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Ok, you've player multiplayer for a while, what's the most commonly played race you've noticed?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Franklin0, Dec 11, 2013.


The most commonly played race(s)?

  1. Apex

  2. Avian

  3. Floran

  4. Glitch

  5. Human

  6. Hylotl

  1. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    My server is easily 99% Glitch, it's a little depressing.
  2. Raybrandt

    Raybrandt Jackpot!

    Mostly glitch, followed by humans. It's kinda hilarious.

    I have the only Hylotl on our server, as well.
  3. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Floran, apex, or avian. I've only seen one Hylotl, very few humans. I don't know what it is with floran players but they make me very uncomfortable.
    Captainpeels146 likes this.
  4. Cayote

    Cayote Aquatic Astronaut

    Mostly human on my server actually, there are also a few apex and maybe 1 or two Glitches
  5. Franklin0

    Franklin0 Star Wrangler

    So far my theory is holding up that everyone's a robot.
    Noah10099 and Xefs like this.
  6. JAFROninjas

    JAFROninjas Aquatic Astronaut

    my first race i played was glitch but after a character wipe i tried apex and i love it
  7. Esahc_

    Esahc_ Cosmic Narwhal

    All of my friends are Glitch and I am an Avian. All of the servers I have joined I have only seen Glitch. I hate it because I cannot stand their armor. xD
  8. jambox5

    jambox5 Big Damn Hero

    played on a server with around 25~30 other people, I ran into a whopping +7 florans, 2 humans, and an Apex. so apparently my server broke the popular glitch trend
  9. JAFROninjas

    JAFROninjas Aquatic Astronaut

    it starts off cool thinking your a robot but i think your right the Armour isnt the best to look at
  10. DexterousGecko

    DexterousGecko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    and the other 20 people? ^^

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