

    Also, I put my CS in my post just before this one!
  14. Mh. I'm hoping there won't be too many antiheros or 'bad guys'.

    We'll have to see what turns up.
  15. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    I edited my prior post to have my CS. Because some people might not re-read the previous message. :)
  16. k
  17. Spire

    Spire Phantasmal Quasar

    Name (Alias):
    Spire is a 5 foot 7 inches tall man with tanned skin, dark eyes, an athletic build, and wild curly hair. Always found wearing a tux and top hat. The below picture is correct, but a little bulkier, a little tanner and with wilder curly hair. Also I have a nose.
    16 - Spire.png

    Spire has a strong love for Explosives, and incedentally an explosive personality. He generally does stupid shit, even though he is insanely smart, and he is schitzophrenic, so I wouldn't trust him.
    See picture. Will be revised for world lore. (and grammar)
  18. what
    Blackleaf likes this.
  19. Eh, maybe

    I'm not feeling particularly wrathful
  20. Spire

    Spire Phantasmal Quasar

    I suppose I forgot to mention that I will make a much more detailed app when I get a better feel for the world lore. Have some faith lads.

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