Orbital Attacks (Because this hasnt been suggested before!)

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Because this suggestion wasnt made enough times, nor though of by the Developers...
    Today i present you the way I THINK they should work.

    And because im a great artist, today with... Eh... paint images (Can they really be called that?). (Mostly for concept, if any good artist likes the idea and wanna make em better i will be here... Criying about how im the best artist EVAR!

    OK, First of all, we have our ship, orbiting over that nice planet. But it is useless so far. Its an mere base, somewhere to rest and travel, but not something that will really help us in any way. And thats wrong. While i dont expect such an half-crappy ship stolen with haste from whatever chases you down to destroy half planet, it is normal to guess that they will have ATLEAST some weaponry, right?
    Perhaps not at beggining, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt be able to equip them.

    So, what im basically suggesting, is that we should be able to put weapons in the ship.

    For what, you might be asking?
    To attack the planet, of course! While that most weapons wont do an heavy damage to the terrain, they may be useful in battle, overall when fighting masses.

    But how do we aim?
    And here is where the crappy stuff (Doesnt deserve to be called images!) comes in.

    First, we have our cannons, obviously at the bottom of the ship, ready to fire. We can modify their angles and position in the bottom of the ship. This may seem an aethestic modification only, but it isnt!


    Unless you re blind or the images are even crappier than i though, you will have understood the basics. The zone marked to bombard will be the ´´Center`` and depending on the angles and position of the cannons in the ship the actual attacks will fall in different positions after it.
    To have a ´´Perfect shot`` (Basically a perpendicular shot right at the marked zone) we would need to put a cannon in the middle of the ship bottom making a 90º angle with both sides of the ship.
    When you fire the cannons, they will take a few seconds to reach the planet, meanwhile the strike locations will be marked with fool-proof red lines that mean danger!
    But, what would cost so much awesomeness?
    First, to prevent overheat on the cannons, they would have a cooldown (Dont link me to Blue Faq, i already know), which would restore instantly if you go back to the ship.
    Second: A nice quantity of Fuel, which on my opinion should be called Energy, but whatever.
    Third: Your soul! The cannons may and will damage, and even kill you, if you stand on their path. Thats the whole point of the red lines marking where the strike will happen.
    But, what kind of cannons would we have!?
    Many kinds.
    Thats all? Many kinds? What a cr...
    Well no, there would be three different kinds of cannon: Heavy, Medium and Light.
    The ship would have four Cannon slots, Light cannons occupy one slot, Medium cannons occupy two, and heavy cannons occupy four.
    There are also many different cannons, PROCEDURALLY GENERATED!
    Some examples out of my mind:
    Light: Piercing Ballistic Cannon: No epic explosions, but quite effective. Think of a sniper. Now think of it coming from right above you headed towards your head, at speeds that would make light jealous.
    Medium: Electric Beam Cannon: A surge of concentrated plasma and electricity, fired from the orbit, causing an effect similar to that of a thunder, but more powerful. The ploblem is that its also hard to control, and wont always follow the path, but rather do zigzag type moves around the zone until it hit ground.
    Heavy: Continental Burner Cannon: Not quite big as continental, but sounds good. Think of an upside down supervolcano exploding right above you in a concentrated surge of heat capable of melting down your heart a large area around the effect zone.
    But why only four-two-one cannons?
    Fear not! For thats only on the first size upgrade of the ship, each upgrade provides additional two cannon slots.
    With the third (and so far last known) upgrade you also receibe a Fighter-Bot Bay, on where you may dock an ship that you can recall to attack enemies on a specific zone for a limited amount of time. (This bot can be equipped with different weapons and may be attacked by enemies, if it takes to much damage it will go back to ship).
    I see. You speak about a bot, that isnt a cannon!
    No it isnt, i will also discuss some utilities that i may get off my mind for the ship.
    What devices?
    So far i only have through of two, apart of fighter:
    Orbital Mining Device: Occupies cannon slot and behaves similar to one, pretty much mines stuff. The pattern of mining (Wether it be random explosions, a hole that goes to unknown depths, or many more things) is procedurally generated, along with the power of the device.
    Explorer Hologram Projector: This one is used from your ship, and sends an hologram of yourself to the planet.
    You will be able to explore planet controlling the hologram, but you wont be able to use any items, and the magnetic properties most, if not all, planets posess prevent you from going past some layer of underground.
    More devices soon.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2013
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  3. w3n2u

    w3n2u Aquatic Astronaut

    the devices sound fun but how about when the weppons fire you can't aim them in the ship but while you are out exploring the planet you can place a beacon ( which could be relitivly easy to craft but still take quite abit) and then the shots are randomly fired down around the beacon??
  4. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    ... Im gonna hope that the reason you made an post so stupid is to either troll or because you are lazy and i didnt have time to make a TL;DR, i do not accept someone would make a post like that after having read the whole suggestion seriously.
  5. w3n2u

    w3n2u Aquatic Astronaut

    I read it, all of it, and granted I am ridiculously tired so i apologize if it seems "Trolly" but it really wasn't but from what i remember reading was that you didn't mention if they were fired from the ship or by a beacon (if i'm wrong i apologize again). Anything that I post I don't mean it to be taken as a troll or anything, in fact the troll posts really make me angry I don't see why we can't all just get along and accept that people make mistakes :)
    Sarzael likes this.
  6. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    You shouldnt read long suggestions being tired. Overall suggestions with such awesome crappy images.
  7. w3n2u

    w3n2u Aquatic Astronaut

    There not crappy lol better that some of the things that I could come up with when im bored at work lol :) and I know but I can't help myself. I like to try and keep on top of most of the ideas that are being suggested :)
  8. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    I guess you re a masochist if you like those images.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2013

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