more mobs! (nice ones)

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by ro-borg 37, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager

    yep, mobs... plz more mobs!

    why? you ask, heres why:

    think about Minecraft:

    theres sheep for wool,
    theres a cow for mulk,
    etc, etc.

    so, why not make mobs? here are some ideas.

    Space sheep,
    dorps wool. they are light blue, and any color! you pick, tiy, but plz have light blue if you do!

    (head and legs and feet looks like a ro-bo-sheep!)

    and make shears to get one block of wool (same color), and then it will look like it haves to wool!

    Penquin fat cow, for a lot of meat, penquin meat!

    Monkey, looks like a real monkey, and dorps banana. :monkey:

    Wild Cats, find cats in the wild and tame them by giving him Cat-nip! (make new item called Cat-nip) :kitten:

    there are fish in the game, but can you make it so when you kill the fish you get Raw fish guts? you can eat them! :fishbowl:

    Items need to make for mobs:

    for Wild Cats: Cat-nip, make you have poison, but not the cat.

    for Penguin fat cow: penquin meat, that you can eat, and make you fast!

    for Space sheep: Wool (put color name here), and any color the sheep haves! + make a Iron Shear, to get the wool off the sheep.

    for Block spawners: I thing like the crafting table, but it's called the: Mob Maker! (it makes olny Block spawners!)

    for Mob Maker: Block spawner (name of the mob), and when you put it down, you cant get it back! and it spawns the mob in the game! (were the block was, in the middle is the mob!)

    and why did i put it in blocks? be-cores that besides finding them, you can spawn a block that spawns the mob!
    with the thing/things that drop from the mob, you need a item called the Mob Maker! (look up to see it)
    and look up again to see the Block spawner!

    more coming soon.

    2014 june 18.

    like it? any thing you think I should add? tell me!

    if you like the blocks, or want to just reply about them,

    like/reply here!

    if you like the mobs, then like or reply in NOW :disshappy:


    ideas form ro-borg 37 D:
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  2. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    Apex... they drop bananas and are apes, close enough.

    That aside I support cow/sheep/pig type mobs, not those specific ones but animals that fill the same role.

    Cow - Milk, Meat, Leather.
    Sheep - Wool/Silk/Cloth type material
    Pig - Many tasty meats.
  3. You want some more nice than the passive mobs we already have in the game? or types that have specific resources you can collect from them?

    It would be neat to have mob types that you could milk or shear, sounds like a lot of additional asset work though. I could see something like this happening after Starbound 1.0
  4. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    For me I'd want resource type animal and maybe farming/breeding them, not sure how they'd make it happen but I'd completely support it.

    I don't however support more pointless neutral mobs that take up space.
  5. In the mod section someone made a breedables mod actually.
  6. codebracker

    codebracker Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No offence but shouldn't this be in the NPC and mobs section?
    But while I agree that farm animals would be usefull, it would be hard to implement with the random-mobs generation.
    Unless certain "wooly" chest body parts could be sheared, some could be milked?
  7. ro-borg 37

    ro-borg 37 Void-Bound Voyager


    just for the resources, and just to make a cool farm!

    + when the C mode plant up-date comes out, you can make a zoo, and just for fun!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014

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