[MOB] Marksvine

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Seiga, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Semi-Mature Stage
    In the semi mature stage the Marksvine is finally able to defend itself. However, it is still growing, and so cannot devote as much to its fire-power than its final stage. It makes up for this reduced dakka by making every shot count with a longer 'mouth', and shoots a single, long ranged, well-aimed seed.​
    Needless to say, it is rooted into the ground and cannot move.​
    Final Stage
    A fully matured Marksvine has one job, and one job alone. And that is to spread its seed. It's therefore no surprise that when challenged it is able to spit out high velocity seeds at a rapid pace. Any seed that manages to latch onto a living thing is likely to sap its energy for a moment or so to kick-start its new life (shots have a small chance of causing health drain).​
    [More, younger stages to come soon!]​
    Bolt, Bamseper, NinjaNick and 5 others like this.
  2. Hmm, interesting.
    "Hey, wait a sec! Did that vegetable just shoot at me?!" o_O
  3. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    This plant will be perfect for shooting those pesky penguins eating all the fruit in my garden.
  4. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mobile lawn defense against zombies.
    Chittebengo likes this.
  5. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  6. Spectr

    Spectr Orbital Explorer

    genetically modified pea-shooter:laugh:
  7. Bolt

    Bolt Cosmic Narwhal

    Wow, I really like this.

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