ockpii's Starbound Analysis videos

Discussion in 'Videos' started by ockpii, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Hello, everyone!

    I probably should have done this a bit sooner, but only now has the thought come to mind. Basically, instead of posting thousands of threads each time I do an analysis video, I'll just put 'em all here!
    So, here are the threads of the first and the second analysis videos.

    And here are the videos!

    The first one, in which I discuss pretty much everything up to that point.
    The second one, in which I focus on shields and combat.
    The third one, in which I focus on the first gameplay video and some more stuff!
    The fourth one, in which I focus on the latest Wallpaper of the Week and underwater stuff!
    The fifth one, in which I talk about the first confirmed mobs in the game and analyze the latest Wallpaper of the Week!
    The sixth one, in which I take a look at the latest Wallpaper of the Week!
    The seventh one, where I talk about what the team has been working on, show you a new multiplayer screenshot and something about a Beta!
    The eighth one, in which I go through the three new biome screenshots!
    The ninth one, where I analyze the latest Wallpaper of the Month, go over a new screenshot, discuss water pressure and more!
    The tenth video (!), in which I analyze some brand new screenshots, featuring biome stuff, nighttime, and a Heinz ad!
    The eleventh one, in which I analyze the second and newest gameplay video, featuring a variety of forests + day&night!
    The twelfth one, where I go over new screenshots, prospect of pets and more stuff!
    Lucky number thirteen, in which I talk about a brand new playable race plus some new screenshots (snow included)!
    Discussing Starbound #14 is up, and in it I talk about rain, a bunch of Tiy's tweets, these screenshots and the new wallpaper!
    Discussing Starbound #15! Soundtrack, cutscenes, fishing and more!
    Discussing Starbound #16 is up! Multi-monitor support, lava + magma and more!
    New Discussing Starbound video! This time, with guests along to chat! [​IMG]
    Part 2 of this special episode! This is where we bring in the funny!
    Discussing Starbound #17! - a new gameplay video just came out! The Water Tech demo!
    Discussing Starbound #18 is up, wherein I talk about new mobs that have been spewed out by the mob generator, new mode to play in and much more!
    Discussing Starbound #19! - two new screenshots with new mobs, a gif, the release of Wanderlust and more!
    Discussing Starbound #20 is up, and for this episode I go over vanity items, a new mob and procedurally-generated weapons!
    Alrighty, #21 is up, containing mob discussion and a huge bird dungeon!
    Discussing Starbound #22 is up and running! Monkeys, Eddie Murphies and more!
    Discussing Starbound #23 should halt your motion! New mobs, Character creation and customization, the future of updating & more is what I have for you!
    New video is up, #24. This time I talk about some desert screenshots, go over the dungeon generation process and talk about a new race + character creation screen!
    Discussing Starbound #25 is now up, and I talk about more things about character customization and things!
    Discussing Starbound #26 is freshly squeezed for you! I talk about the tiny new teleportation video and a really cool screenshot filled with furniture!
    Discussing Starbound #27 is here! I talk about NPC villages, combat mechanics, gameplay videos and more!
    Discussing Starbound #28 is freshly baked. New building demo gameplay video, Tiy's 1:20h livestream, and more!
    Discussing Starbound #29 - Lightning! I go over the two new species revealed, the brand new character creation menu screenshot and the new randomly generated mob!
    Discussing Starbound #30 is up! In this video I go over the new information about the Floran race, some screenshots of their newly released furniture sets, a podcast interview, a small stream and more!
    Discussing Starbound #31 is now live! I go over two new mobs and two new screenshots - one featuring the new race, which now has a name, and one featuring a new randomization feature for the mobs -, and I quickly brush over Tiy's latest livestream and the private beta that's apparently on its way right now!
    For Discussing Starbound #32 I take a moment to relax a bit and enjoy the nice things of this place such as a brand new spanking website that Chucklefish Games now has, and I talk about the possibility of Starbound getting an Ouya release!
    The gihugic Discussing Starbound #33 is here! Armors, public Beta, cooking and eating, character creation, star navigation and much more! Wheeeeeeeowwww!.....
    Discussing Starbound #34 is up! Tons of stuff - The Glitch, Starbound Newsletter, Armor Mods, Crafting, and more!
    Discussing Starbound #35 is now live! I talk about the Starbound Roadmap, Techs, weapons and more!
    Discussing Starbound #36! - PRE-ORDERS ARE UP! GO GET IT (all of the websites might be down, so just be patient!)
    Discussing Starbound #37 is up! Today I talk about the Pre-order stretch goals, the Reddit AMA and some awesome wallpapers and mobs!
    Discussing Starbound #38! Happy Thanksgiving! Tiny extra (final) video with a possible date for the Steam beta! Enjoy and thanks for the journey! (LP to follow!):

    Tadaa :D
    Make sure to leave a comment telling me what you think, 'like' the videos and consider subscribing ;)

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  2. Big Fishy

    Big Fishy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    love ur vids, very enlightening
  3. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Thank you :D

    Also, updated the OP with a new video!
  4. MrAwesome

    MrAwesome Star Wrangler

    You are pretty good commentator.
    I like your videos, I might subscribe.
    OFFTOPIC: És português? [Are you portuguese?]
  5. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Thanks! Yes, do subscribe, yeah.
    (yep, sim senhor)
  6. Karamunin

    Karamunin Big Damn Hero

    I already have subscribed 8D I didn't know you were hanging around here on Starbound forums too. I like your videos and I look forward to seeing more Starbound related stuff from you. Keep up the good work! :up:
    FilipeJMonteiro likes this.
  7. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Updated the OP with #5 - First confirmed mobs and new Wallpaper of the Week analysis :)
    Karamunin likes this.
  8. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Updated the OP with my latest video! Enjoy! ;D

  9. I have seen all you're videos related to Starbound and may I say nice job. Ockpii here is my go to guy when I need some info on Starbound. Keep on uploading bro..:alien:
  10. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Thank you for your kind words :)
    My channel isn't Starbound-centered, though, so I encourage you (and whoever's reading) to watch my other videos as well ;)

  11. DarkMiner

    DarkMiner Tentacle Wrangler

    Very Very Nice Ockpii!, I subbed :), they are fantastic hope you keep them up :p
  12. Karamunin

    Karamunin Big Damn Hero

    At last, there be some new info about the game and a new screenshot as well... Does this call for a new Ockpii analysis video, perhaps? ;) O' lord ov octopi, wilst thou not bringeth thine videos upon thee starving Starbounders? :notworthy:
    FilipeJMonteiro likes this.
  13. Swinburn

    Swinburn Phantasmal Quasar

    Very good video! Insightful assumptions!

    Although that is not a vanity monkey hat, that is a playable race! (On Tiy's twitter he replied to someone saying monkeys would be a playable race (Or he is trolling D:))
  14. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Updated the OP with the latest and brightest info! Multiplayer! Beta?... :D


    Nope, sorry. (absolutely loved that comment) ;)

    (yes, this is a re-post, had to re-upload ;) So make sure to re-like and re-comment!)
    Pvt. Andersmith and Karamunin like this.
  15. Karamunin

    Karamunin Big Damn Hero

    Sure will! I shall re-everything, haha.

    That was a nice lil' video, Ockpii :up:. I do really hope that there will be some sort of physics engine, like the one in King Arthur's Gold, that would just be amazing. Oh, and Wulld is right btw, Roh's character is not wearing a monkey mask, she is playing a monkey race :eek:. I also recall hearing that there will be a playable lizard race, so hopefully we can get a peek on how they look sometime soon, or maybe see some of the other playable races (if there are any more).

    I'll cross my fingers for you getting to have your octopus helmet in the game still though lol. ;)
  16. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Allow me to be nit-picky for two secs. The actual spelling of the name is ockpii with no capital letters :3 /nitty

    NO, SHE'S WEARING A HELMET, SHUSH. Yeah, on my analysis video for the underwater wallpaper (#4) I also mentioned that the cycling Lizard could actually be a playable character. Who know? :p

    And here's crossing as well :up:

  17. Rian121

    Rian121 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Acording to Blue the ''monkey hat/helmet'' is really a race!
  18. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    Goddamn it!

    Rian121 likes this.
  19. Pvt. Andersmith

    Pvt. Andersmith Void-Bound Voyager

    good vids *sub*
    FilipeJMonteiro likes this.
  20. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    I had to sub, thanks for these amazing videos.
    EDIT: One of the chairs does cast a shadow on the window, the left one.
    FilipeJMonteiro likes this.

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