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Server Help Linux, Starbound server performance, single thread usage.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by nuub, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. nuub

    nuub Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello everyone,
    I'm hosting starbound server on linux debian OS.
    Using htop i found that starbound using only single thread of processor.
    This leads to bad performance ;[
  2. Faded

    Faded Space Spelunker

    Sorry, I would have to agree...

    and this is why ->

    Of course, the server has not ran this bad before, not since the Angry Koala update. Server used less resources before the update..
  3. Red Siberian

    Red Siberian Void-Bound Voyager

    My server using whole cpu all the time. But it is 50+ players.
  4. Faded

    Faded Space Spelunker

    My screen shot above with the cpu running high was only with 5 players. It's worse if we are all on the same planet too..
  5. Dr Dank Phd

    Dr Dank Phd Tentacle Wrangler

    I am also having perf issues with the Linux server. It seems to be frequently maxing out one core but not really touching the other ones. Anyone have any advice for getting the game to more evenly distribute its load across my system's four cores?
  6. nuub

    nuub Intergalactic Tourist

  7. Ryan Williams

    Ryan Williams Space Hobo

    Does seem unfortunate. Got seven cores just sat feeling neglected...

    There's probably no way to make it multi-core if that's how the game is programmed. This should be taken into serious consideration by the developers, though.
  8. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    yup. they mentioned before it would use all the resources you would throw at it.
  9. Dr Dank Phd

    Dr Dank Phd Tentacle Wrangler

    Anyone find a solution for this? My perf is still suffering. Has anyone tried running it in 32 bit mode as opposed to 64 bit mode?
  10. Faded

    Faded Space Spelunker

    I don't think that would matter since it seems to be a processing issue
  11. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Erm... theirs a trick, been playing around with CentOS.
    The game is multi core optimized but the threading is done intentionally... If you really wanna trick it, go with VMware. Make sure your running a minimal processing system. Get the highest spec'd cores i'd say on the market their are overclocked http://ark.intel.com/products/63696 at 4.2 unstably done with liquid cooling.

    Get roughly 2-3 of these cores, run VMWare on a server cluster (i use vsphere). Move from their, and basically tell VMware that the system has... 1 physical cores and 2 hyper threads. Then allocate a boat load of ram, im talking like 128gb of ram to help with the memory leak issues (9x out of 10 around 2-3hours of uptime with a 20-50 login player user basis (all at same time online)) the server will regardless bog down, might top out at 60-70gb of ram consumption, oh well but the server will be the most stable system you've ever seen.

    Oh... and keep in mind your looking to trick it... Make it think all of the cores have around 62.4ghz overall (at 3.9ghz x 4 x 4) This should really help with each world having "1 core/thread" handle assigned. It will still operate the same but with more processing power behind it due to all that throttling of cpu power is done through VMware. You should see... hardcore performance tweaks. I'd say use CentOS, but i run mine through windows 2008 RC2 Data hub edition. Seems most stable for me. :/ now if only i could get a working server cluster so... say if the server craps itself it will be back up as though it never crashed... but then.. thats a roll over system not a cluster.. :/
  12. Dr Dank Phd

    Dr Dank Phd Tentacle Wrangler

    Interesting, I'll start looking into fancy virtualization tricks like yours. This doesn't feel very right as a permanent solution though as by definition the virtualization will swallow some of the performance, wont it?
  13. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    It isn't a good solution but it seems to be the most stable currently for how unsable this game is in relationship to how the worlds are limited to threads. Instead of opening many thread handles.

    I think the real limiter is not being able to directly govern "thread handles" and then from their define the total # of threads allowed, and then think of how many sub threads are open through the main thread handle. And from their determine or allocate more cpu power to more worlds that have more active players/activity in said world. This would really help out with this issue. But its really dependant on what way starbound is going with this project
  14. Vincs

    Vincs Space Hobo

    Hi !
    I'm having the same issue.
    I'm running the server on my NAS (syno ds412+ with chroot debian).
    And even when I'm alone on the server, it takes one cpu core at 100% and the other are standing by.

    Any suggestions ?

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