Monster suggestion

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by LordChickenMan, May 23, 2012.


Do you like this idea?

  1. Its really creepy and weird, I LOVE IT

  2. No i think the noises might be to creepy and ANNOYING.

  3. Ehhh..its ok...

  1. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    I like creepy stuff, so i thought of this, why not have a monster named "Wraith"? It is an unknown shadowy figure all in black, with red glowing eyes. He watches you in the corner of your screen or on the side.
    Sometimes the NPC's in the spaceship says "I heard a rumor about this shadow figure" or "I saw this scary shadow, its creeping me out" It has tons of health and its power source is ??? and very rarely it will attack you in battle and REALLY awesome music comes on, but deadly. Also it will make 3 different noises to let you know it is here and watching you. The first noise will go something like Erruaaaaaagh in a high/low pitch sound
    The second will be a hissing noise going SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...RughKA!
    The third noise comes along mostly like "URGH URGH URGH URGH" and its a very annoying monster.

    Flixfox likes this.
  2. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    Eh after seeing it once or twice people will just get annoyed by the sounds instead of being scared, then just run after and kill it every time it comes, lol. It would probably be a cool looking enemy though.
  3. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    yep i can picture it now! butthurt people everywhere!
  4. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    Although its a though enemy...
  5. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    Yeah It might make a cool little mini-boss triggered by a quest or something.
  6. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    Evil genius
  7. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    You can edit and delete posts. You know? ;)
    Anyways it would be nice to have something scary, but i dont think this.
    Chickenman likes this.
  8. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    This makes me think of post WoF Terraria... stupid wraiths...
    Chickenman likes this.
  9. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    This wraith is worse lol
  10. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    How?! That wraith ripped through your health like a boss no matter what armor you had!
    Chickenman likes this.
  11. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    This ones health is fucking higher and has more strength.
    what have i done.
    you should see the rare snake crab king i added the damage and it came up with 41000...
  12. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    You just like really nasty monsters don't you? Need a position as an genetic manipulator? I've got a spot... There are perks for working for me, me being a Dragon God of Darkness and Destruction and all...
    Chickenman likes this.
  13. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    Or a fiery flaming ball of doom that came from an unknown dimension wiping out all of the planets.
    Force2Reckon likes this.
  14. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

  15. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    i said ball of doom
  16. Flixfox

    Flixfox Big Damn Hero

    Well the noises wont get that annoying if the wraiths are really rare
    LordChickenMan likes this.
  17. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    I said very rarely it will attack you in battle

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